
Weekly Good Luck Constellation TOP3 (1227-0102)

Weekly Good Luck Constellation TOP3 (1227-0102)

Hi guys, I'm VAVA.

I have to say that last week, before and after the occurrence of the golden reverse, everyone felt the negative impact of the golden reverse to a greater or lesser extent - including the negative emotions caused by everyone's emotions, as well as the negative news about the emotional matters.

Now that a week has passed, we have reached the last week of 2021. Two days later, we will also have a seat change on the auspicious planet Jupiter. Under the influence of such energy, how will the constellations bid farewell to 2021 and welcome the arrival of 2022? Next, let's take a look at this week's horoscope~

TOP3 Libra

TOP2 Sagittarius

TOP1 Leo

Weekly Good Luck Constellation TOP3 (1227-0102)

(Ascendant constellation is dominant, supplemented by Sun constellation)


Single Aries is prone to receiving news this week that someone they like or an ex has started a new relationship. But I hope you can keep a calm mind – after all, it's yours after all; it's not yours, and we don't have to force it. When this period has passed, next year may be able to meet the true destiny of the heavenly son/daughter. As for the companion, in the second half of the week you have the opportunity to wait for the surprise that your partner will prepare for you.


Career-wise, you can begin to envision all kinds of new possibilities. If you are in the job search stage, or want to have a new transformation or breakthrough, then you can take advantage of this week, think about how you want to develop, which direction you want to develop, and then pack up your mood and plan to regain your dreams. At the dawn of 2022, we will "attack" with all our might!

Some of the Aries can look forward to it, and this week you will be appreciated by others. The other party recognizes your ability to work, and even gives you corresponding rewards, which are the results of your hard work. Keep up the good work and you'll gain more

If you're single right now, there's a good chance you'll stay the same week. But you can start with your daily life and maintain your healthy physique and habits, which will lay a solid foundation for you to find good peach blossoms in the coming year. And the company of taurus can try a different style of dressing, which may bring a different spark to your love, so that you can enjoy the unique romance of the New Year's Eve

The good news is that Taurus can finally say goodbye to all kinds of pressures before this week, and the work project that has been closed will also come to the closing stage at this time, and before the arrival of 2022, it can be settled! Many Taurus will also look back at this time and realize their rapid growth and changes in the past year.

For Taurus, this year is a fruitful year in career, if not in terms of remuneration, at least the accumulation of experience has reached a new high. As for the matter of feelings, there are already partners to enjoy well, and single people please be patient and wait for ha ~

Single Gemini will get more attention this week, and people will be interested in your unique interests and hobbies, thinking that you are a different existence. Therefore, this week is a good time for you to harvest the overtures of others. You can participate in more social activities, or share your daily life on social platforms, which will bring you a good peach blossom luck. As for those who have a partner, just enjoy the sweetness!

Career-wise, you can also have a good opportunity this week. You have the opportunity to improve your professional development skills by traveling or taking the initiative to negotiate with customers. At the same time, Jupiter's seat change also brings a wave of hope for your career achievements, public status, etc. You will find yourself in your career, effortlessly can harvest good luck, should sign a single, should be promoted and raised salary increase.

This week has been a very friendly week for you. So, whether you want to have a new breakthrough in your relationship or a new progress in your career, don't forget to seize this week's good time.

Cancers with companions should be mentally prepared, and this week you and your partner are prone to disputes, conflicts and other situations occasionally occur. If you don't want conflict to occur, it's best to leave plenty of room for each other this week to think from each other's shoes when communicating. At the same time, you are also prone to the urging of elders... As for singles, there is a high probability that they will remain the same this week.

Some matters related to joint assets or investments will be properly handled this week. It also means that you will be able to reap a fortune before the end of the year. In addition, under the influence of Jupiter's seat change, you will also have a stronger desire to learn, which is good news for the student party; for incumbents, it is also a good time to enroll in classes and enhance their competitiveness in the workplace.

Therefore, if you want to succeed in your studies and career, then this week is a good start that cannot be missed ~ some people will sign new contracts or agreements with customers this week and enter the cooperation run-in period.

In the first half of the week, your social life will be very active. So, for single people, this is a great opportunity to make new friends. Some people can attract the attention of some people in this process with their own ingenuity. The companion can also take this opportunity to introduce the partner to a friend. Starting in the second half of the week, these preparations you have done in the early stages will begin to promote the development of things, and the feelings of the companion will heat up.

Fortunately, as this year draws to a close, these tensions will be eased, and everyone will begin to move towards a common goal and let go of the so-called "private competition." This is certainly beneficial and harmless to your focused development in your career.

Some lions will also reap the good news of wealth this week, and some will be able to gain more wealth or assets by working with professional and savvy partners. It's a week of fortune 8 wrong

Whether you have a partner or not, the first half of the week is a time for you to sort out your thoughts and emotions. Only when you are in an emotional atmosphere that can feel full of security can you better harvest the love from others. In the second half of the week, you can try to open yourself up and talk to others, and you can get a lot of warmth in the process. Those who have a partner can snuggle up with their partner to enhance their feelings.

Starting this week, you can adjust your budget appropriately, mainly because you will have the opportunity to expect some kind of bonus or reward from overtime, and as a result, your disposable income will also increase. At this time, you can decorate yourself appropriately to show yourself in a better professional state. This will also bring you new business opportunities in the second half of the week. Some people will usher in new cooperation opportunities at this time.

If you want to work further with a company, someone, then this week is the time for you to take the initiative. There are also some virgins who will buy properties this week.

Single Libra will encounter a lot of peach blossom opportunities this week, especially in the first half of the week, you can easily inadvertently meet someone who is destined to have something to say to you. But of course, the key to the subsequent development of feelings depends on your own creation. As for the companion, boldly "teasing" your object may open the door to a "new world"

Career-wise, you'll have some work pressure this week, but that doesn't mean you're unlucky at work. Instead, your stress comes from just a slightly more workload. The source of the workload is because you are strong enough, so the company has high hopes for you. You'll end up doing a good job and feel more confident. Let everyone see your true strength.

Overall, your luck on all fronts this week is pretty good. I hope that you can stabilize the mentality in front of a lot of work, so that you can exert your greatest determination

In the first half of the week, Scorpio will have a bit of a "love brain" tendency, easy to get lost in the relationship, forgetting the true self. Or maybe it's because of the wrong person that you're caught up in a more negative mood. Fortunately, in the second half of the week, you will be able to adjust to your state and appear more confident and energetic. Single Scorpio can thus make a lot of friends who have committed to the contract. As for the companion, there is a high probability that they can have a sweet New Year's Eve with their partner.

At work, this week you will find that you can finally find a balance between life and career, both to take care of your work and to take care of life. All of this is mainly due to your career problems, which have been properly handled, and you yourself are becoming more and more comfortable in your work, and you have more time to think and worry about other aspects of things.

Due to the increased focus on life, many Scorpions can also receive good news from their families this week - some people can even welcome new members of the family

In the first half of the week, you were a vibrant being. Therefore, if you have a crush, then this week you will be able to "stand out" among many competitors and attract the attention of your favorite object - you may wish to do something together with your favorite ta this week ~ If you have a partner, don't forget to meet your lover and have an unforgettable cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Oh ~

This week, you have the opportunity to close your previous work project as soon as possible. If a project has been dragging on for a long time and has not been completed, then now is the time for you to take the initiative to "end" these. Plus, "dialogue" is a great tool for you to make a smooth progress in your career this week. Whether you want to collaborate further or get inspired by your career, it's easy to find the right person to talk to.

At the same time, this week is also a certain fortune for you. You have the opportunity to reap an unexpected income from your work. There are also people who can get financial support from others and get something done!

In the first half of the week, because the focus was on career goals, you didn't focus too much on emotional things. In the second half of the week, single people will have to meet people who have similar interests to you, and the other party will inexplicably attract you. And the companion can also find another common hobby with his partner at this time, which will further deepen the relationship between you.

If you're a Capricorn who sells or pays on a commission basis, you'll find yourself this week that you can easily make several times your usual orders. It also means that this week your output value is higher and your commission is higher. Other Capricorns will also have a chance to see a pay raise this week. All in all, you can usher in the good news of salary this week!

Probably because of the "more work and more" situation, this week you will be more attentive to your work and more motivated to spend time on planning your career. Then plan your work schedule for next year.

This week, you'll find that your life is a bit out of control, which is not a good time for single people to start a relationship. If you have a favorite object, it is recommended to deal with the current situation before taking further action; if you do not have a favorite object, then first maintain the status quo and wait for the other party to appear. And the partner can tell the partner about the heart, the other party may be able to give you good advice.

Whether you have been working hard this year, or have indulged in your own process in the middle, since you have come to the last week of this year, please make good use of this last week and seriously devote yourself to your work. Because, this week is also a week of easy harvest for you. Your hard work and hard work will be responded to/rewarded this week.

In addition, this week you can also be generous and reach out to others. While you help others, you will also be able to gain the opportunity to improve yourself!

If you have been in an ambiguous state with someone, then this week you will be able to see the other person's intentions for you, and then make the choice to end the ambiguity together. Some Pisces will usher in peach blossom opportunities in the workplace in activities similar to team building. If you are a Pisces with you, then this week with the help of your partner, you will be able to completely get out of a certain shadow of the past.

Pisces, who has experienced several rounds of job interviews, will revise their views on their work this week, improve their professional image, and interview their ideal job with confidence. Because of the change of ideas and image, your chances of success in the interview will also increase significantly. The working Pisces can also have a more accurate understanding of themselves this week, so they have adjusted the direction of their work efforts.

For you, clear cognition is the premise for the smooth progress of your work. Therefore, the career luck you ushered in this week also means that you will play to your strengths in your work.

The last week of 2021

May you and I all work hard

Say goodbye to this year and welcome next year!

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