
French television station visits Apple's top management Headquarters There is rare exposure inside Apple Park

French television station visits Apple's top management Headquarters There is rare exposure inside Apple Park

In addition to the short clip of the conference, the outside world generally can not spy inside Apple headquarters, and recently french television station TF1 had the honor of entering Apple Park and interviewed Greg Joswiak, senior vice president of global marketing. Although the entire session is only about 4 minutes, there is rare exposure inside Apple Park, allowing the audience to get a glimpse of the working environment of Apple employees.

Apple Park, designed by founder Steve Jobs, is known to be 1,000 American football fields and can accommodate about 12,000 Apple employees. Although the interview team can travel around Apple Park, TF1 said that Apple's secrecy efforts have not been relaxed, many places are still closed and cannot be filmed, and each scene needs to be discussed and approved in advance to be filmed.

The faces of all the employees were blurred later during the broadcast, and the only people who actually appeared were Greg Joswiak, Dr. Sumbul Desai and Lisa Jackson. The interview mentioned that when Jobs designed Apple Park, he wanted employees to walk out of the office and walk around the park, meet, communicate and collaborate with other colleagues. In addition, the interview also mentioned that Apple Park pays attention to the health of employees, as well as environmental protection and sustainable development issues.

Source: 9to5mac

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