
Pingyao beef is the first to promote "custom production" where each piece of beef can be traced

author:Shanxi News Network
Pingyao beef is the first to promote "custom production" where each piece of beef can be traced
Pingyao beef is the first to promote "custom production" where each piece of beef can be traced

A mobile phone, a two-dimensional code, you can see the past and present life of a piece of beef. Doesn't that sound bizarre? However, with the Pingyao Beef Group in Shanxi Province launching "customized beef" in the province, this strange-sounding thing has been realized by "Guanyun people". The question of whether beef, which was previously criticized by consumers, is "fresh" will be solved from the root cause through the launch of this service.

Behind Shanxi's "golden signboard" is the guarantee of quality and quality

At the beginning of 2019, Shanxi Pingyao Beef Group Co., Ltd., one of the benchmark enterprises in Shanxi, announced that the "customized cattle" of the Guanyun brand officially entered the market. Compared with the common meat product traceability system in the industry, Guanyun's "customized cattle" has realized the traceability service of the full link information of beef products, so that each piece of meat has a "root" to find.

Zhao Yiliang, general manager of Pingyao Beef Group, said that through this system, every piece of beef purchased by consumers can be directly traced back to breeding, processing, warehousing and distribution information. At the same time, the industry also regards the customized production and sales of beef, as well as the full chain traceability system behind it, as the key to breaking the situation in the fresh industry in the next stage.

According to relevant statistics, with the improvement of people's living standards, people's requirements for the quality of material life are also increasing, cattle, sheep and poultry meat as a relatively high-grade meat products, the proportion of consumption has risen from 15% in the mid-1980s to the current 35%. Among them, beef has increased significantly in terms of consumer choice.

At the same time, the overall supply of the beef market is in short supply, in order to make up for the supply gap, China's beef supply has been increasing imports, imports from Brazil, Australia and other places "breaking records" year by year.

Despite the surge in demand, the Shanxi beef industry is still in the initial stage of the market, and many companies are still using price means to seize the market.

Zhao Yiliang and the "Guanyun people" saw this, and after careful consideration, they believed that quality determined everything, and the price war was never a long-term solution. As the leader of Shanxi beef, Guanyun hopes to create product differentiation, enhance the reputation of high-end consumption, and achieve "survival of the fittest" through the quality of products and brand quality, so that when people buy "Guanyun" products, they are more likely to enjoy the quality assurance and quality enjoyment brought by this "golden signboard" of Shanxi.

In this way, the "customized cattle" service of Pingyao Beef Group in Shanxi Province came into being.

Bathing the cows, serving them... Custom cattle are so "high-end"

What is a "custom cow"?

To put it simply, it is to realize the private customization of products and the differentiation of high-end products through the first full-link traceability system in Shanxi Province. Specially responsible, set up exclusive files, bathe the cows, give the cows a massage... These are the high-end embodiments of "custom cattle".

Click on the official website to place an order to start, and the customer enters the "private customization" series of services. "Guanyun" selection of high-quality self-breeding beef cattle is the first step to enter the differentiation of high-end products. Next, "Guanyun" will complete the second step of high-end product differentiation through the implementation of careful breeding, fine diet, precision feeding, fine management, special shed feeding, special person responsible, scientific standardized standardized breeding, fixed-point slaughtering, quarantine inspection, scientific acid drainage, fine segmentation and other measures. The third step is to rely on the advantages of the industrial chain to develop high-end customized frozen, chilled, cooked products, cattle by-products and other diversified beef products. After the whole process, a perfect risk protection mechanism and a flexible business model have been formed, and high-end customization has been truly realized with a perfect service concept.

Why is it said that "custom cattle" is very high-end?

Every cow here will be raised by a special person, raised in a special shed, and establish an independent file. In layman's terms, every cow has a detached villa, has its own "housekeeper" to serve all day, and has its own file to record its own life every day. Even the feed eaten every day is an exclusive feed that has been scientifically and rationally studied by experts. By bathing the cows every day, massaging, playing light music, etc., as well as planting trees and flowers for the residence, the cattle are created to create a relaxed and pleasant growth environment. Feces and urine are carried out by Nissan Nissin by special personnel to maintain cleanliness and hygiene.

At the same time, customized cattle will be regularly immunized, dewormed and health care related measures, and the fixed breeder can inquire about the breeding situation at any time.

After entering the production link, after 72 hours of fine cutting of acid discharge, customizers will get 100 kilograms of frozen and cold fresh meat in 10 parts, and 50 kilograms of fine processing and custom-packaged Pingyao beef.

This series of special services is destined to reveal the word high-end from birth to factory of each piece of cattle.

Industry change is only one step ahead of the curve

As early as 2016, Shanxi Province issued and implemented the "Implementation Plan for Accelerating the Construction of an Important Product Traceability System in Shanxi Province", which clearly pointed out that around food, drugs, special equipment and other products that have a major impact on the safety of people's lives and property and public safety, Shanxi Province should accelerate the construction of an important product traceability system covering the whole province, so as to achieve traceable sources, traceable destinations, and accountability, and better meet the needs of the people's lives and economic and social development.

Zhao Yiliang said that the purpose of traceability is to quickly find problems and solve problems. Traceability is divided into two lines, one is the tracking from raw materials to products, one is from the traceability of products to raw materials, and the information traceability realizes that the whole industry chain can be queried throughout the process, thus protecting the rights and interests of consumers.

The customized cattle service launched by "Guanyun" is a bold attempt. Establish family pastures, customize exclusive cattle production, professionally customize cowsheds, and wear cattle herd logos, through special feeding, care and participation of the whole people in raising cattle, observing changes in cattle, understanding the knowledge of cattle, refining raw and cooked cooking instructions, etc., from a cow growing to slaughtering and eating, the whole traceability process is open and transparent. From production to marketing is a new challenge for the fresh industry, an upgrade of industry development standards, and an attempt to revitalize Shanxi's animal husbandry economy.

"With the maturity of the Internet generation, the post-80s and post-90s have gradually become mainstream consumers." Zhao Yiliang said that unlike the traditional offline physical store sales method, the new generation of consumers pay more attention to quality and consumer experience. The proportion of beef sold through e-commerce platforms is increasing, and independent high-quality beef brand enterprises are actively expanding market sales channels, improving brand marketing capabilities, and making every effort to build a new business model of "online + offline".

Constrained by land prices and feed costs, the development of domestic animal husbandry has its limitations, and the number of beef cattle stocks has also shown a downward trend. China's cattle are mostly scattered from one household to another, and it is difficult to standardize the free range of households, the quality of beef is unstable, and the source of cattle is different, resulting in great differences.

The supply of domestic beef, the quality of domestic beef supply, and the demand for national consumption are all calling for the improvement of the traceability mechanism of the whole industrial chain such as the scale, standardization and safety of the beef cattle market.

At present, Shanxi cattle industry is in a good time for change, Guanyun through the customization of cattle series, not only to create a full-link information traceability system, but more importantly to adapt to the upcoming new retail era of cattle industry.

For the evaluation of customized cattle, Zhao Yiliang said that the industry change is imminent, and Guanyun is only one step ahead.

(Editor-in-charge: Ma Yunmei)

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