
The Omen of the Fall of the Qing Dynasty: Three inexplicable strange things happened before the fall

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Every dynasty in history was born in the midst of artillery fire and died out in the midst of artillery fire. The history of the development of the Qing Dynasty is also inseparable from this law, the Manchus went south to fight the Ming army, but the Ming dynasty rule has been corrupt, they simply can not resist the fierce attack of the Manchus, so the Ming army lost their homeland in the artillery fire, and the Manchus seized the Central Plains and became the new ruler of the land of Shenzhou.

During the reign of the Qing Dynasty, there was a prosperous Kangqian dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty at that time was revered by all sides, arrogant but powerful. However, the Qing people did not understand the truth that "prosperity must decline", and when the Western world was developing rapidly, the Qing Dynasty built a car behind closed doors, and in the end it could only be forced to surrender.

The demise of the Qing Dynasty was not only the replacement of dynasties, the demise of the Qing Dynasty was also the elimination of the times, the feudal system was no longer applicable in China, and the people's desire for democracy was becoming stronger. The reason for the fall of the Qing Dynasty is not unknown, but at the time of the fall of the Qing Dynasty, many things happened that look strange and unexplainable.

The Omen of the Fall of the Qing Dynasty: Three inexplicable strange things happened before the fall

The first one: During the Sino-Japanese War, the Peking Opera class performed strangely.


In 1894, the Qing government and Japan fought the Sino-Japanese War, in which Lushun was occupied by the Japanese army. After the Japanese invasion, the entire area of Lushun was shrouded in darkness, whether it was the officers and soldiers of the Qing Dynasty, or ordinary people, none of them were infringed by the Japanese.

In the midst of a terrible scream and a cry of grief, the Jixian Tea House heard a leisurely Peking opera singing, as well as the lively sound of gongs and drums. After hearing these sounds, the Japanese army was very surprised, and after checking, they found that there was a Peking Opera Theater in the Jixian Tea House, and the Peking Opera was performed by a drama class of more than 200 people, and nearly half of the Peking Opera actors were teenagers.

They were performing in an orderly manner, and there was not a single audience member on the stage. Although the actors were performing, they had no expression on their faces, and one by one they were stiff as marionettes. After interrogation by the Japanese army, it was learned that this drama group was invited by some Qing Dynasty officials to perform, and after the fall of Lushun, the officials fled, and these people were left behind. But the strange thing is that they did not think of escaping at all, but just performed mechanically in the theater without an audience over and over again.

The Omen of the Fall of the Qing Dynasty: Three inexplicable strange things happened before the fall

Second: Qing officials in Shashi, Hubei Province, knew nothing about the Sino-Japanese War.

In the Sino-Japanese War, the Qing army was defeated. Japan sent diplomats to Shashi, Hubei Province, to open a Japanese consulate and determine the location of the consulate. At that time, the Japanese officials sent by Japan to negotiate the matter were called Horiguchi, and after Horiguchi arrived in Shashi, Wuhan, he met with some Qing officials and explained his intentions. But it was puzzling that none of them knew what he had come here for. Horiguchi asked them if they knew about the Sino-Japanese War, and the officials said only "I haven't heard of it."

This result surprised Horiguchi very much, although the Sino-Japanese War did not endanger the whole of China, it was not a trivial matter, as an official of the imperial court, how could there be no news? In fact, during the Qing Dynasty, there were special newspapers for officials, but at that time, the Qing Dynasty had declined, and local officials had long lost interest in caring about national affairs.

The third piece: The German army used the kung fu of "a bag of cigarettes" to occupy Rizhao County.

Previously, Japan forced the Qing government to sign unequal treaties through the Sino-Japanese War, and later Germany forcibly occupied Jiaozhou Bay. After the capture of Jiaozhou Bay, the German army sent more than a hundred soldiers to Rizhao County, Shandong, and the number of German soldiers who went to Rizhao was not large, but they occupied Rizhao County in a very short period of time.

Before landing in Rizhao County, the Germans first reached the beachhead of the Ishiusho, when the shiusho beach was piled with tall stone walls, where the Chinese calmly and calmly did their work, even if they saw the Germans with guns without a hint of panic. The Germans were very surprised, they did not expect Chinese to be so bold.

The Omen of the Fall of the Qing Dynasty: Three inexplicable strange things happened before the fall

The German interpreter shouted to the people of Rizhao that if they could go into the water and carry the German soldiers into the county seat, they would be able to get a sum of money. After hearing the translator's words, many rizhao people went into the water and indeed carried the German soldiers. The Germans knew that it was not that they were not Chinese were not afraid of them, but that they did not know what they were facing.

In von Falkenhain's later recollections, he said that the Germans at the time "entered China on Chinese" and that they (the Germans) could not even believe that they were on Chinese territory.

The above three "strange" events seem incomprehensible, but they can reveal how the society was at that time: the drama was numb and ignorant in the face of the enemy invasion; the Qing Officials had no intention of major state affairs and only knew to covet pleasure; ordinary people were ignorant and closed, willing to be "leading the way". This was caused by the Qing Dynasty government's "closed country" and the result of the Chinese people's inability to forge ahead, and the demise of the Qing Dynasty had become a foregone conclusion.

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