
Tomato scrambled eggs so much petite?! #巨下饭的家常菜 #

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Tomato scrambled eggs so much petite?! #巨下饭的家常菜 #

Eggs can be eaten as meat tomato scrambled eggs How fragrant is it? Share my favorite tomato scrambled egg recipe

By a guy who doesn't cook properly


2 tomatoes

2 eggs

Green green half a root

Salt 2 teaspoons

Sugar to taste

3 cloves of garlic

2 scoops of soy sauce

3 scoops of starch

Paprika to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Tomato scrambled eggs so much petite?! #巨下饭的家常菜 #

1, the ingredients of the group photo (this tomato is relatively large, the average size needs two)

Tomato scrambled eggs so much petite?! #巨下饭的家常菜 #

2, beat the eggs well, put a pinch of salt, cut the tomatoes into oblique pieces, cut the knife a little faster, so that the tomatoes do not feel that they are cut, they will not juice (bushi)

Tomato scrambled eggs so much petite?! #巨下饭的家常菜 #

3, put more oil in the pot, medium-low heat, wait for the small foam to float With a small spoon, slide the egg liquid into the pot The pulled out egg liquid will be silky curled

Tomato scrambled eggs so much petite?! #巨下饭的家常菜 #

4, the action requirements are relatively fast, otherwise it is easy to appear first slide into the egg heat and wait for the old all slides out with a colander filter oil

Tomato scrambled eggs so much petite?! #巨下饭的家常菜 #

5, the egg effect is like the picture above shown in the egg after this step The taste and taste are a little like shredded meat, the flavor is more intense than the tender scrambled eggs Prepare three cloves of garlic cut garlic Prepare starch water (two spoons of starch and 70 ml of water stir well)

Tomato scrambled eggs so much petite?! #巨下饭的家常菜 #

6: Cut the garlic into minced garlic In a pot, put a small amount of oil and heat it, and then quickly stir-fry the minced garlic

Tomato scrambled eggs so much petite?! #巨下饭的家常菜 #

7: Add the tomatoes and stir-fry a few times

Tomato scrambled eggs so much petite?! #巨下饭的家常菜 #

8, add the prepared eggs, put in the appropriate amount of salt, sugar, pour one or two spoonfuls of soy sauce on the side of the pot, turn the heat on high and stir-fry a few times to get out of the pot, put in the adjusted starch water to burn the juice transparent and viscous

Tomato scrambled eggs so much petite?! #巨下饭的家常菜 #

9. Sprinkle with paprika and shredded green onions and put on a table to eat!

Tomato scrambled eggs so much petite?! #巨下饭的家常菜 #

10, everyone's mind has a favorite tomato scrambled egg (no one is better, do what you like) This practice pays attention to the rich salty flavor Of eggs taste and texture very similar to shredded meat Wrapped in tomato juice water, bibimbap and noodles are a must! The disadvantage is that the oil is large, and there is no single protruding sour or sweet taste, and it is not suitable for friends who like to eat soft and tender eggs

Tomato scrambled eggs so much petite?! #巨下饭的家常菜 #

11, dinner is it! Simple and convenient to relieve the next meal Do not eat three or two meals are sorry for themselves haha

Tomato scrambled eggs so much petite?! #巨下饭的家常菜 #

12, Tips The taste of shredded meat comes from fried eggs that are fried into silk, and that step must not save fuel, oil can be filtered out later


The last time I made this dish, the eggs were a little older, and at the end of the meal, my friend found out that the egg was not shredded meat Hahahahaha

<h2>Dietary contraindications to tomatoes</h2>

Cucumber, sweet potato, carrot, crab, shiitake mushroom

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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