
Cherish every encounter and possession in life (Part 1)

Every encounter and possession in life is precious and worthy of being cherished. This issue of "Crystal Composition" takes "cherishing" as the theme, some of the young authors lament the rush of primary school time, friendship is precious, and grain is not easy to come by; some call for saving water and cherishing every drop of water; some write a moving story with grandpa, saying "We can't let time stop, but we can take a warm boat and cherish every scenery along the way"... It's moving. Let's take a look at the young authors' perceptions of cherishing.

Good time in elementary school

Cherish every encounter and possession in life (Part 1)

Ma Yueyang 丨 Futian District Baihua Primary School Class 4 (4).

There are both things we like and things we cherish in the world. And I, now cherish the most is the elementary school time, because the primary school time is so beautiful and short.

The time with the teachers is short-lived. When I first started the first grade, I didn't think that elementary school was short, on the contrary, I thought that elementary school would be very long. However, at the end of the third grade, we suddenly changed the homeroom teacher, and I had always thought that she would teach us for six years, and I was wrong. At the same time, I also found that the fourth grade not only changed a class teacher, but also meant that my elementary school time had passed halfway through, and I vaguely understood to cherish the time of elementary school...

The time spent with my classmates was short-lived. Everyone must have felt that they and their classmates spent the longest time in school. My feelings are different, because also in the third grade, Xiao Jia in our class transferred and left Shenzhen. I reminisced about the bits and pieces of our time with him in the past, and in the depths of my mind, I repeated the pictures we read in class and the scenes of running in physical education class. These memories appeared and intertwined in my heart, and I deeply understood that I should cherish my elementary school time.

In the fourth grade, we welcomed a new homeroom teacher, Mr. Feng, such a talented and good teacher, who could only teach us for three years. And everyone in our class can only play with each other for another three years. Thinking like this, it seems that every day is counting down, so I made up my mind that I will cherish these three years, and the teachings of the teachers and the good time with the students are deeply rooted in my heart.

Students, cherish your elementary school days! Unconsciously, it has gone more than halfway through, so we must remember the past time and cherish the future time!

Teacher reviews

The little author must be a child who loves life very much, in her pen, time has become so precious, many delicate feelings have been captured by her in the pen, making people resonate with it.

Futian District Baihua Primary School Class IV (4) Chinese Teacher Feng Wenzheng

Please cherish the crystal clear water

Cherish every encounter and possession in life (Part 1)

Wu Ruoxi 丨 Shenzhen Pengxing Experimental School Class IV (4).

Hello everyone, I am a crystal water droplet, I think you must be very familiar with me. I am a good companion everywhere in your life. We can make your bodies cleaner, help you quench your thirst, and enrich your crops... Thank me very much!

At one point, I turned into water vapor and traveled around the world. I came to a restaurant and saw a little boy eating fried chicken with his hands, and in a few moments his little hands became oily. He was going to wash his hands, and I followed him to the sink. Next, he turned on the faucet, and I saw many of my brothers carefully washing his hands. Then the little boy began to foam. No, he forgot one thing – turn off the faucet! The other siblings continued to flow down the tap, and the little boy, as if he hadn't seen it, still hummed a little song and beat his foam. He didn't hear the faucet crying.

I thought: We (water) work hard to help you wash your hands, but you still waste clean water, can you not make me sad? I quickly withdrew and left the restaurant.

I flew again and came to an older sister's house. She was washing vegetables with water, and I came up to her and watched her wash the dishes. After a while, she finished washing, took the basin of water, and went into the bathroom. Oh, she's not going to pour out the water, is she? So clean water, you can do a lot of things! I closed my eyes nervously. My sister took a mop out, and I quietly opened a slit and found that she was mopping the floor with the water for washing vegetables, and I happily turned in circles. After mopping the floor, my sister flushed the basin of water into the toilet, and I gave her a thumbs up. Now I really want to dance a dance and sing a song to express my joy.

We little droplets are sometimes very naughty and have done some wrong things, but more often than not, we will do good things. Long drought and sweet rain are the desires of people's hearts. When we hear the peasant uncle happily praising us for being "timely rain", we can't mention how happy we are.

That's who we are — water, sometimes it comes here, sometimes it flies there, sometimes it disappears. The news I want to tell you is that there are fewer and fewer freshwater lakes in the world, and some of our brothers and sisters are slowly disappearing, and I hope that everyone will save water and cherish every drop of water. Let the nectar nourish your life forever.

The young author's conception is unique, in the genre of fairy tales, the first-person perspective to write about the journey of the water, to see two scenes, to express their emotions, waste of water is sad, cherish water is comforting. Finally, we call on everyone to cherish the water that is commonplace. The language is vivid and lively, which shows the author's solid basic skills.

Pengxing Experimental School Class IV (4) Chinese Teacher Xie Weihong


Cherish every encounter and possession in life (Part 1)

Zhou Zibing Shenzhen Guiyuan Middle School Junior Third (4) Class

The night had just engulfed the last wisp of blue in the sky, and as the stars flickered, I sat down next to my grandfather with a creaky old bamboo chair. Cicadas lay on the trees, chanting hymns of summer nights one after another, with some wrinkled fingers pointing at the stars in the sky, as if counting who was absent today, like a strict ruler.

When I was a child, whenever I couldn't find my grandfather, my family would tell me that he was in the mahjong hall, and I stood next to the wooden door rail of the mahjong hall that had long been painted, and what I captured was always his hands on the mahjong table: sometimes the general of the autumn soldiers on the battlefield crossed every card with his hand, and sometimes the politician who pointed out the country and the mountains and waved the country to examine his great achievements, but I could not understand his happiness in galloping the "frontier", and when I was young, I always dragged him away, relying on him to take me to a rocking car, and he only smiled helplessly. Say hello to his old guys and lead me outside. We walked slowly through every bumpy cobblestone road, the afternoon sun falling overhead through the leaves, and a moment ago the hands that had shown their heroic posture on the battlefield like soldiers suddenly became a reassuring little umbrella, always sheltering me below, and the sunlight only hit the warm jade hands.

As the years passed, the morning sun sprinkled on the kitchen cutting board through the window, it was Grandpa who was "opening a small stove" for me, I held the back of the chair and sat quietly and watched: Grandpa's hands stirred the eggs in the porcelain bowl without hesitation, the sun suddenly turned in a direction, impartially hit Grandpa's body, the light reflected no longer the general who used to gallop "frontier", but an old man who conquered the kitchen - Grandpa's back, which was as tall as a pine tree, seemed to bow his head to time, and his gray hair also prevailed. Scrambling to get ahead, and the years were like a sharp knife, heavily scratching the innumerable openings in Grandpa's hand, I stared at Grandpa's hand, and the wrinkled hand and the smooth porcelain bowl seemed out of place. Grandpa was already old in the years I was growing up.

The interlaced singing of cicadas did not disturb the silence of the countryside, and under the night sky sat the grandsons and grandchildren laughing and counting the stars. "Ice, where have I counted?" Grandpa smiled sheepishly. "113!" I patiently answered the same question he had asked a few minutes ago. His wrinkled hands were pointing in the air, and I seemed to see time flying by grandpa's hand. I smiled and counted the stars with him, the warmth that had never been bound by the darkened sky, and filled the sky with the evening breeze.

I thought maybe I shouldn't be so greedy, no one can close the floodgates of time and let time stop, but we can take a warm boat and cherish every scenery along the way.

Wang Guozhen once wrote: "Let me thank you, when I came to you, I originally wanted to harvest a spring breeze, but you gave me the whole spring." The little author wrote with delicate brushstrokes that Grandpa's infinite love for "me", if Grandpa is a "general", then "I" is the general of the general. Touchingly, this love has also received a response, and as the years go by, "I" have learned to cherish my grandfather's growing old time and use companionship to give companionship. The structure of the article is also ingenious, echoing from beginning to end, interpolating memories.

Peng Jia, Chinese teacher in the third (4th) class of Guiyuan Middle School

Coordinator: Jing Bao reporter Wang Wenli

Finishing: Crystal News reporter Gu Rong Wu Jiali Provided by the interviewee

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