
The country was massacred by the Japanese army during World War II, and after the war, japan was refused to surrender, killing nearly 200,000 Japanese troops

Japan has always had ambitions for our country since the Qing Dynasty, but our country has not been strong, not only has it not become strong, but it is even in a situation of civil war, and Japan has seen the opportunity to invade us when there are many contradictions within our country. In a short time, it occupied the entire northeast region.

The country was massacred by the Japanese army during World War II, and after the war, japan was refused to surrender, killing nearly 200,000 Japanese troops

Later, when Japan saw that it had occupied the northeast so quickly, its self-confidence exploded, and it dared to attack China in an all-round way. Although in the early stages, the Japanese army did rely on equipment and the military quality of soldiers to gain a lot of advantages. Much of the north was occupied, while much of the south was occupied.

However, with Japan's national strength, this is also the limit, in the face of such a wide China, the Japanese army has become a thin pie. There was always no way to face the nationalist army in Sichuan, after all, it could not organize a large number of troops to attack. Even if there were no foreign countries participating in the war, we could defeat the Japanese army just by relying on our country, but it would take a little longer.

The country was massacred by the Japanese army during World War II, and after the war, japan was refused to surrender, killing nearly 200,000 Japanese troops

Later, after Japan attacked the United States, the time for Japan's demise was greatly shortened. The navy was completely lost, the homeland was bombed, and finally surrendered under the threat of atomic bombs. However, when Japan surrendered, there was one country that refused to accept Japan's surrender and insisted on continuing to be at war with Japan, and that country was Australia.

At that time, the Japanese army was in the Pacific, and after attacking the United States, it wanted to attack Australia, but many of the islands were in the hands of the country, and the Japanese directly slaughtered the local residents after occupying these areas. Many Australian people lost their lives as a result, and the soldiers who were captured suffered even worse.

The country was massacred by the Japanese army during World War II, and after the war, japan was refused to surrender, killing nearly 200,000 Japanese troops

Many soldiers needed to travel far away to have prisons after being captured, but the Japanese hated that this was too troublesome. Halfway down the road, the prisoners were tied to trees and then competed in various competitions, some to see who was more accurate. Some are used to practice bayonets. Many soldiers were killed under all kinds of toys.

Later, when Japan surrendered, Australia knew that if it accepted Japan's surrender, the two countries would not be in a state of war, so that they could not avenge the Japanese army. So they directly refused the surrender of the Japanese army, and even sent troops to continue to attack the Japanese army that had actually surrendered.

The country was massacred by the Japanese army during World War II, and after the war, japan was refused to surrender, killing nearly 200,000 Japanese troops

It was only under the influence of the United States that it did not continue to attack, but Australia was not reconciled, knowing that Japan had surrendered and it was not good to do other large-scale manipulations. Therefore, all 170,000 Japanese prisoners were directly eliminated, and later the Japanese sent people to ask for people. Naturally, Australia can't come up with people, and even says with a straight face what you can do with me. Japan also has no way to stop itself.

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