
At the most boiling moment in China, hundreds of thousands of people watched the Golden Ruan Hall, and there were shouts and cries everywhere

China is a country with thousands of years of cultural history, and this historical vicissitudes have been witnessed by some ancient cities, such as Beijing, one of the ancient capitals of China. Everything beijing has experienced is the common memory of Chinese people, especially the rise and fall of Beijing in modern history has touched the hearts of countless people, and the most prominent place in Beijing is probably the Palace Museum, which sits north and south facing the building, so that ancient and modern Chinese and foreign history lovers regard it as treasures.

In addition to the historical events that occurred in the Forbidden City to remember, another of the most concerned is probably the collection of cultural relics and treasures, cultural relics are the souls of human beings, and the human memory they carry is unique and cannot be copied. It is precisely because the thousands of cultural relics in the Forbidden City are very precious, Chinese people have great energy to defend the property of these countries from loss, especially in China's most difficult war period, people not only have to deal with external tensions on the one hand, but also have to take precautions to find a safe place for these cultural relics.

At the most boiling moment in China, hundreds of thousands of people watched the Golden Ruan Hall, and there were shouts and cries everywhere

On October 10, 1945, Japan and China held the ceremony of surrendering in the North China Theater of Operations in the solemn Taihe Hall (commonly known as the Golden Ruan Hall), which was a very special day, the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Palace Museum, on this day the surrender ceremony was of great significance, and more than 100,000 people, men, women and children in Peiping participated in this ceremony, and there were crying and cheering everywhere. They will witness the moment of China's victory here, people gather in the Taihedian Square before dawn, the Noon Gate, the Duanmen Gate and even the central axis of Tiananmen, the ceremony until the end of the moment, all the scenes are extremely solemn and shocking, people are crying with joy.

The Forbidden City and most of its cultural relics can see the day of victory unharmed, thanks to countless heroes who care about the fate of the country, otherwise how can they do a good job of cultural relics relocation before Japan repeatedly invades important places, even na Zhiliang, a staff member of the Forbidden City's southward migration, said that he believes that antiquities have a spirit. Let's take a look at how these artifacts "react" to the impending disaster, perhaps after hundreds of thousands of years of baptism, really "sensible".

At the most boiling moment in China, hundreds of thousands of people watched the Golden Ruan Hall, and there were shouts and cries everywhere

After the September 18 Incident, Japan officially exposed its ambitions for China, and the northeast is only one step away from the Beijing-Tianjin region, and the people's property and personal safety are constantly threatened, as well as those treasures that are difficult to move. The director of the Palace Museum knows that once the Japanese army enters Beiping, then these large and small precious cultural relics in the Forbidden City may not exist in one, and it is still good to be robbed and treasured, but it is a natural sin to let those barbarians who smash and rob destroy the cultural relics.

Therefore, the Nanjing government decided to move all important cultural relics south. From February 1933 onwards, the relics of the Forbidden City began to undergo a long journey of escape.

At the most boiling moment in China, hundreds of thousands of people watched the Golden Ruan Hall, and there were shouts and cries everywhere

The packaging of cultural relics in the Forbidden City is a huge project, because the road is long or even uncertain, and the packaging and transportation must be carefully deployed. 13427 boxes and 64 packs, is the number of cultural relics packaged by all the migration, and these boxes and parcels are each carefully considered, experimented before being packed into the warehouse, it can be said that the package is wrapped in a set of packages, layers of fine, with paper, cotton, straw and wooden boxes to carry. The road of transportation is even more equipped with army guards, and the most elite vigilance is used along the way.

In the process of migration, cultural relics also continue to change their destinations with the war situation, and they have stayed in Shanghai, Nanjing, Chongqing and other places in the process of moving, and so many boxes and parcels cannot be transported at the same time, and they have undergone various transfers in batches and routes, and almost all the cultural relics have not been destroyed, which is a miracle. Among them, the cultural relics that have been preserved include "more than 9,000 paintings and calligraphy, more than 7,000 pieces of porcelain, more than 2,600 pieces of bronze, bronze mirrors and copper seals, countless jade objects, and 3,773 boxes of literature, including the priceless treasure - Wenyuange's "Four Libraries of the Whole Book"" and so on.

At the most boiling moment in China, hundreds of thousands of people watched the Golden Ruan Hall, and there were shouts and cries everywhere

Although most of the cultural relics of the Forbidden City eventually escaped the clutches of the war, some of them were inevitably snatched or destroyed by the Japanese army, and the cultural relics workers did their best to protect those fine collections from being plundered. However, to Chinese's great regret, during the Liberation War, many cultural relics were brought to Taiwan, and now about 2972 boxes of cultural relics are preserved in the Forbidden City in Taipei. I don't know when these treasures, separated from the original Forbidden City collection, will be able to return home. Let us all look forward to the arrival of this day, the cultural relics of the Forbidden City, you have worked hard! Those who have contributed to the protection of cultural relics, China will always remember you!

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