
A picture to understand the | at home to fight the epidemic, how to protect children's vision?

In order to cooperate with the prevention and control of the epidemic

Xi'an implements closed management

Those little babies who are in a period of agitation

In the short term, I can no longer play freely in the park

Stay-at-home days are inevitable

It has always been with TVs, computers, tablets, etc

Electronics are in close contact

Will my child's vision be affected?

One picture to read

Eye care for 0-6 year olds

A picture to understand the | at home to fight the epidemic, how to protect children's vision?
A picture to understand the | at home to fight the epidemic, how to protect children's vision?
A picture to understand the | at home to fight the epidemic, how to protect children's vision?
A picture to understand the | at home to fight the epidemic, how to protect children's vision?

Source: Department of Women and Children of the National Health Commission

Review: Wang Lan

Editor: Wang Xiaoli

Copyright (public medical education, author's ownership, reproduction, reproduction or use for commercial purposes is not prohibited)

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