
After breaking 300 million yuan at the box office in 4 days, can Chen Sicheng's Wang Bomb blockbuster "Manslaughter 2" surpass "Chosin Lake"?

Produced by Chen Sicheng, directed by Dai Mo, and starring Xiao Yang, "Manslaughter 2" only took 4 days to break through 300 million at the box office, according to the current box office trend, coupled with the word-of-mouth of this film, the box office performance of subsequent films is expected to reach a new high.

After breaking 300 million yuan at the box office in 4 days, can Chen Sicheng's Wang Bomb blockbuster "Manslaughter 2" surpass "Chosin Lake"?

Suspense-themed works have been particularly popular in the domestic film market in recent years, and "Manslaughter" directed by Ke Wenli is the best proof. Although this is a remake, it is full of suspense, and it tells a story about manslaughter in a proper manner, and eventually got 1.333 billion at the box office, and director Ke Wenli became famous.

After breaking 300 million yuan at the box office in 4 days, can Chen Sicheng's Wang Bomb blockbuster "Manslaughter 2" surpass "Chosin Lake"?

"Manslaughter 2" has attracted much attention before it was launched with the help of the word-of-mouth advantage of the previous work, but the film has no original team, and even the director has been replaced, and it is difficult not to let the audience worry about the quality of this film. Especially the change of director, it is easy to make the sequel completely change the flavor, which is an important reason why many domestic film sequels are on the street.

After breaking 300 million yuan at the box office in 4 days, can Chen Sicheng's Wang Bomb blockbuster "Manslaughter 2" surpass "Chosin Lake"?

Manslaughter or manslaughter, the misery of the little people is even more painful

What is the level of director Dai Mo's control over suspense works? Before "Manslaughter 2", it had actually given the audience enough prejudgment. In the "Detective Chinatown" web series, the "Name of the Rose" segment he directed is the most brilliant of the four clips, so in terms of directorial standards, Dai Mo is not at all inferior to Ke Wenli.

After breaking 300 million yuan at the box office in 4 days, can Chen Sicheng's Wang Bomb blockbuster "Manslaughter 2" surpass "Chosin Lake"?

Coupled with the fact that Chen Sicheng, a big suspense film, escorts the overall level of this work, so from the overall style point of view, "Manslaughter 2" is still a manslaughter that we are familiar with, it tells the tragedy of small people, the helplessness of facing power and absolute power and fighting back.

The film still focuses on small people, so it is possible for the audience to empathize with them. After all, in real life, the powerful occupy a minority, small people are the vast majority, when a father chooses an extreme way to save his children, the audience who watch this film from the perspective of God can understand, which makes the tragedy of the little people more painful.

After breaking 300 million yuan at the box office in 4 days, can Chen Sicheng's Wang Bomb blockbuster "Manslaughter 2" surpass "Chosin Lake"?

The reason why the film is also named after manslaughter is because both works are interpretations of the word manslaughter. The manslaughter in the previous game is the mother and daughter who mistakenly kill the son of the police chief in order to protect themselves, which represents a mistake and a misstep, resulting in the physical death of a person.

After breaking 300 million yuan at the box office in 4 days, can Chen Sicheng's Wang Bomb blockbuster "Manslaughter 2" surpass "Chosin Lake"?

But "Manslaughter 2" deepens the concept of manslaughter, which means that people evaluate a person through one thing, thus forming a bad impression of him, even if he did not die by manslaughter physiologically, but left a stain on the social level, which is also a kind of manslaughter.

After breaking 300 million yuan at the box office in 4 days, can Chen Sicheng's Wang Bomb blockbuster "Manslaughter 2" surpass "Chosin Lake"?

It can be said that the two works have very different interpretations of the concept of manslaughter, but they cover more and more extensively, no longer just sticking to the presentation of the story, but more of an emotional expression.

Xiao Yang ren Dahua had a strong duel, and the eye drama was full of deterrence

In addition to the deepening of the content, this film still maintains the level of acting skills of the first film. Without Tan Zhuo and Chen Chong, two post-film-level actors, "Manslaughter 2" invited another film emperor-level actor, Ren Dahua.

After breaking 300 million yuan at the box office in 4 days, can Chen Sicheng's Wang Bomb blockbuster "Manslaughter 2" surpass "Chosin Lake"?

Ren Dahua changed his previous image, no longer a black suit and body, but also a little less domineering of the underworld big brother, but became an ordinary, decadent, and even somewhat sloppy middle-aged man. But the change in appearance does not affect Ren Dahua's strong aura, a look, or we are familiar with the Hong Kong film gangster style.

After breaking 300 million yuan at the box office in 4 days, can Chen Sicheng's Wang Bomb blockbuster "Manslaughter 2" surpass "Chosin Lake"?

Xiao Yang, as the absolute male protagonist in this film, plays Lin Rilang, who is very different from Li Weijie in the first part of "Manslaughter". It is still ordinary, but it is less decadent, more of the pursuit and effort of a better life, so when such a father fights for his son, it is more credible.

After breaking 300 million yuan at the box office in 4 days, can Chen Sicheng's Wang Bomb blockbuster "Manslaughter 2" surpass "Chosin Lake"?

Under Xiao Yang's interpretation, Lin Richang seems to have two faces, on the one hand he is a loving and affectionate father, on the other hand, he is a mad beast to the extreme, like a wild beast that frantically vents his anger. When the father lin rilang saw that his son had a chance to live but was taken away, anger and helplessness could crush him at any time, but it also gave him the courage to fight back.

After breaking 300 million yuan at the box office in 4 days, can Chen Sicheng's Wang Bomb blockbuster "Manslaughter 2" surpass "Chosin Lake"?

Zhang Zhengyi, played by Ren Dahua, as a policeman, has always adhered to the justice he believes. When two people meet face to face, the hedging of identity and the understanding of the same father make the relationship between the two more contradictory.

When the two looked at each other through the glass, Lin Rilang's eyes were desperate, and Zhang Zhengyi was inevitable, which made this opponent drama full of deterrence.

After breaking 300 million yuan at the box office in 4 days, can Chen Sicheng's Wang Bomb blockbuster "Manslaughter 2" surpass "Chosin Lake"?

Although Xiao Yang is not yet a film emperor, the work of "Manslaughter 2" does make him eligible to win back a film emperor's trophy. After all, in the film, his duel with Ren Dahua has the taste of a double movie emperor.

The performance of actors such as Wen Yongshan and Song Yang is also outstanding, each person seems to have two personalities, which will stimulate them to fight back when they are desperate, and show the most ordinary side when the wind and waves are calm.

After breaking 300 million yuan at the box office in 4 days, can Chen Sicheng's Wang Bomb blockbuster "Manslaughter 2" surpass "Chosin Lake"?

At present, the film's word-of-mouth and box office momentum are still strong, and the wang explosion blockbuster thrown by Chen Sicheng is obviously going to detonate the box office again. As for whether he can surpass "Chosin Lake", it seems unlikely at present, but it will still be a dark horse film.

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