
Animal blood contains a lot of "toxins", eating stool blackened health? People who dare not eat pig blood to see what are the ingredients of animal blood? Why do people blacken their poop after eating? Second, animal blood contains a lot of toxins, eating too much is harmful to health? Third, what is the benefit of eating animal blood for the body? Fourth, although animal blood is good, these 2 types of people are not recommended to eat

author:Wonderful materia medica

Xiao Hong made a big fuss and made the doctors in the entire department laugh.

Xiao Hong's life is very regular, almost every morning to defecate, usually quite normal, but today after going to the toilet, he can't help but look into the toilet, Oh my God!

How is the stool black?!

Many bad omens flashed through Xiao Hong's heart, colorectal cancer, stomach cancer, one of the symptoms of these malignant tumors is black stool.

Xiao Hong panicked, brushed his teeth and washed his face, then ran to the hospital, directly hung up the emergency department, the first sentence when he saw the doctor was: "Doctor, am I cancer, I have black stool." ”

The doctor listened to Xiao Hong's account, conducted an examination of him, and found no major abnormalities, so he asked him: What did you eat yesterday? ”

"I ate three meals yesterday." Xiao Hong was a little annoyed, and when he checked his body, he checked his body and asked him what he had eaten.

The doctor listened to what was going on, so he said to him: "Your black stool may be the reason for eating pig red, you first go back to observe and observe, if after three days you still have black stool, you will check again." ”

Xiao Hong was half-convinced, and went home with a nervous mood, but he did not expect that as the doctor said, there was no black stool after that, but why did he defecate after eating animal blood?

First of all, we need to understand what are the components of animal blood?

Animal blood contains a lot of "toxins", eating stool blackened health? People who dare not eat pig blood to see what are the ingredients of animal blood? Why do people blacken their poop after eating? Second, animal blood contains a lot of toxins, eating too much is harmful to health? Third, what is the benefit of eating animal blood for the body? Fourth, although animal blood is good, these 2 types of people are not recommended to eat

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="46" >What are the components of animal blood? Why do people blacken their poop after eating? </h1>

Like Xiao Hong, many people will pull black stool after eating pig red, duck blood and other animal blood, why eat animal blood will pull black stool?

This brings us to the ingredients in animal blood.

We know that animal blood is rich in iron, even up to 76%.

Because animal blood is rich in heme iron, when the human body eats it, it will combine with the sulfide in the body and become a substance called iron sulfide. The color of iron sulfide is black, it will dye the body's stool black, and finally people will see the black stool come out.

This is why eating animal blood pulls black stools.

Animal blood contains a lot of "toxins", eating stool blackened health? People who dare not eat pig blood to see what are the ingredients of animal blood? Why do people blacken their poop after eating? Second, animal blood contains a lot of toxins, eating too much is harmful to health? Third, what is the benefit of eating animal blood for the body? Fourth, although animal blood is good, these 2 types of people are not recommended to eat

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="45" > Second, animal blood contains a lot of toxins, eating too much is harmful to health? </h1>

Many people think that blood is a very dirty thing, think that animal blood contains dirty garbage in blood vessels, is not clean, dare not eat, and even rumors that animal blood contains a lot of toxins. So does animal blood really contain toxins? Can you eat it?

In fact, these fears are not necessary.

Inside the blood vessels, there is actually not much garbage or toxins, and the blood vessels contain only the metabolites of the cells. And the constant flow of blood will transport these metabolites to places that can be processed by the human body, that is, our liver and kidneys, where the metabolites will be filtered out or converted into other substances, so they generally do not stay in the bloodstream.

In addition, the edible animal blood we buy in regular supermarkets is produced by being treated by killing bacteria, and it needs to go through strict quarantine and can only be listed if it is qualified, that is to say, animal blood generally does not contain toxins and will not endanger health

Animal blood contains a lot of "toxins", eating stool blackened health? People who dare not eat pig blood to see what are the ingredients of animal blood? Why do people blacken their poop after eating? Second, animal blood contains a lot of toxins, eating too much is harmful to health? Third, what is the benefit of eating animal blood for the body? Fourth, although animal blood is good, these 2 types of people are not recommended to eat

So, taking the most common pig blood as an example, how do we choose regular and good pig blood in our daily lives?

This is mainly discerned from four aspects.

First, look at the color. Inferior pig blood doped with other chemicals is dark gray or bright red, and only dark red pig blood is good.

Second, smell the taste. Since it is blood, it must contain a bloody smell, so pig blood that can smell a faint bloody smell is healthy.

Three, press lightly. Inferior pig blood has no elasticity, but good pig blood has it, we can distinguish it by pressing the pig blood with our hands, but be careful not to crush the pig's blood pressure too hard.

Fourth, look at the cutting. The cross-sectional surface of good and bad pig blood is not the same, the smooth cut surface and no stomata are inferior pig blood, and the pig blood with many small stomata that is rough and cut is good pig blood.

Animal blood contains a lot of "toxins", eating stool blackened health? People who dare not eat pig blood to see what are the ingredients of animal blood? Why do people blacken their poop after eating? Second, animal blood contains a lot of toxins, eating too much is harmful to health? Third, what is the benefit of eating animal blood for the body? Fourth, although animal blood is good, these 2 types of people are not recommended to eat

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="44" >3. What is the benefit of eating animal blood? </h1>

Since animal blood is generally free of toxins, what good will it do to our bodies to eat animal blood?

Take pig blood, for example, pig blood is very nutritious and contains the essential element of the human body - iron. The same is true of other animal blood. The trace element iron can prevent iron deficiency anemia, for people with iron deficiency anemia, eating zoology can play a certain role in conditioning, but also can play a preventive role.

At the same time, proteases and low molecular weight oxides in animal blood can play a role in delaying aging. Therefore, eating animal blood often can not only supplement nutrients, but also prevent some diseases.

Animal blood contains a lot of "toxins", eating stool blackened health? People who dare not eat pig blood to see what are the ingredients of animal blood? Why do people blacken their poop after eating? Second, animal blood contains a lot of toxins, eating too much is harmful to health? Third, what is the benefit of eating animal blood for the body? Fourth, although animal blood is good, these 2 types of people are not recommended to eat

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="33" > Fourth, although animal blood is good, these 2 types of people are not recommended to eat</h1>

Animal blood has many benefits, but there are two groups of people who are not recommended to eat it:

1. Patients with hypercholesterolemia, liver disease, hypertension and coronary heart disease. Because the cholesterol substance in the blood of animals is rich, people with high blood lipids will aggravate the disease when they eat it, so they should eat less.

2. Patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding. This is because eating animal blood affects the blood content and nature of the upper gastrointestinal tract and interferes with the doctor's examination.

These two groups of people need special attention, although animal blood is very good for normal people, but everything varies from person to person, and people with these diseases are better off eating less or not eating.

In short, animal blood purchased from regular sources is healthy and beneficial, and being rich in nutrients has many benefits for our body. Black stool after eating animal blood is also normal, but it is not recommended for people with specific diseases.


[1] "The Four Benefits of Eating Pig's Blood". Dong Zhixi

[2] "5 Foods Must Not Be Eaten with Pig Blood". Jiujiang Nutrition Society.2015-01-20

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