
How miserable was Germany after the defeat in World War I? Overseas colonies were divided up, and war reparations exceeded 100 billion

After World War I, Germany, as a defeated country, was indeed not very mixed. The three mountains of land cuts, reparations, and military sanctions overwhelmed Germany.

How miserable was Germany after the defeat in World War I? Overseas colonies were divided up, and war reparations exceeded 100 billion

First, the defeat in World War I led to a massive loss of German territory and colonial interests.

For example, Germany ceded Alsace and Lorraine to France on 11 November 1918. This is the franco-Prussian war in the process of the Franco-Prussian war, the territory seized from France by the predecessor of Germany, has always been regarded as a disgrace to the French, Andrea's "Last Lesson" is also about that period, so this is also called restoring France's borders before the Franco-Prussian War.

In addition, with a similar fate, North Schleswig returned to Denmark. West Prussia and the provinces of Posen belonged to Poland, Silesia to Czechoslovakia, Salmedi to Belgium, Klaipeda to Lithuania, and so on. Almost all the countries around Germany eat meat from Germany. Poland, in particular, occupies the former homeland of the Teutonic Knights.

All this laid the groundwork for Germany's crazy retaliation in the future.

Of course, this is a European territory. Its overseas colonies also changed owners, and all overseas colonies were distributed by the victorious powers. For example, the rights and interests in Shandong were taken away by Japan. Of course, this should have belonged to us, because at that time we were in the Camp of the Allies, the victorious Powers. But weak countries have no diplomacy, and we were betrayed at the Paris Peace Conference.

How miserable was Germany after the defeat in World War I? Overseas colonies were divided up, and war reparations exceeded 100 billion

Of course, it is precisely because of this that we and Germany did not have a colonial conflict, so that in the 1930s, the two sides spent a period of close cooperation between resources for weapons. That's how the German mechanic came about.

In addition, Samoa was given to New Zealand, East Africa was given to Britain, Cameroon was given to France, Mariana was given to Japan, and so on.

The loss of the colonies led to the loss of cheap raw materials for Germany, which was also an important reason for its later choice to cooperate with China.

Of course, for Germany's development, in addition to the loss of territory, the more serious is the economic loss.

This money, like an invisible shackle on Germany, made Germany breathless.

In addition, in order to prevent the recurrence of the incident in Germany. The Entente also placed great military restrictions on Germany. According to the treaty, Germany could not have a navy, could not have an air force, could not import or export weapons, and even thought of the trick of abolishing the compulsory military system to bring about the number of german military training people now.

How miserable was Germany after the defeat in World War I? Overseas colonies were divided up, and war reparations exceeded 100 billion

At that time, Germany was only allowed to have 100,000 army units, that is, the 100,000 Wehrmacht in the era of the Weimar Republic, which was the nightmare of the Allies in World War II.

In short, the division of overseas interests, the cession of territory, and the unbearable war reparations greatly limited Germany's development, making it difficult to survive the economic crisis that engulfed the West in the 1930s.

At that time, the German domestic economy was facing collapse, inflation was frighteningly high, and Mark was depreciating wildly. It is said that in order to save printing costs, the banknotes have become single-sided, and the denomination is scary.

At this time, the German people were in a desperate situation, they needed hope, they needed hope to survive. At this time, Hitler and his Nazi Party ran out, and they came to the foreground in Germany under the banner of "survival".

After the Nazis came to power, they took advantage of the people's trust in the Nazi government to abolish the exchange of gold and stocks, and only exchanged goods and goods. In other words, the Nazi government used empty cheques to replace the real money that was so much needed at the time.

This is important because it means that the government can maintain an economic functioning of society without the support of hard currency for the time being.

In particular, mandatory barter completely avoids the inflation problem caused by currency depreciation. Of course, there are many doorways here, and it is the issuance of bonds, the control of prices, and so on, and there is not much to say here.

How miserable was Germany after the defeat in World War I? Overseas colonies were divided up, and war reparations exceeded 100 billion

Of course, this way is not enough to fundamentally solve the economic decline in Germany, after all, there are so many resources, no matter how to change, everyone still can't eat enough.

Therefore, the next step is the second step, which is also the most common way for the country to face the financial crisis, to expand domestic demand, increase employment opportunities, let everyone have work to do, and then create more resources.

At that time, Hitler's government developed a large number of infrastructure projects, such as building roads, buildings and so on. The number of construction workers in Germany has increased dramatically from 660,000 to more than 2 million.

In addition, the government also encouraged manufacturing, because although the First World War was lost, Germany's industrial system still existed, talents and technology were there, but there were no orders. In order to stimulate domestic demand, the government intervened again, and if the civilian population could not digest it, the government came and turned to the military. Even if you can't use it, you'll build it first.

This also made Germany's military industry very developed, laying the foundation for Germany to launch a war in the future.

However, having said all this, everyone is expected to have doubts. Was It difficult for Hitler to restore the German economy simply by writing a blank check?

How miserable was Germany after the defeat in World War I? Overseas colonies were divided up, and war reparations exceeded 100 billion

Of course not, it is not enough to open empty checks, after all, the people want to eat, and the raw materials of the factory must be imported, these are real needs, and they have to take money.

So where does the money come from?

First of all, the reparations were overwhelming for Germany. But the good thing is that it didn't take long. Because in the international environment at that time, Germany was not without helpers. First of all, in order to maintain the "continental balance", the sworn enemy, Britain, did not strictly restrict Germany. The implementation of the Dawes plan has become a life-saving straw for Germany. In order not to prevent Germany from being able to pay reparations because of the collapse of the economy, the Allies guaranteed Germany's payment of reparations by restoring the German economy. This has led to a steady stream of foreign capital flowing into Germany, mainly in the United States, and duPont, Mobil, Morgan, Ford and other consortiums and companies have signed huge orders with Germany.

In addition, the Nazis looted Jews to replenish domestic demand.

In this way, the problem of money is no longer so serious.

But this is not enough to make Germany dominant in Europe, after all, the Treaty of Versailles is still there, and the economic and military restrictions are still very large.

How miserable was Germany after the defeat in World War I? Overseas colonies were divided up, and war reparations exceeded 100 billion

So, the next most important thing is to break through the limit, and this is thanks to Britain and France. In 1935, Germany resumed universal conscription, britain and France did not care, and after the Rhine incident, Britain and France and other countries did not care. Eventually, Germany grew into a military power and relied on its military might to open up predatory economies, such as Austria and Czechoslovakia, and its power became more and more inflated.

It ended up being a Nightmare for Europe!

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