
Apple VisionPro 2nd generation? Released in 2026 or cut in half?

author:View of the lake

Apple Vision Pro 2nd Gen: Released in 2026 or cut in half?

I. 2nd Gen Vision Pro Release Time and Price Forecast

According to a number of authoritative media reports and predictions, Apple is very likely to launch a new generation of Apple Vision Pro products in 2026. Although Apple has not officially confirmed it internally, based on the current product development progress, the release of the second-generation Vision Pro in 2026 is a reasonable time window.

Apple VisionPro 2nd generation? Released in 2026 or cut in half?

As for the price, it is reported that the second-generation Vision Pro is expected to cost between $1,500 and $2,500, which is almost half of the original $3,500 base version. Although the source of this news is yet to be verified, it has sparked widespread discussion. The main reason for such a large price reduction is Apple's intention to expand the user base of mixed reality devices by offering a more affordable version of the product.

Apple insiders revealed that in order to achieve significant price reductions, Apple is working hard to reduce the production cost of the Vision Pro, especially the manufacturing expenses of the two 4K micro OLED displays. The cost of these two displays is as high as $456, accounting for nearly three-thirds of the cost of the whole machine of $1542. Apple is actively negotiating with new suppliers, including China's SeeYa and BOE, to expand the supply chain, increase supply and reduce unit prices.

Apple VisionPro 2nd generation? Released in 2026 or cut in half?

Despite the Cold Spot after the Vision Pro's initial release, Apple seems to be preparing for a second generation, which is expected to launch in 2026 and significantly lower the price to attract more users. However, the relevant information needs to be further confirmed.

II. 初代Vision Pro表现不佳

The search results revealed that the Vision Pro suffered a certain degree of "Waterloo" after its release in February 2024. The main performance is the sluggish sales, and Apple has to reduce the price through the channel to promote.

Apple VisionPro 2nd generation? Released in 2026 or cut in half?

The experience of the Vision Pro is also less than satisfactory. Some users reported that the Vision Pro was bulky, uncomfortable to wear for a long time, and had a narrow field of view, and chose to return it. The high price tag of the Vision Pro also discourages potential users.

People believe that the Vision Pro's poor performance at the beginning of its release is mainly due to its positioning being too biased towards the professional field and lacking mass consumer application scenarios. Although Vision Pro has great potential in professional fields such as healthcare, education, and industry, ordinary consumers do not have a good understanding of its practicality and value.

Apple VisionPro 2nd generation? Released in 2026 or cut in half?

III. Second-generation product planning

Given the shortcomings of the original Vision Pro, Apple is making significant adjustments for the second generation. On the one hand, Apple will continue to deepen its professional field and optimize the hardware configuration of the Vision Pro.

According to reports, the second-generation Vision Pro will be released as soon as late 2025 or early 2026, and is expected to be divided into four models, including a high-end version and an affordable version. The high-end version will feature a more advanced micro-LED display, a faster processor, and more to meet the needs of professional users.

Apple VisionPro 2nd generation? Released in 2026 or cut in half?

On the other hand, Apple will also launch an entry-level Vision product line for ordinary consumers. The hardware configuration of this product line will be simplified, such as the use of iPhone-grade A-series processors, reduced resolution displays, and reduced number of cameras. With these adjustments, Apple is expected to keep the price of its entry-level Vision products in the $1,500 to $2,500 range.

In addition to hardware adjustments, Apple is also increasing the construction of the software ecosystem. Apple is trying to attract more developers to build apps for the Vision Pro, enriching entertainment, social networking and other consumer scenarios to enhance the mass appeal of the product.

Apple VisionPro 2nd generation? Released in 2026 or cut in half?

In terms of supply chain, companies such as SK hynix, Samsung, and China SeeYA are expected to join the Vision Pro supply chain to meet future demand growth.

The second-generation Vision Pro will retain its professional positioning and take into account the needs of ordinary consumers, and strive to achieve breakthroughs in hardware, software and ecology to expand the market share of mixed reality devices.

As Apple's most challenging new category ever, the Vision Pro's initial launch was cold, but it didn't break Apple's confidence. On the contrary, Apple is fully preparing for the launch of the second generation of products in 2026, and plans to attract more users and expand the market share of mixed reality by drastically reducing prices, optimizing product experience, and enriching the application ecosystem.

Apple VisionPro 2nd generation? Released in 2026 or cut in half?

For Apple, the Vision Pro is not only an innovative product, but also a new bet on the company's future development. With the rise of emerging technologies such as the metaverse and digital twins, mixed reality devices are expected to become a key entry point between the real and virtual worlds. The success or failure of the Vision Pro will also largely determine Apple's competitiveness in the post-smartphone era.

Apple VisionPro 2nd generation? Released in 2026 or cut in half?

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