
What is the new look of the new generation, the new competitive world| today's competitive sports?

What is the new look of the new generation, the new competitive world| today's competitive sports?

-- They've done miracles that have made the world cry out, and they've suffered failures that keep people up all night.

Lang Ping, women's volleyball team 10 crowns 8 personal experience, is known as the world's first legend of volleyball;

Malone, double-lap Grand Slam table tennis player, the first Olympic champion;

They have achieved two eras of Chinese women's volleyball team and table tennis.

In the hearts of Lang Ping and Ma Long,

There will always be a new generation coming forward.

Create new stories, forge new brilliance.

Chinese volleyball will continue to move forward, and Chinese table tennis will continue to move forward.

The spirit of competition will continue,

The future of competitive sports belongs to a new generation.

So, what is the "new generation"?

Come and listen to what Lang Ping and Malone have to say.

"Tencent E-sports and Lang Ping Ma Long Bring the Annual TVC "New Generation, New Competition""


What is the new look of the new generation, the new competitive world| today's competitive sports?

"2021 EDG Wins S11 Global Finals"

The strength is terrible

The performance is very cute

A new generation is a new generation of players who are on the rise.

They are not prize-winning machines that are bound by a single standard.

Will cry and laugh, but also has his own hobbies and personality.

Fight the field to the end, but off the field is cute.

What is the new look of the new generation, the new competitive world| today's competitive sports?

Screenshot of the pre-match interview with The League of Legends 2020 MSI Finals

Speak the most domineering declaration in the most childish language,

Winning, will forget to roar;

If you lose, you will also cry bitterly.

They're more three-dimensional, they're alive.

It is also more able to infect and impress everyone.


What is the new look of the new generation, the new competitive world| today's competitive sports?

"2019 AG Super Play Club Wins KPL Fall Championship"

The kind that really puts athletics in the blood

In order to become an MVP in the field you love

Next generation

It is the new scientific and technological force that is expanding the competitive dimension.

In the context of new science and technology,

E-sports came into being,

Countless impossibilities have been broken for competitive sports.

What is the new look of the new generation, the new competitive world| today's competitive sports?

"Xi'an DKG·770 still won the best rookie due to poor physical condition"

So we saw the players break the shackles of the body,

Run freely in the world of esports;

Seeing the epidemic environment that has brought a lot of traditional sports to a standstill,

The esports event still brings boiling and blood to the audience.

Moving the arena into the electronic screen,

It is a new starting point for the future.


What is the new look of the new generation, the new competitive world| today's competitive sports?

"2021 NV-Tencent Video Team Wins PEL S3 Season Finals Championship"

They will constantly refresh the spirit of competition

Extend to a more diverse arena

It is the new competitive track that is inheriting the spirit of competition.

Today's competitive spirit,

It is no longer confined to the traditional arena.

Today's arena is volleyball, shooting, table tennis,

It's also skateboarding, rock climbing, baseball,

And, of course, esports.

These new forms of competitive sports,

It is on another battlefield that continues the belief in traditional sports.

On these new battlefields,

There is also a cooperation with the same stage,

The wisdom of the confrontation game and the desperate struggle.

The charm of competitive sports may be to rise in cruelty,

This is also vividly reflected in eSports.

What is the new look of the new generation, the new competitive world| today's competitive sports?

"2019 LPL Summer Finals FX Beats RNG"

Image source: @Ichimura that little thing

Even with a unique talent to step into the threshold,

The next thing to face is still endless training.

To train to be better than the winners of previous years,

Faster hand speed and stronger technology.

It's a contest with others.

It is also an eternal contest with the self.

What is the new look of the new generation, the new competitive world| today's competitive sports?

"2018 newbee wins FIFA Esports World Cup Final"

What is the new look of today's competitive sports?

In 2018,

Chinese e-sports in the Jakarta Asian Games exhibition match,

Won two gold and one silver.

In 2022,

We will witness together,

E-sports officially entered the international sports event.

What is the new look of the new generation, the new competitive world| today's competitive sports?

"On December 16, 2020,

E-sports has become an official project of the 2022 Asian Games in Hangzhou"

The guides of competitive sports burn themselves,

Illuminate the path of the thousands of followers behind you.

And these followers,

It will eventually become a new pioneer.

In this day and age,

New forms of sports competition such as e-sports are constantly emerging.

Countless new stars are rising,

One day,

We will see the stars that belong to the new era of competitive sports.

What is the new look of the new generation, the new competitive world| today's competitive sports?

About Tencent Esports

Tencent E-sports, founded on December 9, 2016, together with games, literature, film, animation and music, forms a "new cultural creation" content cultural ecology. As the most competitive e-sports brand in China, Tencent's e-sports business has been deployed with TGA since 2010, and after years of exploration and accumulation, e-sports has become an emerging industry with huge commercial value and cultural influence. In the best moment of China's e-sports, Tencent E-sports hopes to work with all industry partners to seize the opportunities given by the times and realize that e-sports make cities better, cities make e-sports more solid, and create a golden age of Chinese e-sports through the comprehensive promotion of the "E-sports City Development Plan".

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