
When people reach middle age, the real self-discipline is to "manage themselves"


A person walking in time, every day can see the sun rising, should be happy, but he is more and more sad, people are not old, the heart has grown old.

Perhaps most middle-aged people have such a feeling: happiness has always been elsewhere - other people's lovers are gentle and virtuous, other people's children are particularly obedient, other people's parents are very good at being people, and other people's houses are magnificent.

In fact, happiness has always been in your own home, but the distance is too close, but you can't feel it, your heart, slowly numb.

Ma Weidu once said: "The best day for a person is from thirty-five to fifty-five years old, and I dare to say that these twenty years are your golden age, and what you have to do and do is these twenty years." ”

It is true that when people reach middle age, instead of envying others, it is better to run themselves, kick out all the internal friction, and invite happiness into life.

When people reach middle age, the real self-discipline is to "manage themselves"


Run a family style, the family prospers.

Everyone wants their family to get better and better, but they are always complaining and blaming others. As soon as he opened his mouth, he said that he had found the wrong lover and reincarnated into his parents' house, which was also particularly unlucky.

In fact, a family's family style is more important than money.

Song Lian, the founding minister of the Ming Dynasty, had a very poor family. When he was a child, Song Lian had to find someone to borrow books everywhere in order to read.

In the cold winter, Song Lian read the book carefully by the faint candlelight, and his body was cold and trembling. Mother said, look at it another day, it is so cold, others are not in a hurry to return the book.

Song Lian said that once the date of returning the book was agreed, it could not be postponed, regardless of whether others needed the book very much.

The mother did not say much more, and draped the cotton wool of the family on Song Lian's body.

A family, as long as the family is decent, can do anything, can work together, poverty is temporary. Crooked things, when they enter the family, are doomed not to get rich.

Some people say: "The strength of the country, the peace of the society, the happiness of personal life, the prosperity of the career, and the health of the body all depend on the harmonious family." ”

When people reach middle age, no matter how they mix, as long as they return to their warm home, they can double their confidence and see the dawn of hope.

Parents care for their children, accompany their children to learn together, help children master a skill; husband and wife care for each other, one inside, one outside, division of labor and cooperation, not tired at all; children filial piety to parents, inheritance of morality, bring good luck.

Laughter and laughter, a hundred times better than the waist, is an invisible gold treasure.


Make connections and profit from each other.

I have read such a passage: idle people sit together and talk about nonsense; businessmen are together and talk about business; readers are together and talk about ideals; migrant workers are together and talk about wages.

What you want to do, you have to fit into what kind of circle. Otherwise, you die of exhaustion on the social scene, and no one can pity you.

There are always people who eat and drink every day, go home backwards and backwards, but their lives are not improving.

People reach middle age, time is very expensive. Smart people, who do both addition and subtraction at the same time, stay away from hypocritical socializing and join like-minded circles.

Carnegie wrote a story in the book: a young man who did design, took his sketch and went to a famous local costume designer. Originally, he wanted to sell the drawings, but the costume designer sternly refused.

Later, the young man took the drawing and discussed with the costume designer how to modify the sketch, and they became friends ever since. The drawings were sold, and the costume designers were better off.

The socialization of middle-aged people needs to be mutually beneficial. You should think about what the circle will bring you, what you can bring to the circle, insist on going in and out with people, you will definitely get help.

When people reach middle age, the real self-discipline is to "manage themselves"


Ability to operate, gain wealth.

I have seen a story: there is a violinist who is performing when the G string suddenly breaks. Hundreds of listeners in the audience were mesmerized, and at the moment, the music could not stop.

The violinist had the opportunity to create a song that did not require G strings, which won the applause of the whole house.

Obviously, a person with outstanding abilities can be confident at any time.

We always complain that we have no money and no status, but we never know that we are not a Maxima at all, and we cannot enter the eyes of BoLe.

It is the familiar saying: "No diamonds, don't do porcelain work." ”

All those who make a lot of money are learning and never stop. When a person's wisdom accumulates to a certain extent, it will erupt and no one can stop it.


Management mood, peace of mind is a blessing.

No matter how good yesterday is, you can't go back; tomorrow is difficult, you still have to face it.

When people reach middle age, how can they not have troubles? Many people, with sad faces, go home and explode emotionally at every turn.

A father next door to my house was wronged at work. When I got home, I saw that my son was not writing homework, but he was watching TV, and he scolded a few words.

The son was angry and kicked the family dog. The puppy felt pain, jumped up, and knocked the table over.

On this day, the family was in a mess and noisy.

Lin Yutang said: "Enjoying a leisurely life is of course much cheaper than enjoying a luxurious life. To enjoy a leisurely life, it is only a kind of artist's temperament, in a completely leisurely mood, to spend a leisurely afternoon. ”

Life is for enjoyment, not for anger.

There is money to live a good life, no money to live a good mood. When you speak calmly, the people around you will be kind to you; when you smile, the sun will shine brighter.

Life will not be as good as it should be, but as long as your heart is smooth, then the problem will be solved, and the good things will be multiplied.

When people reach middle age, the real self-discipline is to "manage themselves"


Run the future and retire yourself.

There is a poignant sentence on the Internet: "Raising children is not to prevent aging, it is better to rely on yourself." ”

You need to raise your children well, but you don't give the task of old-age care to your children. At the very least, take care of yourself when you can move around.

A steady stream of pensions, a deposit, their own cottages, holding hands with their wives, insisting on exercising, such an old age life, can be relied upon.

No one knows what will happen in the future, but it can be actively faced. In the wind and rain, there are always people with umbrellas, calmly walking by. Those who are drenched in chicken soup are unprepared at first glance.



Reader "Qiu Xiaoyan" said that when he reached the age of 35, he felt much more mature. Stop dwelling on what you lose and don't get, stop envying other people's money, single-mindedly do what you love, reduce useless socializing, run your own little family, manage your kids, and hang out on weekends.

Life has always been muddy, but you must deal with it calmly.

Drucker, the father of modern management, said: "If we compare life to a company, we are the best managers of this company." ”

People reach middle age, their own home, their own connections, their own abilities, their own mood, their own future... Well run, everything is worry-free.

Author: Cloth coarse food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The illustrations in this article come from the Internet.

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