
Regular professional oral examination, infant fluoride anti-caries... Pudong launched the "Early Intervention of Childhood Tooth Onset" project

Xiao Qingyun, who lives in Zhuqiao Town, is only 23 months old, and two months ago, she had already done her first tooth fluoride at the Zhuqiao Community Health Service Center. Moreover, she loves to brush her teeth and argues every morning and evening to brush her teeth!

Qingyun's mother is a "little Ningbo", she said: "When my baby was one year old, the community child care doctor told me that there was a project in Pudong that specialized in managing teeth in the early 1,000 days of life, and Qingyun just met the conditions for entering the group. I think children are lucky to have the opportunity to get such a good health management public service. ”

Regular professional oral examination, infant fluoride anti-caries... Pudong launched the "Early Intervention of Childhood Tooth Onset" project

Dr. Wang Yan of the Institute of Eye and Dental Disease Prevention and Treatment of Pudong New Area said, "The early 1,000 days of life, that is, 280 days of pregnancy + 720 days of two years old, is a key window period for preventing chronic diseases in adulthood. Teeth too. When the embryo is 7-8 weeks old, the tooth embryo begins to develop, like a small seed, buried in a cute little embryo. At this time, the health management of pregnant mothers is carried out until the baby reaches the age of two, which is the project of "early intervention of children's teeth, health management starts from 'teeth'".

Xiaobu learned that the traditional provision of public health services for dental health began at the age of 3; before the age of 3, it was called "zero-level prevention", which was the first time in Pudong.

How does a one-year-old baby fall in love with brushing her teeth?

"It's very troublesome for babies to brush their teeth, and some elderly people say that the deciduous teeth will be changed later anyway, and it doesn't matter if they brush or not." After entering the project for a few months, Qingyun's mother has increased some knowledge points: permanent teeth must be used for a lifetime, which is the façade of "appearance", and the permanent teeth are not neat, which has a lot to do with the deciduous teeth. "If the deciduous teeth fall out early, there is no guide tooth when the permanent teeth erupt, it is likely to grow biased, and worse, the entire dentition is uneven, and even affect the baby's facial development."

In order to guide Qingyun to fall in love with brushing teeth, her mother specially picked her favorite cat toothbrush and cat pattern children's toothpaste, "Toothpaste is a little sweet, and baby brushing teeth is like getting a reward for eating sugar." When the baby brushes his teeth, the adults are also brushing their teeth next to it, full of childlike fun, and the time of brushing has become "play time". Qing Yun's mother said: "Subtly and subtly, the baby is happily associated with things related to teeth. "Two months ago, I went to apply fluoride, and when I heard that I could protect my small teeth, Qing Yun didn't cry or make trouble."

Dental health starts with a pregnant mother

Some people insist on brushing their teeth morning and evening every day, but their teeth are still "scattered"; some people can only insist on brushing their teeth in the morning, and there are one after another at night, but the teeth can insist on "standing guard". Why? Perhaps, this has to "blame" parents.

Wang Yan said: "If pregnant women suffer from oral diseases, it will affect the intake of various nutrients, including vitamins A, C, D and minerals such as calcium and phosphorus required during the development of fetal tooth embryos, thus hindering the normal formation and calcification of fetal tooth embryos, and directly affecting the healthy development of teeth after birth." ”

Regular professional oral examination, infant fluoride anti-caries... Pudong launched the "Early Intervention of Childhood Tooth Onset" project

After the birth of the child, the health of the small teeth is the responsibility of the parents. Generally speaking, the use of deciduous teeth is as long as 6 to 11 years, which is when the body grows, and the baby needs to rely on the deciduous teeth to eat in order to absorb enough nutrients, grow tall, and promote brain development. If the deciduous teeth are not well protected and the baby's eating is affected, how can the body be healthy?

Secondly, if the deciduous teeth are unhealthy and there is a toothache on one side, the baby will deliberately not touch the painful side when eating. Over time, the baby becomes a large and small face, the appearance is reduced, and the self-confidence is also greatly damaged.

Again, in the process of learning to speak and pronounce the baby, the role of the deciduous teeth is also very important. If your baby's deciduous teeth fall out prematurely, the gap between the teeth will cause the baby to leak air when he speaks, which will affect whether the baby's pronunciation is standard. Because of inaccurate pronunciation, the baby may have serious language barriers, and even form an inferior and withdrawn personality. Finally, children with deciduous teeth who develop caries are significantly more likely to develop caries in their future permanent teeth than children who do not have caries in deciduous teeth.

Are the teeth good because there are good parents?

The early 1,000 days of life are exactly the stage when the baby is completely dependent on the parents, and the teeth are good, and it is really possible that there is a good father and a good mother.

It is precisely because these 1,000 days are too difficult that the party branch of the Pudong New Area Eye and Tooth Disease Prevention and Treatment Institute starts from "I do practical things for the masses", highlights the two special groups of "one pregnancy and one small", and carries out the activity of "early intervention of children's teeth germination, health management starts from "teeth".

How to break the traditional community dental services and start with early intervention? The Pudong New Area Eye and Dental Prevention and Treatment Institute started by accelerating the construction of the two platforms. First, the "soft power" platform, through lectures, practical training and other forms, to carry out skills training and oral health education standardization training for all community child care doctors, gynecological protection doctors, stomatologists, public health physicians and other staff involved in the project; with the professional stomatologists of the Pudong New Area Eye and Tooth Prevention Institute as the core, and the community doctors of various lines as the fulcrum, forming a new carrier of oral health care services, and building a new "soft power" platform for oral disease prevention and treatment services; the second is to build an "online + offline" oral disease prevention and control platform. All parents of infants and young children enter the mobile APP family terminal, and the child's oral health status can interact with the dental doctor in time, break the time and space barriers, and open the "cloud" oral health management. Through the construction of the two platforms, we continue to provide oral health care services for pregnant women, infant and young child guardians in need, making up for the population that has not yet been covered by the basic oral public health service project, and is expected to create a new model of community oral services to benefit more pregnant women and infants.

Regular professional oral examination, infant fluoride anti-caries... Pudong launched the "Early Intervention of Childhood Tooth Onset" project

Xiaobu learned that all pregnant women and infants and young children who were included in the management received a "gift package" of oral health services, including regular professional oral examinations, one-on-one oral health education and diagnosis and treatment suggestions next to the chair, and infants and young children fluoride and caries prevention. Maternal oral examination includes periodontal condition, caries, etc., infant oral examination includes tooth eruption, oral condition, etc., provide oral health education and consultation to infant and young child guardians, and provide regular local fluoride anti-caries services.

At present, this project has provided 500 feeding suggestions and oral hygiene behavior guidance to pregnant women; carried out carious risk assessment for more than 300 infants and young children, and gave reasonable suggestions to guardians according to the assessment results; at the same time, provided two rounds of local fluoride anti-caries services for 600 person-times; carried out large-scale theme science popularization education and other science popularization activities in the early 1,000 days of life, produced professional, vivid and interesting maternal and infant oral health publicity leaflets, oral health education and consultation more than 3,000 times, Service satisfaction reached 100%.

Text: Zhang Qi

Editor: Ying Zou

* Please indicate from the official WeChat released by Pudong

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