
Squid, octopus, cuttlefish have been indistinguishable, after reading this article to understand, will not buy the wrong squid octopus cuttlefish nutrients difference

author:September Little Chef

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Teppanyaki squid, octopus balls, grilled cuttlefish... It sounds mouth-watering, sometimes walking on the snack street, the first smell that floats over is the taste of teppanyaki squid, and I don't know how teppanyaki squid is, it is also delicious to eat, but it smells several times more fragrant than eating. Squid, octopus, cuttlefish, it's hard to tell at once, because they all seem to be similar things.

Squid, octopus, cuttlefish have been indistinguishable, after reading this article to understand, will not buy the wrong squid octopus cuttlefish nutrients difference

In ordinary life, squid, cuttlefish, octopus eat more, whether it is cooking at home, or going to the restaurant to eat, are very common, I have not been able to distinguish their taste, anyway cooked, are similar taste, not to say that I really do not know which of these 3 kinds of food is eaten.

Squid, octopus, cuttlefish have been indistinguishable, after reading this article to understand, will not buy the wrong squid octopus cuttlefish nutrients difference

Octopus, squid and cuttlefish are all soft, tentacled and suction cup animals. Sometimes just look at the tentacles, you can't even distinguish which one, but if you want to look at the whole one, you can still see the difference, because they look different, and the difference is quite large. If you look at the pictures, you can see at a glance, and then compare their characteristics, it is easier to remember which one it is.

Squid, octopus, cuttlefish have been indistinguishable, after reading this article to understand, will not buy the wrong squid octopus cuttlefish nutrients difference

Squid, octopus, cuttlefish have been indistinguishable, after reading this article, I understand, will not buy the wrong.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > squid</h1>

Squid is easy to remember what it looks like. Usually we buy a circle, a circle of frozen squid rings, is the squid tubular body, so the thickness of the squid body, almost the thickness of the squid ring bought, the body is tubular, the antennae grow on the top of the head, this is the squid. In addition, there is the more common teppanyaki squid, which is also a popular delicacy.

Squid, octopus, cuttlefish have been indistinguishable, after reading this article to understand, will not buy the wrong squid octopus cuttlefish nutrients difference

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > octopus</h1>

Octopus is also called octopus. Octopus has longer antennae than the body, so it often eats thicker antennae. The tentacles of large octopuses should even be sliced before eating. There are also small octopuses. For example, South Korea especially likes to eat raw, that is, small octopus, the whole live octopus, a whole put in the mouth, seems to enjoy the taste. I think the taste is more unique, isn't it more fragrant to eat when cooked?

Squid, octopus, cuttlefish have been indistinguishable, after reading this article to understand, will not buy the wrong squid octopus cuttlefish nutrients difference

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="10" > cuttlefish</h1>

Also called squid. Sometimes eating in the restaurant, there will be a kind of black dumplings, the color of the dumpling skin, is black, called "cuttlefish dumplings", but also quite distinctive, this black dumpling skin, the authentic is the use of cuttlefish juice. More common is the black "cuttlefish ball", which also uses the juice of cuttlefish. Cuttlefish juice, often used to make black food, is a natural pigment. A small cuttlefish cub is also often made into snacks.

Squid, octopus, cuttlefish have been indistinguishable, after reading this article to understand, will not buy the wrong squid octopus cuttlefish nutrients difference

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12" > the difference in nutrient content</h1>

Octopus, squid and cuttlefish, there are also some differences in nutritional composition, especially the "cholesterol" content that everyone cares about, the content of these 3 kinds is also different, then, which content is high, which content is low?

After reading this article, you can understand that when you buy it, you will no longer buy the wrong one. Many people say that they dare not eat squid because of the high content of cholesterol, which is not unreasonable. However, cholesterol is mainly synthesized by the body, and the direct absorption from food is limited, and there is no need to waste food due to choking, do not eat too much at one time, and eat normally.

Squid, octopus, cuttlefish have been indistinguishable, after reading this article to understand, will not buy the wrong squid octopus cuttlefish nutrients difference

After reading this article, I found that I usually eat more squid! My favorite, too, is the teppanyaki squid!

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