
PAYTON: My brother's vision has grown with age, and he can see things that people can't see

PAYTON: My brother's vision has grown with age, and he can see things that people can't see

Live Bar Dec. 21 - The Warriors today beat the Kings at home.

In this game, Iguodala scored 10 points and 6 assists, and after the game, Peyton Jr., who cut 12 points, 6 boards and 3 breaks, talked about the performance of the first brother, Payton said: "I think his vision is that as he gets older, he can see something that other people can't see. ”

Payton also praised The Little Chase's performance as an assistant to the equipment manager today, saying: "The Little Chase was amazing tonight and had several important performances in the second half. ”

(Steve Galen)

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