
New Archaeological Discoveries in Xinzheng! This place is on fire "out of the circle"!

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Xinzheng double-clicked "out of the circle"!

New Archaeological Discoveries in Xinzheng! This place is on fire "out of the circle"!

Recently, Xinhua News Agency released

The latest discovery at the Pei Li Gang site

It is about 8,000 years old

A wine made from fermentation with Aspergillus flavouris

For our country at present

Discover the earliest aspergillus flavours brewing techniques

New Archaeological Discoveries in Xinzheng! This place is on fire "out of the circle"!

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Aspergillus flavours has been used to make wine #

Once published

It has attracted heated discussions from the majority of netizens

The network has been read 1.84 million times

Global Daily, CCTV4, etc

The official website accounts have forwarded likes

Many netizens said

This archaeological discovery of Xinzheng

It is once again a testament to the long history of Chinese culture

New Archaeological Discoveries in Xinzheng! This place is on fire "out of the circle"!

December 17

Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Research Assistant Li Yongqiang

Archaeological work in Henan in 2021

Presentation at the results exchange meeting

New Archaeological Discoveries in Xinzheng! This place is on fire "out of the circle"!

According to the introduction

The researchers were in the remnants of two clay pots

Detect a wealth of

Aspergillus flavouris hyphae and closed shell

as well as rice starch grains with fermentation characteristics

This indicates that clay pots are used for winemaking and wine storage

Pei Li Gang Ruins

It is one of the earliest village ruins in China

In order to study the origin and development of agriculture in China,

Pottery making, textile industry, winemaking

etc. provide important physical examples

New Archaeological Discoveries in Xinzheng! This place is on fire "out of the circle"!

"Drunk" is mellow and can't stay

Wine aroma Xinzheng 8000 years

Pei Li Gang this ancient land

Has an extraordinary look and experience

Located in the west of Pei Li Gang Village, about 8 kilometers northwest of Xinzheng City, the Pei Li Gang site is a national key cultural relics protection unit, dating back about 8,000 years, the absolute age is more than 1,000 years earlier than the Yangshao culture.

The discovery of the Pei Ligang site fills a historical gap in the early Neolithic period before the Yangshao culture in China. It proves that as early as 8,000 years ago, our ancestors began to settle in the Central Plains and engage in clan economic production activities based on primitive agriculture, handicrafts and livestock breeding.

If civilization is like a tree, then Pei Ligang culture is the young shoot of this tree of civilization, civilization is like the sun, And Pei Ligang culture is the first dawn emitted by the sun, illuminating and shortening the way for human beings to run to civilization. The 8,000-year-old PeiLigang culture twinkles in the east of the world.

Pei Ligang culture

It was 8,000 years ago

Middle Neolithic culture

Its discovery gave to the ancient civilization of China

Apply a magical layer of unique style

New Archaeological Discoveries in Xinzheng! This place is on fire "out of the circle"!

At the dawn of human civilization

The Pei LiGang people already have extraordinary abilities

They took what was created

Splendid ancient civilization

As a precious gift

Gifts to young humanity

It is left to the descendants of all generations

(Media reporter: Lu Fangfang)

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