
Prose | Zhang Yueda: Ordinary creates greatness

The ordinary creates greatness

Text/Zhang Yueda

Prose | Zhang Yueda: Ordinary creates greatness

(Web Photo)

A hundred years of prosperity has an end, and those who have done things have no boundaries. In the ordinary world, many ordinary people shine the most dazzling light in the ordinary, and create greatness in the ordinary.

"Establish a heart for heaven and earth, establish a destiny for the people, continue to learn from the saints, and open up peace for all the worlds." China's five-thousand-year cultural heritage has a long history, and throughout the ages, how many ordinary people have created extraordinary values for the Chinese nation with ordinary lives. Leaving behind the toddler childhood, breaking into the sentimental and spirited adolescent years, and entering the great era of national rejuvenation, how can we create greatness in the ordinary? The vastness of history is full of answers.

Every generation has the fate of each generation, misery, struggle, struggle, no generation is easy. At the beginning of the founding of New China, US imperialism gathered a group of lackeys to invade Korea with the intention of drinking the Yalu River, and its Seventh Fleet also invaded the Taiwan Strait to block the liberation of Taiwan. In the face of imperialism, which has an immortal heart, the leaders of new China gave an order to the Chinese People's Volunteer Army to cross the Yalu River with great vigor and vigor. The icy Battle of Chosin Lake is a fragment of this great war to defend the country. Undersupply, the volunteer soldiers who climbed the ice and lay on the snow fought a bloody battle with their flesh and blood against the 1st Division of the American Cavalry, which was armed to the teeth, and beat the 1st Division of the American Cavalry, which could not be achieved in a great battle, and fled in a terrible way. Countless ordinary volunteer soldiers have defended the dignity of the motherland with their blood and lives, and enriched the connotation of the great immortal national spirit. The ice sculpture has become a spiritual symbol of a great nation, deeply imprinted on the hearts of every Chinese son and daughter!

Once every ordinary life is integrated into the torrent of national prosperity and national independence, life has great significance! In the new era, how to define our own lives and how to choose the path under our feet, do we still need to think carefully?

The waves of truth flow endlessly as soon as they are gushing, and the flame of ideals never extinguishes once ignited. Yu Min in the TV series "Meritorious Service" gives up his small family to take care of everyone. In the face of heavy pressure, never give up lightly, lead a group of heroes and benevolent people, painstakingly and painstakingly, after countless days and nights of hard work, finally using China's oldest computer abacus, accurate calculation and improvement of relevant scientific research data, the first atomic bomb test explosion. The Chinese nation has begun the transformation from standing up to becoming strong, and has a voice in the world!

Countless ordinary people who are anonymous and buried in name, because of their extraordinary persistence in the ordinary, a nation has begun to stand up after a hundred years of humiliation! Today, in the face of countless temptations, we must not forget where we came from and where we must always remember. Be willing to be ordinary, do not forget the original heart, find the coordinates and positioning in ordinary posts, and never fall behind on the road of national rejuvenation!

The spirited young Mao Zedong once lamented that "two hundred years of confident life will hit three thousand miles when water strikes." "We who are also young people should also have a broad mind, lofty ideals, and heroic courage." The journey of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era is not all bright sunshine and drizzle. When a battle without the smoke of gunfire comes, thousands of ordinary medical personnel, white armor, with flesh and blood, invincible courage and superb wisdom have built a new Great Wall! They are all role models that can be learned from all around us. Where there are some quiet years, just someone waiting for us!

After bravely walking through the storm, we may have forgotten when the storm began, or even whether it really ended, but we firmly believe that we are no longer the person who walked into the storm, which is the extraordinary meaning of life written by the storm for ordinary us!

Today's responsibility is all in my youth, the teenager has his own youth strong, the heart is like the mountains and rivers are strong... Ordinary youth, we cross the majestic and majestic book mountain, cross the magnificent and colorful sea of learning, and raise the banner of youth with the passion of youth. The years are better because of the youth's coming forward, and the world is more magnificent because of the youth's indignation. Let the ordinary youth use the majestic power of youth to create new glory and greatness for our country and nation!

Prose | Zhang Yueda: Ordinary creates greatness

【About the author】Zhang Yueda, a middle school student in Liaocheng.

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