
High school beef sellers, cutting leeks to make hundreds of millions, fled to the United States to live in a mansion and drive a luxury car

author:The big rivers and lakes solve the situation

In the currency circle, there is no shortage of stories of di si counterattack and the realization of wealth freedom.

Guo Hongcai, known in the coin circle as "Second Master Bao", is a beef seller who graduated from high school. Selling beef sold bottlenecks, and by chance, he came into contact with Bitcoin.

Since then, Guo Hongcai has been in the coin circle, incarnated as "Second Master Bao", and is active in the coin circle.

In just 4 years, Guo Hongcai has changed from an obscure dick to a big coffee in the currency circle "Second Master Bao". He held a large amount of bitcoin in one hand, stood for ICO on the other, harvested a large number of leeks, and earned hundreds of millions of dollars.

In 2017, China strengthened regulations, characterizing ICOs as illegal fundraising and banning ICOs. Guo Hongcai was moved by the wind and moved his family to the United States. In the United States, he lived in a mansion, drove a luxury car, and lived a life that he could not have imagined a few years ago.

So, how did Guo Hongcai come into contact with Bitcoin? And how to change your life through Bitcoin?

High school beef sellers, cutting leeks to make hundreds of millions, fled to the United States to live in a mansion and drive a luxury car

In 1985, Guo Hongcai was born in the small town of Pingyao, Shanxi, and his nickname was Erbao.

Guo Hongcai's grandfather was a small businessman, and his father was also a small businessman. When Guo Hongcai's father first came out of society, his grandfather gave his father a sum of money and let him go on his own and do whatever he wanted.

The Guo family's business atmosphere began to be passed down very early.

When he was a child, Guo Hongcai did not love to learn very much, although his brain was smart, he had no intention of learning, and his grades were not very good.

In the 2003 college entrance examination, he only scored more than 300 points, and he was not admitted to the university.

Like his grandfather, his father gave Guo Hongcai 10,000 yuan and asked him to go to Beijing for a walk.

Although Guo Hongcai's achievements are not impressive, his courage is quite large, and his thinking is also very curious. In order to continue to get the influence of the university, he went to Tsinghua University alone, where he audited for free for three years.

At Tsinghua University, he not only studied, but also tossed every day how to make money to support himself.

He took the money given by his father, bought a second-hand laptop, and often watched American dramas online to learn English. He felt that these American dramas could make money, so he carved them into discs and sold them for money.

He also did a lot of business, doing whatever he could make money with.

These small businesses did not bring him much gain, and many of them ended in vain.

In 2006, 21-year-old Guo Hongcai was tired of the small business. He made the bold decision that he was going to ride his bike across the country.

He first flew to Shanghai, then rode his bicycle all the way back to Beijing.

When he returned, he felt that he was not addicted, so he rode the Sichuan-Tibet line alone again.

High school beef sellers, cutting leeks to make hundreds of millions, fled to the United States to live in a mansion and drive a luxury car

Guo Hongcai

One day, in Sichuan, the exhausted Guo Hongcai met a young and beautiful little girl.

Guo Hongcai, who has not seen a woman for more than ten days, even if he sees a sow, he feels very kind, not to mention seeing a white-skinned and beautiful Sichuan girl.

Therefore, Guo Hongcai boldly talked.

The woman, Named Jin Yangyang, was a student at Sichuan Agricultural University who was also riding a bicycle to participate in activities organized by the school.

High school beef sellers, cutting leeks to make hundreds of millions, fled to the United States to live in a mansion and drive a luxury car

Jin Yangyang

Jin Yangyang saw Guo Hongcai walking alone on the Sichuan-Tibet line, and felt that this person had quite courage, and under Guo Hongcai's repeated requests, the two sides exchanged mobile phone numbers.

When they were about to break up, Guo Hongcai half-jokingly said that he was going to Ya'an to find her.

Guo Hongcai did not know at that time that the woman he had a crush on would be the noble person in his life and a woman who would change his destiny.

High school beef sellers, cutting leeks to make hundreds of millions, fled to the United States to live in a mansion and drive a luxury car

Guo Hongcai has always been obsessed with Jin Yangyang, and the thought makes him desperate, so he goes directly to Jin Yangyang's hometown of Mianyang, Sichuan.

Seeing Jin Yangyang's parents, Guo Hongcai directly reported to his home, saying that he was Jin Yangyang's boyfriend.

Jin Yangyang was also stunned at that time, and did not refute it, tacitly acknowledging. In this way, Guo Hongcai took down Jin Yangyang.

I have to admire Guo Hongcai, always off the usual path, even the operation of the sister, is so windy.

In 2008, after graduating from Jin Yangyang University, Guo Hongcai turned her to Shanghai, and the two prepared to start a business together.

At that time, opening an online store was still an outlet.

Guo Hongcai's hometown in Pingyao, the most famous is beef, he is thinking about how to take the beef from his hometown to sell online.

As a result, the two registered the Tmall mall, which was the earliest batch of settled merchants.

With the dividends of the early Tmall Mall, the two sold beef with great success. The two made some money, but Guo Hongcai was born dashing and free, first buying an off-road vehicle and then an extended version of the Great Wall.

With money and a car, the couple took the children, drove the car, and traveled around the country.

As the Tmall store dividend gradually disappears, selling beef and Shaanxi specialties online is not so profitable.

Guo Hongcai felt that his career had encountered a bottleneck, and he also saw a life that he could see at a glance; so he wanted to change himself and change his way of life.

In 2013, Guo Hongcai dragged his family and returned to Beijing. At that time, Guo Hongcai had been participating in training, hoping to find a way to make a breakthrough in e-commerce.

Jin Yangyang first came to Beijing, his life is not familiar, and he likes to wander around when he is idle, hoping to find some ways to start a business.

Once, Jin Yangyang came to the garage coffee, which is a platform for entrepreneurs to gather and communicate. At that time, there was a man named Li Xiaolai who preached bitcoin and blockchain in the garage coffee.

High school beef sellers, cutting leeks to make hundreds of millions, fled to the United States to live in a mansion and drive a luxury car

Lee laughed

Jin Yangyang was fascinated when he heard it, and immediately took out hundreds of thousands of dollars and bought hundreds of bitcoins. At that time, the price of a bitcoin was about 500 yuan.

At first, Jin Yangyang did not tell Guo Hongcai about this, but the price of Bitcoin rose to 600 yuan.

People are like this, they don't want to say when they lose money, and when they make money, they can't help but want to say; Jin Yangyang didn't hold back and told Guo Hongcai about spending more than 100,000 yuan to buy bitcoin.

Guo Hongcai was not lightly frightened, believing that Jin Yangyang had participated in a pyramid scheme and had been deceived. He told Jin Yangyang to sell the bitcoin immediately, but Jin Yangyang did not do it.

In desperation, Guo Hongcai followed Jin Yangyang to the garage coffee and got acquainted with Li Xiaolai.

Who knew that Li Xiaolai's brainwashing ability was too strong, and it didn't take much effort, Guo Hongcai was completely brainwashed by Li Xiaolai.

Guo Hongcai Mao Sai opened, he no longer wants to sell any beef, bitcoin is his future. So he quit his job selling beef, but he didn't have a job either, but just threw himself into Bitcoin.

High school beef sellers, cutting leeks to make hundreds of millions, fled to the United States to live in a mansion and drive a luxury car

Just contact bitcoin, Guo Hongcai made a desperate bet, asked friends and relatives to borrow a lot of money, and all stud bought bitcoin.

At the end of 2013, Guo Hongcai also did a video program of "Second Master Bao Teaches You to Play Bitcoin by Hand", officially walking the coin circle under the name of "Second Master Bao".

Under the guidance of Guo Hongcai, Jin Yangyang also made a program "Yangyang Interview", which was dedicated to interviewing people who were active in the currency circle at that time.

In this way, Li Lin of Huobi Network, Xu Xingxing of OKEx, and Wu Jihan of Bitmain were all met in this way.

However, like many novices who have just entered the coin circle, they have not yet made much money, and Guo Hongcai soon faced huge losses.

In 2014, there was a runaway incident on the Mentougou exchange that shocked the coin circle, and the price of bitcoin collapsed, ushering in a bear market. As the price of the coin plummeted, Guo Hongcai watched the market value of the account shrink every day, and a lot of money was borrowed, which put him under great pressure.

At that time, many mining machine manufacturers' mining machines could not be sold at all, and they had to use them to mine themselves.

Bitmain's Wu Jihan had a mine in Shenzhen's manhole, but at that time he used industrial electricity, and the electricity bill was 9 cents per kilowatt-hour.

With the financial support of several friends, Guo Hongcai ran to Inner Mongolia in 2015 and established a bitcoin mining farm.

Electricity there is cheap, only 3 cents per kilowatt-hour of electricity, and the cool climate, which just solves the problem of large heat generation of Bitcoin mining machines.

At that time, Guo Hongcai's mine was able to produce 500 bitcoins per day. However, the electricity bill of the mine is more than 500,000 yuan a day, according to the price of the currency at that time, after the mined coins are sold, it is just enough to pay the electricity bill.

At this time, Guo Hong realized that only when the price of Bitcoin rises, he can really make money.

In order for the price of Bitcoin to rise, it is necessary to let more people know about Bitcoin and let more people reach a consensus.

After several twists and turns, Guo Hong sold the mine to Bitmain.

In order to expand his influence, Guo Hongcai bought BTC123, the largest Bitcoin information website in China at the cost of 5,000 bitcoins.

Then, together with Jin Yangyang, he drove his domestic stretch car, opened a bitcoin china trip, and went to all parts of the country to conduct bitcoin evangelism.

In 2015, Guo Hongcai gave a speech across the country, but the market was sluggish at the time, and not many people attended such gatherings. Therefore, the name of "Second Master Bao" is actually not loud.

What really made "Second Master Bao" famous was in 2016.

That year, the Davos Economic Forum invited Guo Hongcai, who was invited as a mine owner.

At that time, Guo Hongcai did not know much about what specifications Davos was, thinking that it was a few brothers bragging.

He didn't think much of it, and went with his shorts and slippers.

Who knew that when they arrived at the venue, because they were dressed too casually, they were stopped by the security guards and were not allowed to enter.

Under the coordination of the organizers, Guo Hongcai entered the venue.

During the meeting, in front of a group of financial people in suits and shoes, Guo Hongcai used the English he had taught himself to talk about. He even said that Bitcoin's market capitalization would exceed the GDP of all countries.

High school beef sellers, cutting leeks to make hundreds of millions, fled to the United States to live in a mansion and drive a luxury car

Guo Hongcai attended the Davos Forum

The financial people present all thought that Guo Hongcai was crazy, and there was only one person on the scene who knew bitcoin and felt that he had a reason.

This time participating in the Davos Forum, Guo Hongcai successfully went out of the circle and completely fired. "Second Master Bao" has also become a big man in the currency circle from an unknown person.

The coin circle is a vanity fair, and when the name comes, the profit follows. At this time, Guo Hongcai, only the name has not yet made a lot of money. The following year was the year that Guo Hongcai turned over, and in just one year, he earned money that others could not earn in their lives.

High school beef sellers, cutting leeks to make hundreds of millions, fled to the United States to live in a mansion and drive a luxury car

People will be difficult for a while, but not for a lifetime. The years when Guo Hongcai was trapped were indeed quite difficult. Bitcoin China also made him owe a lot of debt.

In 2017, Guo Hongcai survived the Bitcoin bull market. As the price of the coin rose, he sold some bitcoins to pay off his previous deficit.

As Bitcoin's money-making effect becomes stronger and stronger, more and more new leeks join the army of speculators.

At the same time, the Ethereum smart contract continues to improve, lowering the threshold for project parties to issue air coins to a very low level. That year became the first year of the altcoin ICO, and various air coins ran rampant.

Many project parties, project white papers are bought from Taobao, and if they are changed, they will issue coins to circle money.

In order to attract leeks to come in and take over the plate, the project side needs to find some big coffee in the coin circle to come to the platform, and Guo Hongcai, who has a large number of fans, has naturally become the object of the project party's hunting.

At the beginning, Guo Hongcai was also a visitor who did not refuse, clearly and really priced, and a project on the platform would charge 1% of the platform fee.

In just three months, Guo Hongcai has stood more than 30 projects, with a market value of at least 400 million. Many projects, Guo Hongcai himself can not understand, he does not invest himself.

As long as the project side pays the platform fee, he spares no effort to promote it.

A large number of new leeks are flocking madly, and those air coin projects, just a few days after they are launched, often usher in a ten-fold eight-fold increase.

When the leeks take over, the project side will sell at a high level, so that the price of air coins will plummet.

In this way, the money in the hands of leeks entered the hands of the project party that issued air coins, as well as Guo Hongcai on the platform.

As ICOs become more and more popular in China, project parties wantonly harvest leeks and run away from time to time, which may threaten the security of the financial system.

On September 4, 2017, the central bank and seven departments issued a document to comprehensively stop ICOs, characterizing ICOs as illegal fundraising and operating cryptocurrency exchanges as illegal acts.

Guo Hongcai, who has been immersed in the currency circle for 4 years, has a strong policy sensitivity. The day before, he was still standing for the ICO project, and the next day, he organized the "ICO Popularization of Law and China Tour". Its purpose is to respond to the call of the state and implement the circular of the seven ministries and commissions.

High school beef sellers, cutting leeks to make hundreds of millions, fled to the United States to live in a mansion and drive a luxury car

Guo Hongcai, who harvested a large number of leeks through the platform ICO project, seems to have a little bit of a heart at this time.

At this time, Guo Hongcai, the bitcoins he held in his hands and the wealth obtained by the platform, could not spend them all in his lifetime. So he found a way back for himself and quietly ran to the United States.

In January 2018, Guo Hongcai first positioned himself in the United States and sent out a Weibo post. This means that he has moved his family to the United States.

In March of that year, he spent more than 30 million yuan to buy a 100-acre villa estate in Silicon Valley, USA. The mansion sits deep in the forest on the outskirts of the town of Los Gattus, a place with affluence in the top 33 in the United States.

High school beef sellers, cutting leeks to make hundreds of millions, fled to the United States to live in a mansion and drive a luxury car

Guo Hongcai's mansion

In addition, Guo Hongcai also bought a Rolls-Royce for himself and Jin Yangyang. One of them is white and the other is a Rolls-Royce classic.

Guo Hongcai lived a rich life in the United States, shooting some videos from time to time and sending them back to China. Most of the content of the video is to point out the country to the fans, analyze the market and major events in the currency circle. At the same time, don't forget to show off his luxury car mansion.

High school beef sellers, cutting leeks to make hundreds of millions, fled to the United States to live in a mansion and drive a luxury car

Guo Hongcai opened a small corner in his mansion, where he planted green leeks. He also hung a sign of "Leek Manor" at the entrance of the manor.

Whenever the leeks grow happily, Guo Hongcai will take the sickle and run to the manor to cut a stubble. Then take it back to the kitchen and eat it with scrambled eggs.

The wealth that Guo Hongcai now has comes from the leeks who trusted him and the receivers who believed in Bitcoin.

High school beef sellers, cutting leeks to make hundreds of millions, fled to the United States to live in a mansion and drive a luxury car

Guo Hongcai's leek estate

Guo Hongcai loves money, and he never shyes away from this. He was tired of selling beef at that time, and entered the coin circle, and it was Li Xiaolai who planted a dream of wealth freedom for him.

However, most people's dream of wealth freedom cannot be realized, and Guo Hong has realized it. Guo Hongcai's path to wealth and freedom is achieved by harvesting leeks that share his dreams.

When the cut leeks scold Guo Hongcai, should they also reflect on why a high school beef seller can achieve wealth freedom?

In fact, the high school beef seller is just a coin circle of Guo Hongcai, and he can realize his dreams because he is also outstanding.

After graduating from high school, he dared to run to Tsinghua University to rent an apartment to listen; he dared to ride a bicycle on the Sichuan-Tibet line before he found a job; he dared to run to Inner Mongolia to open a mine when everyone did not know what bitcoin was; at the Davos Forum, he dared to spray tall financial people in broken English.

All kinds of deeds have proved that Guo Hongcai is a very bold person.

However, in the face of the ICO frenzy in 2017, Guo Hongcai is extremely cautious, endorsements can take platform fees, and real money and silver investment is impossible. He knew it was a bubble, he knew it was a fool, and his heart was thinner than anyone.

A bold and careful person, after entering the coin circle, in just a few years, another day against his fate.

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