
Dare to provoke the Taiwan issue? Russian media: The mainland "took off its gloves" and was no longer polite to fight back

author:Strong Martial Arts

In the Western Middle Ages, gloves were a symbol of knighthood, and taking off gloves meant taking the initiative to fight.

Recently, British scholar Tom Foddy published an article in the Russian media entitled "Attention! China takes off its gloves, no longer polite" article has aroused widespread concern from the outside world. The article points out that although in the face of provocations by Western countries on the Taiwan issue, Chinese mainland high probability that military action will not be taken to counteract. However, the mainland has attacked in multiple dimensions at the economic, diplomatic, and military levels, and has effectively punished the "anti-China" forces.

In addition, Tom Foday also pointed out in the article that the West is trying to take advantage of the weakness of the Taiwan issue to deliberately create a dilemma for the Chinese mainland, with the intention of forcing the Chinese mainland to choose between compromise and concession and "military reunification" . Obviously, if Chinese mainland continues to adopt a defensive strategy, the West will be more unscrupulous in the bottom line of the Chinese mainland. And if Chinese mainland if the Western Way implements "armed reunification" against Taiwan, this means that while Chinese mainland loses the initiative in the game with the West, it will also fall into a passive situation of "siege" on all sides in the international situation.

Dare to provoke the Taiwan issue? Russian media: The mainland "took off its gloves" and was no longer polite to fight back

In this regard, the Russian media said in the report that the United States has played the "Taiwan card" to the extreme, and the use of the Taiwan issue to contain China's ulterior motives is also very straightforward. At the same time, the Russian media believe that in the settlement of the Taiwan issue, the Chinese side has shown a counterattack that is no longer polite.

Economically, the mainland has struck a blow at the Taiwan Far East Group, the financial leader behind "Taiwan independence." As for Lithuania, which does not heed advice and insists on creating "one China, one Taiwan" in the international community, Chinese mainland is no longer soft. The Chinese side first removed Lithuania from the customs system, resulting in Lithuanian goods being unable to clear customs smoothly and remaining in the port.

Dare to provoke the Taiwan issue? Russian media: The mainland "took off its gloves" and was no longer polite to fight back

Subsequently, many multinational companies, including German car companies, received a request from the Chinese side to choose between Lithuania and the Chinese market. This means that as many as 2700 enterprises will choose between giving up cooperation with Lithuanian enterprises and abandoning China's prospects for the vast market, and it is clear that most enterprises have chosen to cancel cooperation with Lithuanian enterprises, which will undoubtedly give the Lithuanian economy a heavy blow, and Lithuania will eventually pay the price for its provocative behavior on the Taiwan issue.

Dare to provoke the Taiwan issue? Russian media: The mainland "took off its gloves" and was no longer polite to fight back

Diplomatically, just as the Taiwan authorities were gleefully participating in the so-called "Global Democracy Summit" led by the United States, Nicaragua announced the cancellation of the so-called "diplomatic relations" with Taiwan and the resumption of diplomatic relations with the Chinese mainland. It is foreseeable that "zero diplomatic relations" is just around the corner.

Militarily, in November, the PLA military plane realized the cruise plan of full-time punching the "airspace" of The Island of Taitai. At the same time, the PLA Type 075 amphibious assault ship, known as the "small aircraft carrier", has also appeared at the Eastern Theater Naval Base a few days ago, and it is expected that it will be deployed in the Eastern Theater in the future. This means that as the main theater of operations in the direction of the Taiwan Strait, the combat effectiveness of the Eastern Theater will be greatly enhanced.

Dare to provoke the Taiwan issue? Russian media: The mainland "took off its gloves" and was no longer polite to fight back

It can be said that in the face of the situation in which the United States and other Western countries are constantly expanding their international space for "Taiwan independence" and provoking the mainland, Chinese mainland have carried out precision strikes against the "anti-China" forces in multiple dimensions. This means that China's counterattack will become more diversified and will be tougher, tough enough to make the enemy's heart ache.

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