
Often angry, does it really grow thyroid nodules?

45-year-old Sister Hu got the physical examination report, found that her physical examination report has one more - "thyroid nodules", she found Xia Cui, deputy chief physician of the Department of Endocrinology of the Second People's Hospital of Hunan Province, for consultation, "Doctor, I heard that the long thyroid nodules are out of the air, my cubs are particularly unconscious, often make me angry, is it because of this reason that my thyroid gland has nodules?" What can I do about this, will it develop into cancer? Need surgery? ”

After detailing her symptoms, Dr. Xia Cui explained that the thyroid gland is a very important organ of the body's energy metabolism, and in the lower part of the neck, it sticks to the sides of the trachea like a butterfly. Thyroid nodules are one or more structurally abnormal clumps that appear inside the thyroid gland.

Often angry, does it really grow thyroid nodules?

Nodules have a characteristic - easy to "favor women over men". That is, the prevalence of women is higher than that of men, and the incidence ratio of men and women is about 1:3-1:4; and it has a certain tendency to gather in families, and those who have a family history of thyroid cancer or immediate family members with thyroid cancer are at high risk of thyroid nodules; in addition, if you have gynecological diseases and breast diseases, the incidence of thyroid nodules is also higher than that of ordinary people.

Thyroid nodules do prefer negative emotions, and menopause and emotional instability can also precipitate the disease. Although the current cause of thyroid nodules is not very clear, it is generally believed that the pace of life is faster, the spirit is highly tense, the pressure of life is relatively large, the life diet is irregular, which can easily lead to endocrine disorders, stimulate the thyroid gland, and induce thyroid diseases.

In addition, thyroid nodules are associated with too much or too little iodine intake and exposure to radiation radiation.

So what are the general manifestations of thyroid nodules? Why don't many patients feel it?

Dr. Xia Cui explained that most thyroid nodules have no obvious symptoms and are often detected during physical examinations. However, large thyroid nodules tend to compress the trachea and esophagus, which may cause difficulty swallowing or breathing. In addition, some thyroid nodules are also prone to abnormal thyroid function, such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, resulting in corresponding symptoms: cold or heat and sweating, irritability, palpitations, weight loss, hyperinflea, insomnia, increased stools or diarrhea, rare menstruation in women and other manifestations. Although most thyroid nodules have no obvious symptoms, they should not be ignored.

Often angry, does it really grow thyroid nodules?

What do thyroid nodule patients need to pay attention to in their daily lives?

Patients with thyroid nodules should not eat a long-term high-iodine diet, such as not eating iodine-containing edible salt for a long time, and pay attention to balanced and moderate iodine intake. If you find yourself with thyroid nodules, in addition to avoiding spicy and stimulating foods, you should also pay attention to relieving stress, relaxing your mind, and strengthening exercise. The most important thing is to follow up regularly and find a specialist to tailor the best treatment plan for you.

Contributed by: Department of Radiology Li Qiuyun

Editor: Shi Rong

Image: From the Internet, intrusion and deletion

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