
Why would the female soldiers of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom prefer to die than surrender? Because of these three things of the Qing soldiers, they did not accept their death

Why would the female soldiers of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom prefer to die than surrender? Because of these three things of the Qing soldiers, they did not accept their death

The Great Qing Dynasty was the last unified feudal dynasty in Chinese history, which flourished through the three dynasties of Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong, during which all aspects of Chinese society reached the extreme under the framework of the original system, with many reforms, extremely strong national strength, social stability, rapid economic development, rapid population growth, and vast territory. The unified multi-ethnic state was consolidated, and the rulers of the Qing Dynasty finally defined the territory of modern China and actively safeguarded the integrity of the country's territorial sovereignty.

Why would the female soldiers of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom prefer to die than surrender? Because of these three things of the Qing soldiers, they did not accept their death

However, the Qing Dynasty also pushed the feudal monopoly (- separator) system to its peak. In the middle and late period due to the political (- separator) governance rigidity? , cultural specialization (- separator) system? , closed (- separator) lock country? Factors such as ideological imprisonment and stagnation of science and technology are gradually lagging behind the West. After the Opium War (-Interval) war, it was invaded by many great powers, and its sovereignty and territory were seriously lost. The Sino-Japanese War and the invasion of the Eight-Power Alliance further deepened the national crisis. In the late Qing Dynasty, China was completely reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society.

The Western powers forced the Qing court to sign a series of unequal treaties, engaged in political (-interval) governance, and all aspects of the economy wantonly invaded (-separator) China. In order to pay the compensation and redemption fees of the Gundam War (-Interval Symbol) and make up for the financial deficit caused by the large amount of opium imports, the Qing court stepped up its tyranny and increased taxes by one to three times. There was also a large dumping of foreign industrial products, which destroyed China's urban and rural handicrafts, and the peasants and craftsmen went bankrupt. The landlord class took the opportunity to annex the land and increase exploitation. The intensification of the ethnic contradictions between the people (-separators) has promoted the intensification of class contradictions in the country, the vast number of peasants are hungry and cold, and they have risen up one after another, and in the ten years after the opium (-separator) war (-separator), the people of all nationalities spontaneously rebelled against the Qing Dynasty more than a hundred times.

Why would the female soldiers of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom prefer to die than surrender? Because of these three things of the Qing soldiers, they did not accept their death

Guangxi was a multi-ethnic area, and the Qing rulers were very harsh on the ethnic oppression and class exploitation of the vast number of ethnic minorities; Coupled with natural disasters and man-made disasters, the vast number of peasants were miserable, and the resistance and struggle rose one after another, and finally the large-scale Taiping Heavenly Kingdom peasant uprising (-separator) righteousness led by Hong Xiuquan broke out. History calls the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Revolutionary Movement, and its scale and duration are unprecedented. It nearly collapsed the Qing government, which was already in turmoil at the time. The Taiping Rebellion was the largest peasant revolution in Chinese history, which lasted for 14 years from 1851 and spread its power to 17 provinces, effectively cracking down on the feudal rule of the Qing Dynasty and foreign invasion (-separator) strategy, promoting the collapse of feudal society, stopping the process of Chinese colonization, and leaving an extremely important page in Chinese history.

At the beginning of the outbreak of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, it was not taken seriously by the Qing government, thinking that it was just the blind disturbance of the peasants in the countryside, and there would be no big chaos, and when the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom became a certain climate, the Qing government really realized that there was great trouble, which had seriously endangered the security of the Qing court, and the original army of the Qing government was vulnerable and embarrassed, and could only rely on the armies established by zeng guofan's Xiang army, Li Hongzhang's Huai army, and some other local powerful troops to join up the town (-separator) to suppress the Tianping Heavenly Kingdom revolutionary movement.

Why would the female soldiers of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom prefer to die than surrender? Because of these three things of the Qing soldiers, they did not accept their death

In the heyday of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, this regime with multiple colors of government (-separator) rule, military, and sect (-separator) religion was not only hundreds of thousands of hot-blooded men, but also had more than 100,000 female soldiers, which was the largest female military organization in the world at that time. Here it truly reflects that women can stand up to half the sky, the weakness and strength of the female soldiers of the Taiping Army, and the charm and heroism of the Taiping Revolutionary women, which are perfectly interpreted. Like men, they threw their heads and spilled their blood for the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Revolution, and they regarded death as if they were dead in the face of the vicious and brutal Qing soldiers, and they would never surrender until they fought until a single soldier, and all the female soldiers who participated in the war would fight with the Qing soldiers to the end.

Seeing this, people can't help but want to ask a suspicious point, what is it? This is to say that it is absolutely impossible not to be afraid at all when fighting the enemy, and the male soldiers still surrender when they encounter this matter, but why do these female soldiers prefer to die than fall into the hands of the Qing soldiers?

Why would the female soldiers of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom prefer to die than surrender? Because of these three things of the Qing soldiers, they did not accept their death

In fact, things are very simple, not complicated at all, most of these female soldiers are ordinary peasant women, do not have much lofty ideological consciousness, rather than die is not that they have a noble revolutionary integrity, perhaps they do not understand these things at all. But one thing they knew very well was that if these people fell alive into the hands of the Qing soldiers, it would be inhuman treatment, and it would be better to live than to die. So, what happened to the female soldiers of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom after they were captured by the Qing soldiers?

First, the captured female soldiers will be thrown into the barracks by the Qing soldiers, so that there is no need to say anything about what will happen, and it is absolutely impossible to come out intact.

Why would the female soldiers of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom prefer to die than surrender? Because of these three things of the Qing soldiers, they did not accept their death

Second, the female soldiers of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom who passed through the destruction of the barracks would be pulled out by the Qing soldiers for a parade, which was not as simple as a simple parade. They will be forced to "ride a donkey" parade, many people know here, riding a donkey is a kind of punishment for unchaste women in feudal society, so that the body parts will be directly worn out after a parade, and the blood will be dripping, and it is difficult to say whether they can survive, and few people can survive this punishment method.

Third, the Qing soldiers used beatings and intimidation and other means to transfer (- separators) to teach the captured female soldiers to become slaves, and directly sent them to the fireworks willow lane place, while enslaving and torturing, while earning money for the Qing soldiers, such a way is really impossible for female soldiers to face and accept. Therefore, whenever they fought with the Qing soldiers, the female soldiers of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom would rather choose to die in battle than fall into the hands of the Qing soldiers alive. What do you think of the story of the historical figures mentioned in this article? There are also messages to discuss and keep an eye on.

Why would the female soldiers of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom prefer to die than surrender? Because of these three things of the Qing soldiers, they did not accept their death

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