
Tesla responded to the Jiangsu Liyang vehicle crash incident: it was not a test drive in the store, and there was no staff on the car

On December 24, according to the Beijing Youth Daily, netizens in Liyang, Jiangsu Province, released a video saying that at noon that day, a black car suddenly broke through the railing of the bridge and fell into the river when passing the bridge in Liyang Qinghong.

In response to the accident, Tesla officially responded to Tencent Automobile that the vehicle was not a Tesla store test drive, but a vehicle purchased by the owner. There were also no Tesla staff in the car.

Tesla responded to the Jiangsu Liyang vehicle crash incident: it was not a test drive in the store, and there was no staff on the car

According to the Beijing Youth Daily, the accident handling squadron of the traffic police brigade of the Liyang Municipal Public Security Bureau intervened in the handling. (Text/Tencent Auto Auton)

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