
No wonder the Japanese invaded China one after another, and the Japanese had long had enough of life on the Island of Japan

For thousands of years, the Japanese people have been uneasy about the status quo and always want to expand abroad, especially China, a country with a large land and a wealth, which makes them very envious, so in ancient times, Japan "thought about China". In modern times, Japan has made this invasion a reality. Fortunately, the Chinese people relied on their tenacious will to resist the Japanese invasion and beat Japan back to its original form. But has anyone ever wondered why the Japanese always want to invade other countries? In fact, there are no more than three reasons.

No wonder the Japanese invaded China one after another, and the Japanese had long had enough of life on the Island of Japan

First of all, the Japanese people feel that they are a great nation. In Asia, the Japanese believe that only they can own as large a land as China. Because the Japanese admired the strong and bullied the weak, the Japanese did not dare to fight the Chinese idea during the period of ancient China's prosperity. In the late Qing Dynasty of China, the national strength obviously declined, and Japan entered the era of industrial revolution through the Meiji Restoration, instantly opening the gap with the Qing Dynasty, and dared to launch one provocation after another against China. Therefore, the Japanese have vividly expressed this idea of the weak and the strong.

No wonder the Japanese invaded China one after another, and the Japanese had long had enough of life on the Island of Japan

Second, Japan is a small country with extremely scarce food resources, and the most powerful may be the marine industry. For the Japanese who are eager to develop and strong, the existing resources will certainly not meet their needs, and buying from other countries will increase the cost. Therefore, in order to make yourself quickly strong, you can only choose the path of aggression and occupation. This kind of thinking is surprisingly consistent with the European powers. Seeing the European powers establish multiple colonies around the world and gain great wealth made the Japanese see the path of aggression as the way out.

No wonder the Japanese invaded China one after another, and the Japanese had long had enough of life on the Island of Japan

The last one is probably the main reason. Japan is an island country surrounded by the sea on all sides, and although the sea has brought Great Resources to Japan, it has also brought great disasters. In 2011, there was a strong earthquake in Japan, the earthquake magnitude has reached 9, the earthquake triggered a huge tsunami, 23 meters high tsunami instantly destroyed a large number of Japanese fighters. In addition, several prefectures in Japan were devastated and triggered a nuclear leak at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

No wonder the Japanese invaded China one after another, and the Japanese had long had enough of life on the Island of Japan

On the whole, it is precisely because of the above reasons that Japan has not been able to settle for the status quo. Although it has now entered an era of peace, the ideas left over thousands of years will not be easily changed. Therefore, we must take strict precautions against Japan, in case Japan once again goes down the road of expansion and causes great harm to other countries.

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