
Asian refugees "defect" get a new life! Transformed into a governor, the Western countries look embarrassed

Speaking of Chinese, we've been hearing too much negative news lately, and in the international arena, the term seems to have been put on a bad hat. But then again, there are really many positive figures in history, such as the Chinese I want to introduce today, who was once a refugee, but by his own beliefs, he changed the history of a country.

Asian refugees "defect" get a new life! Transformed into a governor, the Western countries look embarrassed

The name of this Chinese is Lai Wen Xiao, according to the data, he was the first Chinese governor of Australia, which is also the first Chinese in Australian history to "make a splash". Many people see his beautiful scenery, but the hardships behind him are not known. Li Wenxiao's previous identity was only a refugee, his biggest goal in this life is to live, and a happy life is a luxury for him. Since his birth, all his loved ones have been killed in the war and every day he lives with guns. He wanted to change his fate by reading, but at the time he was not taken seriously, and his country did not know whether he could survive or not.

Asian refugees "defect" get a new life! Transformed into a governor, the Western countries look embarrassed

In such a hopeless day, Li Wenxiao made an important decision, that is, to escape! This decision was not something that everyone dared to make, because at the time, running away meant betrayal and would be beaten to death. But Li Wenxiao had no other choice in order to live with his family. His teammates began to die under the machine guns, he narrowly escaped, the ship drifted at sea for a long time, and just when everyone was losing hope, suddenly someone found them. It was the Australians who helped them, and in this way, they were rescued. Australians showed them unimaginable enthusiasm, and in a sense, they became the first Chinese in Australia.

Asian refugees "defect" get a new life! Transformed into a governor, the Western countries look embarrassed

He worked as a worker, began to study hard, and also obtained the relevant certificates, and it was because of his hard work that he began to make a name for himself in Australia. His status has also slowly changed from the chairman of the committee to the Governor-General of South Australia, which is also the first Asian Governor-General in Australian history, and you can imagine how proud he is. From a refugee to a governor-general, he has gone through 41 years, and through his own efforts, he has also won glory for Asians, and it is not easy to have such a status in Western countries. Li Wenxiao has also expressed his gratitude to Australia many times, he believes that the country is very inclusive, and it is inseparable from his support to have today and the country. Until now, he is still working hard for the diversification of Australia, and the influence of Asians has become increasingly large, which is the credit of Lai Wenxiao.

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