
What should I do if iPhone storage doesn't load or doesn't show up?

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The "Storage" feature in iPhone Settings - Universal helps users understand how their device is stored and used, including the storage used by each app.

However, when using this function, some users may encounter the problem that the iPhone storage space cannot be loaded, and the "Calculating category size..." is always displayed, and the list of applications below cannot be refreshed.

What should I do if iPhone storage doesn't load or doesn't show up?

For the above situation, you can continue to wait patiently for a while. Probably due to the large amount of data in the iPhone, it takes some time to count and calculate the storage space, so you can patiently stay on this page and continue to wait to see.

If it still doesn't refresh out for a long time:

1. Turn on airplane mode and low battery mode, and then go back to the "iPhone Storage" interface to view.

2. In iOS 15 and the update system, go to Settings - App Store - Personalized Recommendations, click "Clear App Usage Data", and then go back to the "iPhone Storage" interface to view.

What should I do if iPhone storage doesn't load or doesn't show up?

3. Try restarting your device, if "iPhone Storage" still won't load after restarting your device, go to iPhone Settings - Cellular Network, find "Settings" in the list of apps, turn off its networking permissions, and restart your device.

What should I do if iPhone storage doesn't load or doesn't show up?

After restarting, go back to iPhone Storage.

After the operation is completed, open the networking permissions of the "Settings" application (it will not affect the subsequent loading of "storage space") to avoid being unable to use other functions that require networking.

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