
The 104-year-old veteran did not close his eyes for 9 days and nights during the War of Resistance, and said on CCTV: He did not regret being a soldier for the motherland

In 1916, Xu Shijisheng was born in a small market town in Rizhao, Shandong Province. Because his parents left early, he and his two brothers depended on each other for their lives. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the economy of the hometown was destroyed and life was very difficult.

Twenty-four-year-old Xu Shiji and his twelve-year-old brother Xu Shilian joined the Eighth Route Army.

Xu Shiji was incorporated into the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army, he and his brother

He participated in many major battles, including the Battle of Jiazishan and the Battle of Gezhuang Caogou. Countless times to defend the country to forget death, charged forward. In 1942, Xu Shiji was unfortunately deafened by artillery fire during the Battle of Koshiyama.

The 104-year-old veteran did not close his eyes for 9 days and nights during the War of Resistance, and said on CCTV: He did not regret being a soldier for the motherland

Two years later,

Xu Shiji again

I fell ill because of malnutrition.

Xu Shiji did not dare to drag his comrades down, and could only retreat from the battlefield.

After Xu Shiji was discharged from the army, his younger brother Xu Shilian remained in the army.

In 1950, he participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and finally

Sacrificed for the motherland in the Korean battlefield.

Seventy-five years after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan,

Xu Shiji, 104, is still alive.

He often smiled and squinted to tell the villagers about the past of the battle

。 His grandson recorded the stories he told as videos, posted them online, and since then people have affectionately called him "Internet celebrity veteran".

First, to defend the country, can you still be reluctant?

Xu Shiji is an old man who loves to tell stories, and his grandson said that in the past, the old man talked about the experience of fighting Japanese people, and everyone had heard it. Later, when I got a mobile phone, I recorded the story he told and wanted to make a souvenir.

The 104-year-old veteran did not close his eyes for 9 days and nights during the War of Resistance, and said on CCTV: He did not regret being a soldier for the motherland

Later, there was the network, and there was a video platform. He felt that such stories were not interesting to listen to by himself, and posting them on the Internet was of educational significance to today's young people. At first, I didn't think that I could "red", but I didn't expect that it would really be red all of a sudden.

Grandpa Xu Shiji, all of a sudden, has more than 300,000 fans, and he also got a nickname called "Internet celebrity veteran". CCTV asked Xu Shiji to appear on the talk show. The host asked him: If the Japanese come back, will you still choose to go to the battlefield?

Xu Shiji couldn't hear it, and the others put it in his ear and asked again.

Xu Shiji said decisively: The Japanese are gone!

Then the host asked him: Are you happy or regret taking your three younger brothers with you as a soldier to fight devils? Xu Shiji looked at the other party a little surprised and said: "Happy!" You became a soldier for the motherland, can you still regret it?

In the eyes of an older generation like Xu Shiji,

Defending the country is a matter of course.

The 104-year-old veteran did not close his eyes for 9 days and nights during the War of Resistance, and said on CCTV: He did not regret being a soldier for the motherland

When the Japanese burned and looted, and did nothing wrong, Xu Shiji pulled his brother who was not an adult and wanted to fight the Japanese. There were many troops in Shandong at that time, and he found out that the Eighth Route Army was the best for the common people, so he must join the Eighth Route Army.

Once, when Xu Shiji was chatting with his grandson, he said: Look at today, how good the days are, there is bread to eat. We didn't have enough to eat and didn't get warm. Just thinking about driving away the Japanese, you can live such a good life.

In August 1942, at the Battle of Jiazishan, the Eighth Route Army was besieged in the mountains. Xu Shiji and his comrades-in-arms could not close their eyes for nine days and nine nights, and could only nibble on one burnt cake a day. It was in that battle that he was shocked by artillery fire and became half deaf in both ears. Three consecutive battles, the last lasting into the winter. The snow was knee-deep, and the Eighth Route Army was all barefoot.

When Dongbu was recaptured, only one battalion survived less than one company. In the class he was in, he was the only one who survived.

When Xu Shiji said this, his high-pitched tone suddenly turned low, and tears appeared in his eyes.

The 104-year-old veteran did not close his eyes for 9 days and nights during the War of Resistance, and said on CCTV: He did not regret being a soldier for the motherland

The Eighth Route Army was slightly wounded and could not reach the line of fire,

Xu Shiji, who had no bright ears, persisted in the army for two more years until he later fell ill, so he had to retire and return to his hometown.

Later, his


His younger brother Xu Shilian went to Kang Da, and later died on the Korean battlefield.

Between Xu Shiji's words, he carefully stacked his "veteran's card" and his brother's "death notice".

"No guns, only grenades, no strength to throw"

Among the many videos of elder Xu Shiji, the one with the highest click rate is one of his videos that mentions grenades. Many "military fans" asked the old man about the combat equipment of the Eighth Route Army at that time

Xu Shiji said that the equipment of the Eighth Route Army was very poor, and it basically relied on "seizure."

It is to win the battle and "take" it from the hands of the enemy.

The 104-year-old veteran did not close his eyes for 9 days and nights during the War of Resistance, and said on CCTV: He did not regret being a soldier for the motherland

When he first joined the army, the troops also gave him a gun. Only then did he learn to pull the big bolt, and without other training, he directly pulled it up to fight.

Later, it was fought

The bullets ran out, only the grenades. His grandson asked him: Did you throw the grenade far away?

Xu Shiji shook his head, raised his thin arms, pointed to the ditch in front of his yard and said: Just throw it so far in the ditch,

Throw it away wow!

I had been lying there from morning to night, and my whole body was stiff.

So the time they fight is generally chosen at night. It's all about fighting with your life. Later, when they won the battle, they had a lot of miscellaneous guns, including German, Soviet, Polish, and all kinds.

The most pleasing thing for the old man is when he gets the booty. On one occasion, the troops won a major victory in the battle against the Japanese, grabbing a large number of shells and steel cannons, as well as a small car and a large number of tea leaves and cans.

The 104-year-old veteran did not close his eyes for 9 days and nights during the War of Resistance, and said on CCTV: He did not regret being a soldier for the motherland

Almost all the things that were snatched up by the Japanese in the subset of Juxian stores in those years were snatched back.

The troops kept the equipment, tea leaves, cans, all distributed to the local people.

The old man himself did not eat anything, but he was always happy to mention it.

The old man also liked to talk about some interesting things in the war, such as once they captured a regiment of Japanese.

The Eighth Route Army didn't want to give preferential treatment to the captives, so they didn't mistreat the devils.

During the break, the superiors gathered all the soldiers on both sides to compete and sing.

The Japanese soldiers applauded "Welcome to the Four Groups to Sing," and they began to sing. When it was the turn of the Japanese soldiers to sing, Xu Shiji's comrades-in-arms smiled and said, "Welcome to huang jun singing." As a result, the Japanese soldiers have been singing "rammed rammer",

Everyone doesn't understand.

The 104-year-old veteran did not close his eyes for 9 days and nights during the War of Resistance, and said on CCTV: He did not regret being a soldier for the motherland

Xu Shiji ran to ask the translator what they were singing.

The translator said: The Japanese are no longer able to do it, they are learning to call a donkey. This can spoil Xu Shijile, he said: The Japanese can't fight wars, and singing has lost to us.


Recently, I have read many stories about the veterans of the War of Resistance, and each time I have been deeply moved. However, after watching the video of the elderly Xu Shiji, he smiled very happily.

Some people see the old man's cheerful appearance every day, and can't help but ask: When you fight, do people die a lot? The old man narrowed his eyes, patted his thigh, and said: This can still not kill people?

War is no joke, and to fight a war is to bleed to death. At that time,

Xu Shiji's comrades-in-arms and his brother both died on the battlefield. Many times when the warrior dies, he will dig a pit and find a place to bury it. People who died during the retreat, exposed corpses in the wilderness are normal.

Mention these past events, can the old man not be sad in his heart? It's just that

Boys have tears and do not flick, and to be a soldier for the motherland should be happy.

Moreover, later we still won the war, because we won the war, and we had a good day today.

Xu Shiji, a veteran, had the privilege of witnessing China's painful past and witnessing China's glory today. He is happy for what his country has achieved today.

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