
Apple iOS 17.5 was exposed to recover photos that had been deleted for years, Apple responded

Apple iOS 17.5 was exposed to recover photos that had been deleted for years, Apple responded


2024-05-16 17:25Posted on the official account of Shanghai FreeBuf

Recently, Apple launched the latest iOS17.5 system, in addition to adding "Rainbow Glory" wallpaper, it also opened up web sideloading for EU users, added "maintenance mode", etc.

However, after installing Apple's latest iOS 17.5 update, users encountered a somewhat "supernatural" problem: the photos that had been completely deleted a few years ago unbelievably reappeared in the Photos app, which caused a lot of attention and discussion, and the topic of "exposing iOS17.5 to recover photos that have been deleted for many years" appeared on the hot search.

Apple iOS 17.5 was exposed to recover photos that had been deleted for years, Apple responded

There are also users on Xiaohongshu and Weibo who have encountered similar problems, some people have updated the system and there are many strange pictures in the album, and some people have found that the photos are out of order. In this regard, netizens have expressed concern about privacy leakage......

Apple iOS 17.5 was exposed to recover photos that had been deleted for years, Apple responded
Apple iOS 17.5 was exposed to recover photos that had been deleted for years, Apple responded
Apple iOS 17.5 was exposed to recover photos that had been deleted for years, Apple responded

Usually, the "Recently Deleted" folder of the Photos app keeps the deleted photos for 30 days so that users can recover the mistake. But this time the case is unique, and the time involved in the deletion of the photos is much longer than this period. Although it is not clear what causes the problem of bizarre recovery of deleted photos, considering that the recovered photos have been deleted many years ago, it is definitely a new bug.

In this regard, on May 16, a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily learned from the technical consultant of Apple's customer service that it did receive some related problems from user feedback, but for the specific reasons, Apple is still conducting further investigations. You can try to delete the recovered photos again, and if you can delete them normally, it means that the system is not a big problem.

The tech consultant also said that users don't have to worry about the privacy of their data, because even if the photos have been uploaded to iCloud, Apple will not be able to see them. In the next step, the relevant issues will be resolved through software updates or other pushes.

It is understood that the bug in iOS 17.5 may be a problem with the synchronization between the local device and iCloud photos. According to Apple's Photos app rules, deleted photos and videos remain in the Recently Deleted album for 30 days. If the user does not recover these photos or videos within 30 days, they are permanently deleted. If you want to delete a photo immediately, you can simply delete the photo again in the Recently Deleted section to delete it permanently.

The source is the Internet

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  • Apple iOS 17.5 was exposed to recover photos that had been deleted for years, Apple responded
  • Apple iOS 17.5 was exposed to recover photos that had been deleted for years, Apple responded
  • Apple iOS 17.5 was exposed to recover photos that had been deleted for years, Apple responded
  • Apple iOS 17.5 was exposed to recover photos that had been deleted for years, Apple responded

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