
Li Shiyu: Lurking in the enemy camp for 15 years, the "eavesdropper" of the Wang pseudo core, all the way to the major general of the military command

Battlefields without smoke of gunfire are often the most terrifying, especially those who are on a stealth mission, and the slightest carelessness can kill the enemy. However, there was a legendary agent who had been in the enemy camp for fifteen years, and Liu Shaoqi praised him:

You alone can withstand three divisions, you are a miracle!

He's the Legendary Agent

Li Shiyu

Nickname: Bugging.

Li Shiyu: Lurking in the enemy camp for 15 years, the "eavesdropper" of the Wang pseudo core, all the way to the major general of the military command

In 1908, Li Shiyu was born in Hongxin Village, Wanfa Town, Bayan County, Heilongjiang Province, to a large landlord family. At that time, his parents named him

Li Tingfang

Li Shiyu has two talents, one is high IQ, brain intelligence, coupled with hard work, the results have been particularly good; the other is heavy feelings, good communication, according to the current words is high emotional intelligence.

Eight-year-old Li Shiyu was sent to a private school by the elders of his family to study, and his favorite book at that time was "Water Margin", one of the four famous books. And one of his favorite characters in this book is

"Timely rain Song Jiang

”。 He felt

This name is too delicate, so according to his own personality preferences, he imitated Song Jiang's nickname "Timely Rain" and changed his name to Li Shiyu.

Li Shiyu: Lurking in the enemy camp for 15 years, the "eavesdropper" of the Wang pseudo core, all the way to the major general of the military command

Li Shiyu's results since he was a child have been very good. However, during the period of study, Li Shiyu's grandfather died, and his parents, who originally did not agree with Li Shiyu's study, became even more intense, and even did not give him tuition, so Li Shiyu also dropped out of school for a while, and later under the advice of others, his parents agreed to continue to let Li Shiyu study.

In 1926, Li Shiyu was admitted to Nankai University, and then directly into the National Beijing University of Political Science and Law. During his time at the school, he was influenced by progressive ideas, secretly joined the Communist Party of China, participated in many revolutionary activities within the party, and made many meritorious contributions.

In 1934, Li Shiyu graduated from university, and he, a young talent in law school, did not do work related to his profession, but did not hesitate to accept the organization's assignment to be an agent into the enemy


He soon received his first assignment.

Li Shiyu: Lurking in the enemy camp for 15 years, the "eavesdropper" of the Wang pseudo core, all the way to the major general of the military command

Lin Feng, then head of the organization department of the municipal party committee, found Li Shiyu and discussed sending him to lurk inside the Northeast Army to obtain intelligence for the party organization and carry out anti-Japanese rescue work.

Li Shiyu then found his hometown friend Zhang Xuemeng, who had graduated from the Japanese Army Non-Commissioned Officer School and returned to China to join the Northeast Army, where he was already the director of the guard room of Zhang Xueliang's mansion.

On the recommendation of Zhang Xuemeng, Li Shiyu came to Xi'an to enter the fourth place of the northwest "Suppression General", served as a lieutenant clerk, and lived in the Zhang Mansion at No. 5 Jinjia Lane, thus beginning his career as a professional agent.

At that time, Liu Yuxin, the leader of the Xi'an underground party underground leadership under zhou Enlai, had a relationship with Li Shiyu, and he entrusted Li Shiyu with two main tasks: one was to understand the basic situation of the Northeast Army, and the second was to do the work of the guards in Zhang Xueliang's mansion and the personnel of the various departments and departments of the "Suppression General Office," propagating to them the idea of resisting Japan and saving the country, and taking advantage of everyone's ideological emotions to encourage officers and men to return to their hometowns in the northeast.

Li Shiyu: Lurking in the enemy camp for 15 years, the "eavesdropper" of the Wang pseudo core, all the way to the major general of the military command

Because Li Shiyu spoke the Northeastern dialect, everyone sounded very cordial, and the staff of the Zhang Mansion all hoped that Zhang Xueliang could take them back to the northeast, and Li Shiyu took the opportunity to publicize the idea of resisting Japan and saving the country with them, and to a certain extent, indirectly influenced Zhang Xueliang's thinking.

On December 12, 1936, Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng launched the Xi'an Incident, forcing Chiang Kai-shek to stop the civil war and unite with the Communist Party to resist Japan. Although the Xi'an incident achieved the desired effect, Zhang Xueliang was immediately detained after escorting Chiang Kai-shek back to Nanjing. The dragons are leaderless, Zhang Xueliang is not there, and where should the Northeast Army go?

In June 1937, after several months of chaotic division, the Northeast Army was reorganized and reorganized, and the Appeasement Office was established, and Li Shiyu did not need to stay here any longer. Under the arrangement of the party organization, Li Shiyu was sent to Tianjin to engage in underground intelligence work in Beiping and Tianjin as a procurator of the Tianjin court, under the direct leadership of He Songting.

Li Shiyu: Lurking in the enemy camp for 15 years, the "eavesdropper" of the Wang pseudo core, all the way to the major general of the military command

In 1939, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was already in a stage of stalemate, and Japan's policy toward China had also changed, and it was ready to use China to control China, and Wang Jingwei was the target they chose.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for them to convene the National People's Congress, the organization, after operation, disguised Li Shiyu as a representative of the north of the National Government to attend the meeting. At the meeting, Li Shiyu was like a river, his performance was outstanding, and he made some very insightful remarks, which attracted the attention of Wang Jingwei and others, and after the meeting, he was directly appointed as a legislator of the Wang puppet government, and in this way he smoothly entered the Wang puppet government to hold an important position. Because he deliberately made good friends with his superiors, he handled things smoothly and mixed well in the Wang puppet government.

Li Shiyu's theory was solid, his logic was rigorous, and his work ability was very outstanding, and he soon opened up the situation in the Nanjing Legislative Committee and won the favor of Chen Gongbo, a traitor. Later, Chen Gongbo served as the mayor of Shanghai, and Li Shiyu also went to Shanghai as a member of the party committee and secretary general.

Li Shiyu: Lurking in the enemy camp for 15 years, the "eavesdropper" of the Wang pseudo core, all the way to the major general of the military command

In order to support the Japanese army's operations in the Pacific Theater, the Japanese and puppets stepped up the encirclement and suppression of the New Fourth Army. Chen Gongbo often had no time to deal with official affairs, and was often handed over to Li Shiyu to handle. Therefore, every time the Japanese and pseudo-Japanese launched the encirclement and suppression of the New Fourth Army, their battle plan would appear on the desk of the New Fourth Army headquarters within a day. The final result was that the Japanese Kou either ran to the countryside to pounce, or they mistakenly entered the encirclement of the New Fourth Army and made a mess.

In 1943, Chen Yi, at a meeting summarizing the rebellion against the Japanese army's "clearing the countryside", mentioned Li Shiyu's intelligence, saying:

"This information has at least helped us to increase the strength of a division."

Li Shiyu: Lurking in the enemy camp for 15 years, the "eavesdropper" of the Wang pseudo core, all the way to the major general of the military command

In October 1945, Dai Kasa, director of the Military Command bureau of Chiang Kai-shek's government and head of the secret service, led a team to take advantage of the situation and began to take over Shanghai.

Under the recommendation of Yu Xiangqin, Li Shiyu successfully "broke into" the military command and became a major general of the military command. A few days later, Dai Kasa, the head of the military command, came to Shanghai and held a special "Shanghai Office Commemorative Weekly Meeting." At the meeting, Dai Kasa specifically asked about Li Shiyu and said to him: "Li Shiyu, I have heard of you, you are very capable, you have done a lot of work for the great cause of the party and the state in the Wang puppet government, and I welcome you to join on behalf of the military command." ”

Li Shiyu hurriedly raised his wine glass and said modestly: "Mr. Dai still has meritorious leadership, and I hope you will take more care of it in the future." ”

Shen Weihan, director of the Military Justice Department of the Shanghai District of the Military Command, because of the deep contradiction with Yu Xiangqin, checked the people around him one by one, and gradually discovered that Li Shiyu's brother and wife had been arrested for suspected communist resistance to Japan during the Japanese occupation period, and Yu Xiangqin's file did not have the relevant records of sending Li Shiyu into the Wang Pseudo Central Committee, Shen Weihan

Immediately sent a secret telegram to Dai Kasa, who was engaged in "reception" in Beiping, asking for instructions to arrest Li Shiyu. Dai Kasa believed that Li Shiyu was a victim of the internal struggle for power and profit, and could not be the Communist Party; moreover, he had made great achievements after joining the army and did not agree to arrest. Unfortunately, Dai Kasa died in a plane crash on March 17, 1946, on his way back from Beiping to Shanghai to Nanjing. After Dai Kasa's death, the mutual conflict within the military command intensified. The Inspectorate and the Military Justice Department began to secretly reconnoiter Li Shiyu, and then

He was arrested and detained at the Military Control Center in Nanshi, Shanghai.

Li Shiyu: Lurking in the enemy camp for 15 years, the "eavesdropper" of the Wang pseudo core, all the way to the major general of the military command

Here, the secret agents of the military command brutally extorted a confession from Li Shiyu and tortured him for two days and two nights with torture such as "pressing a lever" and pouring cold water, but Li Shiyu, who had been mentally prepared earlier, always denied it, refused to sign the interrogation record, and even scolded: "For eight years, you have been hiding in Chongqing and not fighting Japanese devils. When the spies saw that they could not do it, they played conspiracies and tricks, instructing the personnel to pretend to be suspects of the Communist Party and were close to Li Shiyu, but this could not deceive the experienced Li Shiyu, but he skillfully maneuvered with the spies as an underground worker of the Kuomintang, and from time to time gave the other party an anti-Japanese and patriotic ideological education. After tossing and turning like this for more than 3 months, the secret agents of the military command could not find any clues that Li Shiyu was a Communist Party, so they had to throw him into Tilanqiao Prison to continue to be detained. Because the military command was extremely vicious in the Communist Party case, he finally instructed the court to sentence Li Shiyu to 7 years and 6 months in prison on the charge of "han traitor." During this period, the party organizations and comrades rescued them many times without success, but Li Shiyu, who was in prison, was greatly encouraged and always held the belief that the revolution and the people would win, and waited in prison for a day when he would return to the embrace of the party organization.

Li Shiyu: Lurking in the enemy camp for 15 years, the "eavesdropper" of the Wang pseudo core, all the way to the major general of the military command

In February 1949, Li Shiyu was finally released on bail. Soon after his release from prison, he became acquainted with Zhang Zhiyi, and according to the instructions of the party organization, Li Shiyu continued to engage in intelligence work in the name of the deputy general manager of Shanghai Huizhong Enterprise Company. Li Shiyu traveled back and forth among the Kuomintang military and police organs, gently propagating our party's policies and telling them to protect all public materials and archives. Li Shiyu's activities attracted the attention of Mao Sen, the director of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau and the head of the military command, who sent spies to stalk them. Zhang Zhiyi again decided that Li Shiyu would withdraw from Shanghai and send letters and travel expenses to receive the relationship.

Li Shiyu took hong Kong to meet his wife, Sun Jingyun, who had been transferred to Peiping earlier, to transfer the intelligence information provided by the CPC office in Hong Kong to the Military Control Commission. As a result, the Communist Party member who had fought in the devil's cave for 15 years revealed his identity and put on the uniform of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. He excitedly wrote:

"The enemy camp has been fighting for fifteen years, and the sword and light sword shadow are invisible. On the day of the return of the revolution' victory, he changed into his military uniform and smiled. ”

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