
Quanjude Fangshan production base has been administratively punished for environmental protection problems This year has been punished 6 times Finance

China Net Finance news on September 27 (reporter Zhong Wenxin) a few days ago, Beijing Quanjude Imitation Diet Co., Ltd. production base added two new administrative penalties. According to Credit China news, the production base of Beijing Quanjude Imitation Dietary Products Co., Ltd. was fined 20,000 yuan and 50,000 yuan by the Beijing Tongzhou District Ecological and Environmental Bureau for not setting up the air pollutant discharge port (fume purifier discharge port) in accordance with the relevant regulations of the state and Beijing Municipality, and industrial solid waste (waste packaging boxes, waste parts replaced by production equipment, etc.) for not formulating a solid waste management account for Dingye.

Quanjude Fangshan production base has been administratively punished for environmental protection problems This year has been punished 6 times
Quanjude Fangshan production base has been administratively punished for environmental protection problems This year has been punished 6 times

Image source: Credit China (Beijing)

According to the penalty decision no. 538 (2021) of the Tonghuan Supervision and Punishment Character (2021), the main illegal fact of the production base of Beijing Quanjude Imitation Dietary Products Co., Ltd. is that the air pollutant discharge outlet (fume purifier discharge outlet) has not been set up in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state and Beijing Municipality, according to the first paragraph of Article 13 of the "Beijing Municipal Air Pollution Prevention and Control Regulations" and the first paragraph of Article 95 of the Beijing Municipal Air Pollution Prevention and Control Regulations. The Beijing Tongzhou District Ecological and Environmental Bureau imposed an administrative penalty of 20,000 yuan on the production base of Beijing Quanjude Imitation Dietary Products Co., Ltd., and the date of punishment decision was September 22, 2021.

According to the penalty decision no. 537 (2021) of the Tonghuan Supervision Penalty Character (2021), the main illegal facts of the production base of Beijing Quanjude Imitation Diet Co., Ltd. are industrial solid waste (waste packaging boxes, waste parts and components replaced by production equipment, etc.) have not formulated a Solid Waste Management Ledger for DingYe, and according to the punishment, the punishment is based on the first paragraph of Article 36, Paragraph 1 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste, Article 102, Paragraph 1 ,8) In the second paragraph, the Beijing Tongzhou District Ecological and Environmental Bureau imposed an administrative penalty of 50,000 yuan on the production base of Beijing Quanjude Imitation Dietary Products Co., Ltd., and the date of punishment decision was September 17, 2021.

According to Tianyan, the production base of Beijing Quanjude Imitation Dietary Products Co., Ltd. is a branch of Beijing Quanjude Imitation Dietary Products Co., Ltd., and Beijing Quanjude Imitation Dietary Products Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Quanjude (Group) Co., Ltd. The production base of Beijing Quanjude Imitation Dietary Products Co., Ltd. has suffered administrative penalties for environmental protection problems many times, and has been administratively punished 6 times by the Beijing Tongzhou District Ecological and Environmental Bureau this year.

Quanjude Fangshan production base has been administratively punished for environmental protection problems This year has been punished 6 times

Image source: Sky Eye Check

(Editor-in-Charge: Tan Mengtong)

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