
Before the occurrence of lung cancer, the body may have 3 manifestations, need to pay attention to, do 3 things to reduce lung damage

According to relevant statistics, the number of deaths due to cancer in China is as high as about 3 million, of which the mortality rate of lung cancer is the highest, accounting for about 700,000 of them, which shows the great harm of lung cancer.

Experts believe that if lung cancer can be found at an early stage and actively treated, the patient's five-year survival rate is still relatively high, but it is regrettable that many patients do not pay attention to it when they appear uncomfortable, and feel that it is only a small problem, thus missing the discovery and treatment of the disease.

In fact, although lung cancer is terrible, there will be some warning signs in the early stage, such as the following abnormalities often appear in the body, which may be a sign of lung cancer, and must be checked in time to the hospital!

Before the occurrence of lung cancer, the body may have 3 manifestations, need to pay attention to, do 3 things to reduce lung damage

1, pestle finger

Healthy people have uniform finger thickness, but if they recently find that the shape of their fingers has changed, such as the end of the finger or toe is enlarged, the nail is bulging, like a mallet, you should pay special attention, which is likely to be a sign of lung cancer.

The lungs are the respiratory organs of the human body, once suffering from lung cancer, because the cancer cells block the airways of the lungs, affecting the exchange of gas, the ends of the limbs can not obtain sufficient blood supply, there will be clubbing fingers.

Before the occurrence of lung cancer, the body may have 3 manifestations, need to pay attention to, do 3 things to reduce lung damage

2. Cough

Cough is very common in life, pneumonia, colds, bronchitis and other causes can cause cough, but these coughs can generally be relieved quickly after taking medicine.

If the symptoms of coughing have often occurred recently, there is no significant improvement after taking the drug, and even symptoms such as blood in the sputum and hemoptysis, special attention must be paid to, which may also be a sign of lung cancer.

Before the occurrence of lung cancer, the body may have 3 manifestations, need to pay attention to, do 3 things to reduce lung damage

3. Shoulder pain

The nerves in the human lungs are closely related to the nerves at the shoulder, if you have a lung, the tumor can compress the nerves, causing radiation pain;

In addition to chest pain, the shoulder will also have obvious dull pain, tingling sensation, the appearance of this symptom, do not simply think that it is muscle strain or shoulder arthritis caused, especially if accompanied by cough, fever and other symptoms, be sure to seek medical examination in time.

Before the occurrence of lung cancer, the body may have 3 manifestations, need to pay attention to, do 3 things to reduce lung damage

How to prevent the occurrence of lung cancer in life?

1. Quit smoking

It is understood that about 90% of lung cancer patients have a history of smoking, because harmful substances such as nicotine in tobacco can cause damage to the lungs.

Life is very precious, do not affect health and even life because of a temporary enjoyment, for the sake of health, people with smoking habits should quit smoking in time and stay away from the harm of lung cancer.

Before the occurrence of lung cancer, the body may have 3 manifestations, need to pay attention to, do 3 things to reduce lung damage

2. Stay away from polluted environments

Nowadays, the problem of air pollution is very serious, especially in smog weather, the air quality is poor, in the haze weather should try to go out as little as possible, and wear a mask when going out.

In addition, there are many harmful substances in the newly renovated house, such as formaldehyde, which is also carcinogen, so the newly renovated house can not be rushed to move in, and the hood should be turned on when cooking to reduce the harm caused by the oil smoke.

Before the occurrence of lung cancer, the body may have 3 manifestations, need to pay attention to, do 3 things to reduce lung damage

3. Regular physical examination

Patients with diseases such as tuberculosis, chronic inflammation of the lung bronchi, pneumoconiosis and other diseases have a higher chance of developing lung cancer;

Therefore, if you want to prevent lung cancer, you should develop a good habit of regular physical examination, so that these diseases can be detected in time and treated in time. People with a high incidence of lung cancer should also be screened for lung cancer regularly.

Before the occurrence of lung cancer, the body may have 3 manifestations, need to pay attention to, do 3 things to reduce lung damage

Lung cancer is particularly harmful, the mortality rate is also very high, only early detection, early treatment can strive for a longer survival.

Therefore, everyone should pay more attention to their own health in life, if there is an unexplained cough, shoulder pain, chest pain, fever and other symptoms, to cause vigilance, usually also do a good job in the prevention of lung cancer, regular physical examination, as far as possible to reduce the damage to the lungs.

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