
Historical photography The area of the Forbidden City is not open, which is what the Forbidden City is

The Forbidden City, also known as the Forbidden City, is the place where the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties lived, since the establishment of the Forbidden City by Zhu Di, there are a total of 24 emperors living here, before Zhu Di, the Ming Dynasty's state capital was in Nanjing, because Zhu Di's fief was in Beijing, so Zhu Di spent a lot of money to build this Forbidden City in Beijing, starting construction from 1406 AD, and it took fourteen years to complete the construction.

Historical photography The area of the Forbidden City is not open, which is what the Forbidden City is

When the Forbidden City was first built, it had 9,999 and a half houses, so why not directly create 10,000 of them? According to folk wild history, when Zhu Di built the Forbidden City, he dreamed at night that the Jade Emperor was angry with himself, because there were only 10,000 houses in the Heavenly Garden, so the folk houses could not exceed the Heavenly Garden, so Zhu Di did not want to build too few houses, so he built 9999 and a half houses.

Historical photography The area of the Forbidden City is not open, which is what the Forbidden City is

Covering an area of 720,000 square meters, the Forbidden City is the largest and best-preserved wooden structure in the world, and belongs to one of the world's cultural heritages. It is a business card of China to the world, the Forbidden City has a total history of 600 years, in this 600 years of history, the Forbidden City's grass and trees, bricks and tiles have their own stories. In this deep-walled compound, I am accustomed to seeing people's feelings and sophistication, and I also see through the changes in life.

Historical photography The area of the Forbidden City is not open, which is what the Forbidden City is

The Forbidden City experienced too many ups and downs, and in the seventeenth year of chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty, Li Zicheng invaded Beijing and inflicted unprecedented damage on the Forbidden City in Beijing, and his generals burned many palaces, and few of them were completely preserved. After the Qing Dynasty entered the Customs, the emperors of the Qing Dynasty still lived in the Forbidden City and restored the Forbidden City, and by the Shunzhi period of the Qing Dynasty, the Forbidden City had been restored like the Ming Dynasty.

Historical photography The area of the Forbidden City is not open, which is what the Forbidden City is

In the last year of the Qing Dynasty, the Eight-Nation Alliance army entered Beijing, Empress Dowager Cixi fled into the wilderness, and the generals of the Eight-Nation Alliance sat on the dragon chair, it is estimated that this is also the first foreigner received by this dragon chair, and after the fall of the Qing Dynasty in 1912, Puyi and other members of the royal family could still live in the Forbidden City according to the treaty. In 1924, Puyi was expelled by Feng Yuxiang, so the mission of the Forbidden City as a royal residence ended.

Historical photography The area of the Forbidden City is not open, which is what the Forbidden City is

Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Forbidden City buildings were increasingly dilapidated, and many palace complexes collapsed and became mountains of garbage. Later, the state set the Forbidden City as the "Palace Museum", and later gradually opened to the outside world, and the former last emperor Puyi also visited the Forbidden City again.

Historical photography The area of the Forbidden City is not open, which is what the Forbidden City is

In 2002, 30% of the area of the Forbidden City was open to the outside world, and now the area of the Forbidden City is only 54%, and it is expected that in 2020, the area of the Forbidden City will be open to the outside world, and there are still a large number of areas that have not been opened to the public.

Historical photography The area of the Forbidden City is not open, which is what the Forbidden City is

Many of these unopened areas have become office space.

Historical photography The area of the Forbidden City is not open, which is what the Forbidden City is

In addition, because of its disrepair, there are no conditions for opening to the outside world.

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