
Legendary agent Li Shiyu: The hidden army unified road to the military command major general, Dai Kasa did not know his identity until his death

On January 3, 1946, a secret telegram was placed on Dai Kasa's desk. As the commander of the military unification, this secret service leader is well-known. But when he saw the letter, his eyes widened. Dai Kasa said emphatically, "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible." It turned out that his most trusted subordinate, Li Shiyu, had actually been arrested and investigated. According to some clues, Li Shiyu was suspected of being a red undercover of our party. Is this true or false? For a time, the storms within the military command were shaky, and the people were panicked.

Legendary agent Li Shiyu: The hidden army unified road to the military command major general, Dai Kasa did not know his identity until his death

Li Shiyu is not an ordinary agent, he has been in the military for many years and has done many things for Dai Kasa. At that time, Li Shiyu was a major general with the rank of major general, and he had a lot of intelligence, which could be called Dai Kasa's right and left hands. On the same day, he suspended the relevant interrogations and only dismissed Li Shiyu from his post to investigate. Because of this, Li Shiyu saved his life.

Two months later, on the way to Nanjing, Dai Kasa suffered a plane crash. This is the end of the secret agent emperor. Until his death, he did not know that Li Shiyu was our comrade. What is the fate of Li Shiyu in the end? What credit did he make on his way to lurking?

Legendary agent Li Shiyu: The hidden army unified road to the military command major general, Dai Kasa did not know his identity until his death

Enthusiastic youth, join the revolution

In 1908, Li Shiyu was born in Bayan County, Heilongjiang. As a child, his original name was Li Tingfang. His father was an intellectual, and he was also highly expected from an early age and was deeply cultivated along the way. In addition to studying subsets of scripture and history, he also read extensively. After growing up, Li Shiyu loved "Water Margin". Because he was fascinated by reading, he was especially fond of "timely rain" Song Jiang, and also changed his name to Li Shiyu. "Anxious about what people are anxious about, think about what people think", taking this sentence as the criterion, Li Shiyu regarded the righteousness of his friends very seriously.

At the age of 15, Li Shiyu's family was in a middle of nowhere and was forced to drop out of school. For knowledge, he was full of hope. So, he ran to Tianjin alone and worked and studied at his friend's house. Li Shiyu is willing to endure hardships and can be an officer. Coupled with his flexibility, many employers favor him. But while working, he also witnessed the living conditions of tianjin workers. It is a time of chaos, warlords are rising, and the people are not happy. The capitalists and large landowners continued to exploit, and the peasants and workers lived in extreme hardship. It all touched him deeply.

Legendary agent Li Shiyu: The hidden army unified road to the military command major general, Dai Kasa did not know his identity until his death

In 1925, the "May Thirtieth Massacre" broke out in Shanghai. The Japanese capitalists mutilated the workers in the spinning mills, and a general strike was set off throughout the country. In Tianjin, college students spontaneously took to the streets, and the people called for unity and condemnation. Influenced by this, Li Shiyu also joined the parade and came into contact with progressive ideas. In 1930, at the age of 22, Li Shiyu was admitted to beijing University of Political Science and Law. At school, he joined the Socialist Youth League, read extensively The works of Marxism-Leninism, and his personal consciousness rose rapidly.

In 1933, Li Shiyu graduated from the University of Political Science and Law ahead of schedule. As a high-achieving student, he was valued by the organization. After arrangement, Li Shiyu entered the northeast army to work. At that time, Zhang Xueliang was serving as the commander-in-chief of the suppression in the northwest. At Chiang Kai-shek's orders, they were forced to fight the Red Army. Entering the Fourth Staff Office of the Northeast Army, Li Shiyu quickly played a role. Under the cover of a special identity, he obtained a large amount of intelligence and told us in advance. Therefore, the Red Army avoided the Northeast Army and preserved its living forces.

Legendary agent Li Shiyu: The hidden army unified road to the military command major general, Dai Kasa did not know his identity until his death

Multi-agent, red nature

On the other hand, Li Shiyu accurately ascertained the situation of the Northeast Army. Retreating from the three eastern provinces into Guannei, and then retreating from Guannei to the northwest, the Northeast Army has long been in chaos. The low-level soldiers and officers all missed their hometowns, and Chiang Kai-shek's promised supply guarantees were delayed. In the remote northwestern hinterland, warriors were reluctant to turn their guns at their compatriots.

In 1935, Li Shiyu was transferred to the police office of Zhang Xueliang's mansion. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he actively publicized the anti-Japanese ideas to the people around the young marshal. Slogans such as "Stop the civil war and fight back to the northeast" are increasingly being answered.

Legendary agent Li Shiyu: The hidden army unified road to the military command major general, Dai Kasa did not know his identity until his death

On December 12, 1936, under the distress of the country inside and outside the country, Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng launched a military advisory. After our Party intervened, the Xi'an Incident was successfully resolved and the National Unified Anti-Japanese Front was established. As a result, Li Shiyu's task changed again. At the request of the organization, he infiltrated Tianjin and waited for an opportunity to inquire about intelligence. In 1937, the Japanese invaded China in an all-round way. Within a few months, North China fell. In the occupied area, Li Shiyu did not panic. At that time, he was a senior prosecutor in the Tianjin court, and was co-opted by many forces.

Under the coercion of the Japanese, Li Shiyu entered the puppet government to perform his duties. At work, he received a lot of information and took the opportunity to pass it on. Soon, Li Shiyu was favored by Dai Kasa. After receiving the invitation from the military command, he was momentarily overwhelmed. After reporting to his superiors, he was given an even more important mission. After deliberation by the North China Bureau, Li Shiyu's position is quite important. Cover up and blend in with the enemy camp. As a tripartite undercover agent, he played a huge role in the war of resistance and the revolutionary cause. In the following 3 years, Li Shiyu saved his compatriots in the enemy-occupied areas, delivered news, and made extraordinary achievements.

Legendary agent Li Shiyu: The hidden army unified road to the military command major general, Dai Kasa did not know his identity until his death

In 1940, the Wang puppet regime was established in Nanjing. Subsequently, at the national congress, Li Shiyu was elected as a legislator. In this way, he went to Nanjing and was assigned to the "second person" Chen Gongbo. Li Shiyu has a solid knowledge of politics and law, and after many years of office, he has done things properly and has rich experience. As a difficult talent, Li Shiyu was reused by Chen Gongbo. From 1941 to 1944, Li Shiyu concurrently served as the chief of the military justice department of the pseudo-Shanghai Security Department and the judicial director of the pseudo-Shanghai Police Department.

Major General of the Army, meritorious service to liberation

In an important position, Li Shiyu entered the enemy's pivotal position. In three years, he obtained a series of strategic intelligence and made great contributions to the cause of anti-Japanese resistance. For Li Shiyu's performance, Dai Kasa was extremely recognized. Risking many dangers, Li Shiyu can always send out first-hand intelligence. From the high-level struggle of the Wang puppet regime to the deployment and logistics of the Japanese army invading China, as long as it passed through his hands, the news reached Yan'an and Chongqing. At that time, the Japanese special high school was closely monitored in Shanghai. If you are slightly suspicious, you will die. Even the traitor Li Shiqun could not escape the disaster, which showed how great the risk was!

Legendary agent Li Shiyu: The hidden army unified road to the military command major general, Dai Kasa did not know his identity until his death

In September 1945, the Anti-Japanese Resistance was victorious. Under Dai Kasa's arrangement, Li Shiyu remained as the deputy station chief of Shanghai Station and enjoyed the rank of major general. As for the fruits of victory, the Chiang Kai-shek clique was eager to move. Under the eyes of the enemy, Li Shiyu risked death to lurk again.

In 1946, before the enemy launched an offensive, he sent out information in time. With this information, we immediately made arrangements, and troops from all over the country quickly broke through.

In January 1946, Li Shiyu was suspected by the military command. In September of the same year, he was sentenced to seven years in prison on charges of "traitor." In prison, he persisted for 3 years. In all kinds of interrogation torture, Li Shiyu clenched his teeth and made no mistakes.

In February 1949, after organizing rescue, Li Shiyu came out smoothly. Later, under the cover of deputy general manager of Shanghai Huizhong Company, he went south to Hong Kong and met with Zhang Lan and other democrats. Under the arrangement of his superiors, he escorted Zhang Lan into Beijing.

Legendary agent Li Shiyu: The hidden army unified road to the military command major general, Dai Kasa did not know his identity until his death


After the founding of New China, Li Shiyu opened his identity to the world and entered the United Front Work Department. Over the past few decades, he has continued to work hard, issued many initiatives to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots and overseas Chinese compatriots, and won extensive help.

In 1982, Li Shiyu left for retirement and was hired as an adviser on religious affairs under the State Council.

He died peacefully in Beijing on December 28, 1999, at the age of 91.

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