
Chen Youyi's unknown side, he is not an abominable tyrant, his merits are no less than Xiang Yu

For Chen Youyu, many people know that he was the one who was defeated by Zhu Yuanzhang in the Battle of Poyang Lake, but because of this, many people, under the influence of the idea of becoming a king and defeating Kou, thought that he Chen Youyu was just an abominable tyrant, and Zhu Yuanzhang was like a novel who defeated the tyrant, representing the interests of the broadest masses of the people at the bottom.

Chen Youyi's unknown side, he is not an abominable tyrant, his merits are no less than Xiang Yu

Under such a concept, Chen Youyu has completely become the background board of Zhu Yuanzhang, and many people have begun to use a magnifying glass to see his shortcomings, clowning and demonizing him.

However, many people have forgotten that he Chen Youyu is also the main force fighting against the decadent rule of the Mongolian Yuan! From this point of view, he is also fully worthy of people's praise.

During the Qing Dynasty, there was a Xiucai named Wang Yingkui, who recorded such a story in his "Liunan Essay", so that posterity could see his unknown side.

Chen Youyi's unknown side, he is not an abominable tyrant, his merits are no less than Xiang Yu

The country under the rule of the Mongolian Yuan can be described as a purgatory for intellectuals, because of the long-term abolition of the imperial examination in the early Yuan, resulting in the literati losing the channel to climb upwards, their social status continued to decline, often looked down upon, and even appeared in the saying of ten Confucians and nine beggars, that is to say, the social status of intellectuals was only one higher than that of beggars.

Song Lian, who was later praised by Zhu Yuanzhang as the head of the founding ministers, was only a tutor for a rich family in Changshu, Jiangsu Province, at that time, but he was also quite famous in the local area.

Chen Youyi's unknown side, he is not an abominable tyrant, his merits are no less than Xiang Yu

One day, a man came to see him with two retinues and claimed to be a literary seller, and after a conversation with him, Song Lian found that he was very knowledgeable about the subset of scriptures and history, especially in the military field, and appeared to be very knowledgeable. For many questions he threw out, Song Lian was repeatedly unable to answer.

After the conversation, Song Lian asked the man to write a poem to him, and the man asked for twenty-two silver, and Song Lian agreed.

After the man's poem was written, Song Lian was also very satisfied.

Chen Youyi's unknown side, he is not an abominable tyrant, his merits are no less than Xiang Yu

Subsequently, Song Lian asked him to write an article, the man asked for a hundred taels of silver, Song Lian gave it as much, and the article he wrote was also very satisfactory to him.

Immediately afterward, Song Lian began to entertain the man and took him into his study, but at this moment the man returned the one hundred and twenty-two pieces of silver he had received to Song Lian, and claimed: He did not come here today to ask for money, but just thought that you had a good reputation and wanted to visit you!

Chen Youyi's unknown side, he is not an abominable tyrant, his merits are no less than Xiang Yu

After saying that, the man turned around and left, Song Lian sent someone to send him to the river, only to find that there was already a majestic army waiting there, at this time Song Lian suddenly realized that this man was chen youyou, the emperor of Chen Han.

From this story, we can glimpse that although Chen Youyu has some shortcomings, such as being too arrogant, he is still a Haojie who cherishes talents and is a corporal of Lixian.

Chen Youyi's unknown side, he is not an abominable tyrant, his merits are no less than Xiang Yu

In terms of overthrowing Meng Yuan, Chen Youyu contributed his own indelible contribution, such a historical merit is no less than the overthrow of Xiang Yu who overthrew the violent Qin!

In fact, Chen Youyu and Xiang Yu have many similarities, such as: their personalities belong to the more arrogant type; they both once became the most promising person to dominate the world; but they were also reduced to background boards and became losers with a clown nature because of their personality defects!

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