
Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro debuts 120W surging second charge! Small flagship full upgrade or face price increases?

Keke comments: The self-developed chips of domestic brands have been launched one after another, and I feel that starting from small chips, the strategy of steady and steady fighting is still quite good.

The warm-up of the Xiaomi Mi 12 series can be said to be round after round, and such a high-intensity warm-up should continue until the release. After announcing the major upgrades to size and screen. On December 24, Xiaomi also promoted the charging of the new flagship, and the charging of the Xiaomi 12 series had a new breakthrough.

Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro debuts 120W surging second charge! Small flagship full upgrade or face price increases?

Xiaomi officially announced that Xiaomi 12 Pro will be the first to carry the surging P1 self-developed charging chip, it is reported that the surging P1 by the four major R & D centers to work together after 18 months to build, costing more than 100 million. Thanks to the addition of the surging P1, the Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro can realize a 120W single-cell charging scheme, which Xiaomi also directly calls - 120W surging second charge. Compared with dual cells, a single cell can increase the capacity by 4% at the same volume and reduce the waste of power caused by conversion efficiency.

Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro debuts 120W surging second charge! Small flagship full upgrade or face price increases?

At the same time, Xiaomi has also redesigned the entire charging architecture, compared to the traditional 5-charge pump complex structure, 120W surging second charge only needs two surging P1 to complete the work, the input of the mobile phone's high-voltage power, more funny into a large current that can be directly charged to the battery.

Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro debuts 120W surging second charge! Small flagship full upgrade or face price increases?

The Surging P1 also supports 1:1, 2:1 and 4:1 conversion modes, and finally implements six variable voltage modes. There are better plays in bright screen charging, compatibility, and reverse charging. Under the change of the surging P1 and the entire charging architecture, the temperature control during charging will be better, the full power operation can be maintained for a long time, and the single battery can make the fuselage thinner and lighter.

Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro debuts 120W surging second charge! Small flagship full upgrade or face price increases?

The Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro will eventually support wired 120W surging second charge, 50W wireless second charge and 10W wireless reverse charging. In addition, Xiaomi also announced the "Glory of the King" game performance of Xiaomi 12 Pro, the average frame rate of the game in 30 minutes is 119.9 frames, and the maximum temperature is 43.5 ° C, which feels acceptable.

Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro debuts 120W surging second charge! Small flagship full upgrade or face price increases?

As for the Xiaomi Mi 12, the official rendering has been exposed, and from the rendering, the rear lens group will change, compared to the previous generation, I think it is better. A 50-megapixel outsole main camera with two secondary cameras. In terms of color matching, it is expected to be blue and gray of AG frosted and green of plain leather. Xiaomi Mi 12 has been upgraded on a number of occasions, and the rumored screen is 12bit, which is exclusively customized by Huaxing Optoelectronics.

Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro debuts 120W surging second charge! Small flagship full upgrade or face price increases?

In the detailed long article of Xiaomi executives, it is mentioned that the cost of motherboards and devices has increased by 25%; the cost of batteries has risen by 14%; the cost of large-area ultra-thin VC has increased by 22%; and the cost of symmetrical stereo speakers has increased by 31%. So if you calculate it, Xiaomi Mi 12 will definitely face a price increase (exposure shows 3699 yuan)? Are these hints smoke bombs? Or "first or later" marketing? We might as well wait for December 28th for Ray to reveal the answer.

Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro debuts 120W surging second charge! Small flagship full upgrade or face price increases?

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