
Warcraft 3: The dragon stream that often takes away opponents can only live in memory

The Wyvern, which has high attack speed and low health and low defense, has always been a class that has been criticized by players, and was even once considered one of the most useless classes in the entire Warcraft 3. However, because the output ability of the Wyvern is indeed too strong, in the past regular games and daily matches, more or less can still see the Wyvern Flow's tactical play that is biased towards Rush. However, in today's version, the comprehensive attributes of the Wyvern Stream have not changed much, but it has become a tactic that can only appear in the player's memory and various battle videos.

Warcraft 3: The dragon stream that often takes away opponents can only live in memory

After seeing this situation, the first thought of most players may be that the flying dragon is an extremely chicken class, and there is no need to appear on the field. But if you think about it, you will find it a little difficult to understand, after all, no matter how chicken the Wyvern is, the rush effect still exceeds most tactical systems. So, what are the reasons why the Dragon Stream (or should it be called the Dragon Sea) can only exist in various game videos and player memories for most players, because most players are most impressed by this tactical idea? In the next time, let's take a closer look.

The flaw is too obvious, and to be perceived in advance is to send experience

Warcraft 3: The dragon stream that often takes away opponents can only live in memory

At the beginning of the article, it was mentioned for everyone that the Flying Dragon class itself is a class with strong output ability and very weak survivability, plus it is also a more vulnerable air unit to be targeted by opponents. In actual combat, if the beast player wants this tactic, he can only hit the opponent unprepared in the case that the opponent has not found it, and once the opponent is found out through reconnaissance or encounters with himself, whether it is a flying dragon or a flying dragon sea that comes out of the beast pen, he can only obediently become the experience baby of the opponent, and even let us directly play GG.

The frequency of appearances can be reduced for objects, and it is difficult to play an effect

Warcraft 3: The dragon stream that often takes away opponents can only live in memory

Looking at the past games, it is not difficult for us to find that the Wyvern Stream is more effective in actual combat due to its powerful output and obvious defects, and in actual combat, it will only be better when facing the UD Dog Stream, the NE Female Hunting Stream, and the Terran Mage Force. However, due to a series of reasons such as version changes and the gradual maturity of the tactical system, the dog stream and the pure mage stream of the human race have gradually withdrawn from the historical stage, the mainstream tactics of UD have become the spider stream, the human race no longer relies solely on the mage troops of the witches and wizards, the appearance rate of musketeers has been greatly improved, and the space for the play of the flying dragon stream has been compressed to the limit.

Although, in today's "Beast Spirit War", there are still many NE players who are willing to choose the female hunter stream. However, because the orc cement tower technology is advanced, the female hunter itself is also a pre-class class, and the player who chooses the female hunter stream will inevitably suppress the beast clan in the early stage of the game. If you can't directly crush the beasts, NE players will basically start the transformation of the troops. This makes it impossible for the orcs to hold out the Wyvern during the stage of the crazy suppression of NE, and when there is a chance to hold out the Wyvern, AC, fawn and even woodpecker have long been waiting for themselves.

The orcs have new output capabilities and don't have to worry about the lack of output

Warcraft 3: The dragon stream that often takes away opponents can only live in memory

As we all know, in many versions in the past, the situation of "Beast Spirit War" is basically a game between the beast clan and NE blowing wind. The main reason for this situation is that the output ability of the orc troops at that time was not ideal, the core output point was always on the hero, ne as long as the raptor druid's blowing skill was limited to the beast hero, he could slowly accumulate advantages. And now, with the headhunter changed to a normal output unit (range increase), the electric shield gameplay gradually improved and a series of reasons, the orcs no longer have to worry about the lack of output of the troops, naturally do not have to consider whether to choose the flying dragon stream to let go every time.

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