
The highest state of life (very incisive)


The highest state of life

Don't say the wrong thing in your busy life,

Chaos does not look at the wrong person,

Complexity does not go the wrong way.

In the midst of chaos, it is inevitable that the wrong words will be said; in the chaos, it is inevitable that the wrong people will be seen; at the fork in the road, they will also get lost and go astray.

It can be seen that the most difficult thing in life is to always be sober.

But life is like a chess piece, and there is no regret in falling.

Every game is a wrong step, a wrong step, so every step we take must be careful and keep our heads clear.

There is always a rule in mind, you can always do it, look up with a direction, and look down and be sober.

The highest state of life (very incisive)


The highest state of self-discipline

Reactive power is not subject to the Great Lu,

Helplessness is not subject to Dali,

Incompetence is not big.

In this world, if someone takes credit for it, there are people who are not rewarded; some people are deceived and deceived, and some people are not ignorant of gold.

The former usually does not end well, while the latter is commemorated and celebrated.

It can be seen that people who know self-discipline will also know what they can have and what kind of height they can reach.

We often say that "if virtue is not worthy, there will be disasters" is also the same truth.

Man is an energetic being in his own right. Life, blessings, power, and money are all energy, and if a person does not have enough blessings to carry him, it is himself who will ultimately suffer losses.

Only by dealing with all temptations with self-discipline is the highest wisdom in dealing with the world.


The highest state of life

Often associate with high people,

Idle meet the elegant people,

Every time you relax with loved ones.

Whether a person is good or not often depends on the environment in which you live and the people you interact with.

Burrow Ming wrote: There is a great deal of humor in talking and laughing, and there is no white ding in the exchanges.

A communication that is not understood will usually make people physically and mentally exhausted. So, for the rest of your life please understand your walk in the crowd. So many people in this world, as long as 1% of the people understand you, enough, gathered together, the power is very strong, choose the same channel people together, life will become very simple and happy.

Therefore, at a certain age, we must reduce meaningless liquor stores, time-wasting communities, relatives who watch people get off the plate, and friends who are hypocritical.

Smart people who spend their whole lives doing subtraction. Friends walking together, relatives on the side, is the best life.

The highest state of life (very incisive)


The highest state of business

Love the post and do your duty without regrets,

Raising a well-off family,

Happy and regretless.

After adulthood, some people say that their life is two points and one line, in addition to work is home.

Some people find it boring, others enjoy it.

In fact, life is mostly like this, boring and boring. But interesting people can turn it into a flower.

They treat their work with the spirit of craftsmen "to do a line, to love a line, to specialize in a line, to be fine in a line". They always treat their families with a smile.

And such people are often the happiest and happiest. So, if you don't know how to live your life, you might as well start from this point.


The highest state of honor

You are far away from the rivers and lakes,

There are also your legends.

What's the best way to miss someone?

Many are missed and still missed.

What's the best way to miss a celebrity?

He has left the jianghu, but the jianghu still circulates his legend.

Among us, there is no shortage of such people. From those historical celebrities who we cherish, to a flat-headed ordinary person who helps others.

As long as it has enough value to society, such a legend can be anyone. It is precisely because of the existence of these legends that our world is so sunny and lovely.


The highest level of drinking

You know who he is,

He doesn't know who you are anymore.

Drinking alcohol usually has two results, one is that the more you drink, the more confused you are, and the more you drink, the more sober you are.

And the really powerful one is the kind of person who drinks more and more soberly.

In fact, they are not drunk in a thousand cups, but while understanding their own ability, they have set a limit for themselves.

Such people, when dealing with problems, are often at ease, and they are also the smartest in the social arena.


The highest level of dating

Long time no contact,

Always in the heart.

I have always liked this sentence: "See or not see, still miss, do not contact, have not forgotten." ”

The highest state of making friends is like this, no contact, does not mean to forget; no greeting, does not mean no care.

The best friends in life are like the stars in the night sky, although they are seen from time to time, but we know that they are there.

Those true friendships will never be stranded because of time, nor will they be alienated because they do not see each other, and those who really care about a person may not necessarily be together.

Many times, not disturbing is also a kind of care, and not contacting is also a kind of cherishing.

Friends I haven't contacted for a long time: it's cold, remember to add clothes, get sick, remember to rest. No matter how busy and tired you are, you must take good care of yourself!


The highest state of love

Although he has white hair,

Still holding hands and looking at each other.

What is love?

Yu Qiuyu said that love is:

Cooking smoke rises, I am waiting for you at the door; when the sun sets, I am waiting for you by the mountain; the leaves are yellow, I am waiting for you under the tree; the moon is bent, I am waiting for you at fifteen;

We're old, I'm waiting in the next life.

Obviously, love is the companionship of a lifetime. The highest state of love is that no matter how red or white hair is, they like it as always.

Some people say that I do not envy the couple who are full of style, but only the old husbands and wives who snuggle up with each other.

The love at first sight is always less than the long-term companionship; the vigorous confession is not as good as the care of the long stream.

May the years be looked back and share a white head with affection. May we all spend gray hair with the person we love the most!

The highest state of life (very incisive)


The highest state of life

Come crying,

Laugh and go.

We first came into this world because we had to come; eventually we left this world because we had to go.

The process during this period is life.

There is no easy word. Many people's lives are telling us that there is no satisfactory life, only a life that looks open.

Feng Zikai once said, "If you love, life is lovely everywhere; if you hate, life is hateful everywhere; if you are grateful, you can be grateful everywhere; if you grow, everything can grow." ”

As the saying goes, when the heart is small, all the little things are big; when the heart is big, all the big things are small.

The highest state of life is to cry and laugh and go. Therefore, even if life is bumpy, you must smile and face it. Only an open-minded mindset can solve all the problems.

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