
Folk tale - Pingyao beef

author:Lee Lee said something

In China, the cow is a symbol of hard work, is the spirit of hard work, hard-working, without modern technology, cattle played an indispensable and important role in agricultural civilization. With the development of the times, the progress of science and technology, cattle in farming is gradually replaced by machines, but also gradually known as people on the table of food, for the choice of food, cattle are also divided into different varieties, what dishes to choose to match the beef, we common potato stew beef brisket, sauce beef, air-dried beef, stir-fried beef, etc., eat a variety of ways, but the most delicious and the most famous is Pingyao beef.

Folk tale - Pingyao beef

Pingyao beef, dating back to the Han Dynasty, has been known to the world, until now, has a history of nearly 500 years, not only in China best-selling, but also the market has expanded to Singapore, Indonesia, Mongolia and other countries. Pingyao County, belonging to the Jinzhong region of Shanxi Province, not only has a suitable climate, but also fertile water and grass, under the farthest natural conditions, pingyao county's animal husbandry is quite developed, providing suitable growth conditions for the growth and reproduction of Pingyao cattle. Raw and raised Pingyao cattle, delicious meat, not only high protein content, but also very low fat content, through the comprehensive inheritance of the traditional practice of the old brand to process beef, and the selection of materials is very exquisite, the beef produced, not only the meat is tender, fragrant, but also fat but not greasy, thin and not chai, rich in nutrition, but also has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach.

Folk tale - Pingyao beef

Speaking of the origin of Pingyao beef, there is a classic little story behind it. As early as the streets of the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, beef shops can be seen everywhere, there are records that Pingyao beef began to process as early as the Ming Dynasty, during the Daoguang years, Lei Jinming opened a "new Shenglei" special number in Wenmiao Street, through continuous exploration and improvement of the process, the later beef, the appearance is not only ruddy in color, but also does not bite self-transformation, at that time it was famous far and wide, through the Jinshang ticket number throughout the country, Pingyao beef is also famous.

Folk tale - Pingyao beef

After the Eight-Nation Alliance invaded Beijing, Ci Xie and his party fled to Pingyao, after eating Pingyao beef, even boasted that it was delicious, and asked local officials to provide it every year, so pingyao's beef processing industry flourished and developed, in 1956, at the national famous food exhibition, Pingyao beef showed its limelight and was identified as a national famous product, since then, Pingyao beef has also begun to move towards the national market, into thousands of households, and the processing of Pingyao beef has gradually changed from the initial handicraft workshop to mechanization, scale, In the direction of branding, in 1990, hundreds of enterprises had satisfied the processing of pingyao beef trademarks, but due to the backward preservation technology at that time, most of them were only produced in winter, and the output and sales volume were still very low.

Folk tale - Pingyao beef

Pingyao beef has a long history, invented in the Han Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty is famous, and the Qing Dynasty is more famous. During the reign of the Jiaqing Emperor, he also gave Pingyao beef the name "The Best in the World". At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Pingyao beef entered cities across the country under the leadership of merchants, and also reached the heyday of Pingyao beef development history.

Folk tale - Pingyao beef

"Boss, come to two pounds of Pingyao beef"

"Good objective, two pounds of beef will come right away"

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