
Yinchuan Night Reading 丨 unload your tiredness and let the past clear to zero

Yinchuan Night Reading 丨 unload your tiredness and let the past clear to zero

Every second makes the news move

Hi, Yinchuan people 2021 is almost over, give yourself a vacation to your soul!

Broadcaster: He Zixuan

For the recent weather conditions in Yinchuan, I just want to say "it's so cold"!

Yinchuan Night Reading 丨 unload your tiredness and let the past clear to zero

Photo by Li Jing, a reporter of yinchuan news and media group

I believe that in winter, many small partners will have the phenomenon of cold hands and feet, cold and dry not only caused rhinitis, peeling, drowsiness and other phenomena, but also may cause chaos in life and rest.

Recently, I have also been deeply disturbed by it, and the reason is that I can't let go of my inner obsession, and the heavy my heart is, and the heavier the psychological burden becomes.

Yinchuan Night Reading 丨 unload your tiredness and let the past clear to zero

Yinchuan News Media Group reporter Su Yong

But in fact, many of the troubles and confusions in life are our own and our own inability to live.

As the saying goes, "Those who have a heart are tired, but those who don't have a heart don't matter." ”

You know, people's energy is limited. The mind is always burdened with all kinds of things, and over time, it will naturally feel tired.

There is such a story. A young man, on a high-speed train, accidentally dropped his beloved watch from the window. Everyone around him felt sorry for him, and he himself was sullen about it.

At this time, an old man sitting opposite the youth said: "The more you care, the more painful it will be, so it is better to look up and enjoy the scenery along the way." The young man was stunned for a few seconds and looked up at the window, and a green grass came into his eyes, and his mood was suddenly cheerful.

He thought about it for a moment, and if he had been suffering from the sadness of losing his watch, he would not have missed such a beautiful view.

Yes, life is a guest, why a thousand knots, lost things, do not always have to pay attention to the heart, the heart is tired to turn a corner.

As the ancient saying goes, "Troubles have no roots, do not pick up nature, have no source, and do not investigate themselves easily." "Take the defilement too seriously, and it will be infinitely magnified and pressed on your heart."

Yinchuan Night Reading 丨 unload your tiredness and let the past clear to zero

In the blink of an eye, there are only ten days left this year, and I look forward to you not being wrapped up in bad emotions, rushing out of bad emotions, with a stable attitude, spending this year and looking forward to the new atmosphere of the coming year.

When winter nights come, we can eat a family meal at home, or exchange heartfelt words with close friends, meet familiar people, and do familiar things, which may be ordinary happiness.

As the saying goes: "When the sun rises in the East China Sea and sets on the western mountains, there is also a day of sorrow and joy; when things do not drill the tip of the horns, people are also comfortable, and the heart is also comfortable." Don't think too much and burden the mind.

Unload your tiredness and let the past clear up.


Wen 丨 Zhang Yuzhi

Anchor 丨He Zixuan

Editor-in-chief 丨 Liu Sange

Editor-in-chief 丨Ma Lingyan

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