
Sales exceeded 1 million cans on the day of the launch! How does the new "dairy" product support the ambition of yogurt?

author:FBIF Food & Beverage Innovation

Author: Ava

Editors: Yanyan, Bobo

Sparkling water is undoubtedly one of the most concerned and crowded tracks in the industry in the past two years.

However, the barrier to entry of sparkling water is not high, and various brands have plunged into the sparkling water track, and homogenization has also followed. In addition to the similar packaging style and taste, "0 sugar 0 fat 0 calorie" also seems to have become the standard of sparkling water.

It is difficult for new sparkling water products to poke at the excitement of consumers.

We are concerned that yogurt has recently played a new card - "milk vapor" bubble milk, and completed the first sales of more than 1.03 million cans.

Sales exceeded 1 million cans on the day of the launch! How does the new "dairy" product support the ambition of yogurt?

Yogurt "milk" Image source: yogurt

Why can dairy products stand out in the highly competitive market, and behind them is the market insight of the yogurt brand?

01, as a category synonym, yogurt milk launched the first domestic "sparkling milk"

It is understood that dairy steam is the first "bubble milk" in China, with the combination of "milk + bubbles" health + trend, breaking through the concept of traditional milk drinks and carbonated beverages, and opening the "milk vapor era" in the beverage industry.

In positioning theory, when the brand becomes synonymous with the category, it can establish the status of the first category and successfully occupy the consumer's mind.

So, how can we establish a brand position in the minds of consumers? Create a whole new category!

Sales exceeded 1 million cans on the day of the launch! How does the new "dairy" product support the ambition of yogurt?

How does dairy define the new category? Based on what insights are consumers based on?

First, as a sparkling milk drink, milk vapor meets the dual sensory needs of young people.

Compared with traditional milk drinks, milk vapor is more in line with the refreshing taste that young people like, bringing young people the first sensory stimulation. It is not only the thirst-quenching needs that are satisfied, but the self-relaxation of young people in their inner life;

Compared with the common sparkling water drinks on the market, the milk vapor has the warm taste of cow's milk, and the slight frankincense adds to the aftertaste, bringing a second sensory stimulation to young people.

Sales exceeded 1 million cans on the day of the launch! How does the new "dairy" product support the ambition of yogurt?

Second, young people like to drink, but the high sugar content and lack of nutrition in drinks make young people prohibitive. Compared with ordinary sparkling beverages, "milk" takes into account the taste preferences and health concepts of young people at the same time, and achieves a balance of "indulgence" and "nutrition", which coincides with the concept that young people want to reduce the burden when drinking freely.

On the one hand, milk contains milk nutrition and innovatively adds whey protein ingredients to give the product a nutritional bonus; on the other hand, the calories of each bottle of "milk" ≈ the calories of 1 apple to help young people manage calories.

Third, in this era of "looking at the face", yogurt has been renewed and upgraded to the packaging, the can is used for milk packaging, and the cold metal can is more in line with the imagination of young people for summer, so that "the moment the can is opened cools down all summer." ”

In addition, different from the highly saturated packaging design on the market, the emulsion retains a certain amount of white space, so that the packaging is in line with the aesthetics of young people pursuing simplicity and trendy while having visual impact.

Yogurt also integrates the VI design of the two-dimensional Xiaoyou in the packaging, communicates in the ip-based young language, and plays the can out of the sense of surprise, making the packaging simple but not simple.

Sales exceeded 1 million cans on the day of the launch! How does the new "dairy" product support the ambition of yogurt?

Image source: yogurt

Fourth, emulsion more accurately cuts from the four daily drinking scenes of young people at parties, games, hot pots, and drama chases, and excavates the consumer needs of young people such as self-pleasing, health concepts, and social currency.

Establishing "scene-based thinking", emulsion can better focus on the experience of young people, and establish a strong association between emulsion and corresponding scenes, and deepen consumers' associative memory of emulsion.

Sales exceeded 1 million cans on the day of the launch! How does the new "dairy" product support the ambition of yogurt?

Yogurt yogurt "milk" drinking scene Image source: Ili yogurt

Based on the insight of market demand, brand positioning, consumer demand and other dimensions, yogurt milk reverse promotes research and development, design, marketing and other links, so that the milk has just been listed and gained the attention and love of young people.

02, 24 years to accompany young people's yogurt, how to grow up with young people?

On the day of May Fourth Youth Day, the yogurt official announcement of the times of the youth league became its brand spokesperson, so that the spirited times teenagers and yogurt together to open the "milk era".

Why did yogurt choose the post-00s era youth group as a spokesperson?

Founded in 1997, yogurt brand has accompanied the growth of the post-80s and post-90s generation for 24 years, and is a national brand in the hearts of consumers.

With a population of more than 300 million people, Gen Z will become the largest consumer force in the next 5-10 years, they advocate individuality, diverse culture, they dare to try new, but also attach importance to word of mouth.

In the face of the growing generation, yogurt hopes to continue to stimulate their curiosity to build new brand recognition; in the face of the growing Z generation, yogurt is also actively evolving itself, resonating with young people.

Sales exceeded 1 million cans on the day of the launch! How does the new "dairy" product support the ambition of yogurt?

Yogurt opens the era of milk Image source: yogurt

How does yogurt that has accompanied young people for 24 years continue to evolve and gain the favor of generations of young people?

First, turn market insight into product power.

In 1997, the predecessor of yogurt, "Yili kefir", was listed, creating the first room temperature milk beverage products and opening up a new pattern in the milk beverage market.

Since then, yogurt has continuously launched new products to complete the category occupancy and win the minds and recognition of consumers in response to the needs of people at different stages. For example, the high-end "fruit and fruit series" enriches the drinking experience of young people with a variety of tastes and textures; yogurt also tested the new products of osmanthus glutinous rice flavor and cherry blossom plum flavor last autumn and this spring, respectively, playing a unique seasonal new game.

The new dairy products launched by yogurt milk this time seize the minds of consumers with the healthier and more personalized category of "sparkling milk".

The 24-year rejuvenation process of yogurt contains an evolutionary history of milk beverage products, giving young people new experiences by continuously strengthening product innovation and taste experience.

Second, image upgrading and strengthening brand expression.

In addition to the innovation inside the box, yogurt also has its own insights on aesthetic taste. The new and upgraded VI system (visual recognition system) is reflected in the new dairy products, which not only has the two-dimensional style that the Z generation likes, but also skillfully integrates with the minimalist style, the trend + blank, full of visual impact and aesthetic power.

Sales exceeded 1 million cans on the day of the launch! How does the new "dairy" product support the ambition of yogurt?

In terms of logo design, yogurt continues the classic color of the green box in memory, and integrates the brand virtual idol IP Xiaoyou, yellow grapefruit to change the wave hairstyle, open the brand rejuvenation upgrade with the trendy and pioneering visual language, realize the same frequency resonance with the Z generation, and become the new brand asset of yogurt.

Sales exceeded 1 million cans on the day of the launch! How does the new "dairy" product support the ambition of yogurt?

Yogurt logo Xiaoyou Image source: yogurt

Third, play a guiding role in the idol effect.

In terms of communication language, yogurt is not to conquer young people with an educational attitude, but to hope for equal dialogue and become friends of young people.

Sales exceeded 1 million cans on the day of the launch! How does the new "dairy" product support the ambition of yogurt?

Yogurt brand spokesperson: Times Youth League Image source: yogurt

"Breaking the world, fixing the storm, and the youth of the times walk side by side" is the slogan of the boy band's high and upward youthful vitality, and it is also the starting point for the yogurt to choose the times youth group as a spokesperson. In the eyes of Generation Z, the "Times Youth League" represents the image of "sunshine youth, positive and positive energy".

Combined with the "May Fourth" Youth Day, yogurt milk actively conveys to consumers the attitude of the brand and young people walking together and growing together.

Fourth, expand the volume of voice through multi-dimensional novelty, offline and online linkage marketing.

We found that yogurt has been using the form of digital communication to connect the relationship between brands and consumers in order to create a nationalized and trendy image of the brand.

The first is nationalization.

As a national brand that has grown up with generations of young people for 24 years, yogurt yogurt has gained a firm foothold in the hearts of consumers with its inexpensive products and the image of fashion trends, and has been reflected in the increasing sales volume. In Yili's 2020 annual report, yogurt is one of The four ten-billion brands under Yili.

For two consecutive years from 2020 to 2021, yogurt yogurt around the theme of "new year to add excellence", first invited Zhou Dongyu, Chen Linong two spokespersons in the micro-film to interpret the warm daily life in the "small you warm house", enhance the brand texture, and then create an immersive experience, not only let the concept of small you warm house on the packaging, but also create offline physical stores.

Online and offline marketing closed loops are formed, in addition to strengthening the yogurt small ip, giving the brand the connotation of "warmth".

Sales exceeded 1 million cans on the day of the launch! How does the new "dairy" product support the ambition of yogurt?

Yogurt "New Year to be better" Image source: yogurt

The second is trending.

Last summer, around the brand theme of "Summer Taste Excellent", yogurt officially announced the image of the two-dimensional brand IP "Xiaoyou", further deepening the core symbol of the "excellent" brand and deepening consumers' cognition of the brand "excellent".

Sales exceeded 1 million cans on the day of the launch! How does the new "dairy" product support the ambition of yogurt?

Xiaoyou debut Image source: yogurt

This year's cherry blossom season, yogurt carries out a series of marketing actions around the spring limited "blush" new products, using interest as the "medium" for the dissemination of brand culture, strengthening the brand's trend attributes, and attracting Z generation consumers.

Sales exceeded 1 million cans on the day of the launch! How does the new "dairy" product support the ambition of yogurt?

Yogurt Spring Day Limited Image source: yogurt

In addition, yogurt also continues to transmit brand upgrade signals through actions such as joining hands with Modern Sky and jointly creating brand theme songs with idols.

"Tide" is one of the signs of the brand's foothold in the young market in recent years. From the recent endless new ways, we can find that yogurt is completing the goal of "brand trend" and "rejuvenation" by creating a brand strategy of "trend label", and gradually allowing young people to take action → the brand from attention → interest → desire.

03. The beverage industry ushered in an era of boundless innovation

The essence of innovation lies in pushing boundaries.

We are seeing increasingly blurred boundaries in the food industry. For example, Hema has broadened the boundaries of catering, retail and fresh food with the new retail model; for example, Zhong Xuegao, who we previously paid attention to, used the advantages of the cold chain to cut into the refrigerator scene and derive the fast food brand Lixiangguo.

According to Euromonitor's 2018 global soft drink sales data, China reached 590 billion yuan, second only to the United States. [3] However, while the large beverage market is growing rapidly, the market share of adult sour milk is declining.

How to break through the boundaries of the milk drink market and grow upwards?

We found that the trend upgrade of the milk drink market has successfully gone through two eras.

The 1.0 era of milk drinking yogurt "green box" to define, leaving consumers with a "first cause effect".

The milk drink of the 2.0 era is the PET era of the Nutrition Express, and until now the Nutrition Express still occupies a considerable market share.

The launch of the emulsion symbolizes the strategic layout of yogurt for the new category of bubble milk.

Sales exceeded 1 million cans on the day of the launch! How does the new "dairy" product support the ambition of yogurt?

This time, yogurt milk has created a 3.0 "milk era" through new dairy products, and broken the boundary between traditional dairy enterprises and beverage companies with the innovative combination of "milk + bubbles".

With the increasing level of technology, the integration of channels, and the integration of marketing models, all walks of life are moving towards cross-border integration and mutual penetration. The emulsion is the first attempt of yogurt in the way of integration, and truly uses the concept of "boundless innovation" to lead the innovation and upgrading of the entire dairy beverage industry based on its own brand core.

04. Conclusion

The new product "Milk Vapor" launched by Yogurt Milk this time is an innovation under the current homogenization trend of sparkling water market.

As of May 4, the initial sales volume of dairy steam has exceeded 1.03 million cans, and the new dairy product ranks first in the Tmall beverage industry, and the flagship store of yogurt reaches the top of the Tmall beverage industry store;

#Yogurt Milk Era#, #Yogurt Milk Emulsion#, #Yogurt Milk For the Times Youth League Playing Steam #3 Weibo topics with a total reading of nearly 780 million;

From the date of official announcement, the new dairy product firmly occupies the first place in the delicious list of Weibo tides.

The ultra-high product sales and spread volume reflect the young people's affirmation of milk vapor and yogurt.

We talked too much about consumption upgrading and young people will become the mainstream of consumption. However, for brands, what does consumption upgrading mean, and what do young people really need?

As a pioneer in the milk beverage category, the innovative attempt and brand upgrade of yogurt may be able to summarize some experience for the industry:

Consumer insights should not be superficial, but should be more keenly explored by consumer trends;

The essence of consumption upgrading is the upgrading of brand and product value. Brands need to hold their breath and work hard to polish out better brands and products;

Brand upgrading is not only about product upgrades, but is a comprehensive upgrade from the inside out, from products, visuals, marketing models, etc.

From the category definition innovation of sparkling milk, we see a greater pattern view and vision of yogurt in the future with the goal of creating "the first brand of national tide drinks".

What are your thoughts on the future development of the "sparkling milk" category? Feel free to share your views in the comments section. We have prepared a special benefit for the readers who participated in the discussion: as of 16:00 on Friday, May 7, 2021, we will randomly select 5 readers who will give a good message, and each person will receive a box of yogurt "milk vapor" sparkling water!


[1] Packaging Manager, "With an average annual compound growth rate of more than 20%, sparkling water has jumped to the new favorite of the beverage market", Packaging Manager, May 12, 2020

[2] White Paper on Food Consumption Trends in China

[3] Euromonitor's 2018 global soft drink sales data

[4] Yili Dairy's 2019 annual report


*This article was originally published by FBIF Food & Beverage Innovation (ID: FoodInnovation), please contact us for permission.

* FBIF Submission and Business Cooperation, Contact Bobo (ID: fbifmedia1)

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