
He only became emperor for one day, was he doomed to lose in destiny, or was he subjectively man-made?

We all know that the change of dynasties in Chinese history is very frequent, the gap is also very large, and some dynasties can last for hundreds of years, such as the Han Dynasty. Some dynasties fell in just a few years, such as Ran Wei, and disappeared in two years. However, the dynasty we are talking about today is even more extreme, its emperor only did it for forty-two days, and after the official ascension to the throne, the dynasty existed only one day, and then it fell! So which dynasty is this?

He only became emperor for one day, was he doomed to lose in destiny, or was he subjectively man-made?

In fact, it belonged to The Dashun regime of Li Zicheng and Li Chuang. At that time, in the last years of the Ming Dynasty, the social and political situation was turbulent, and the class contradictions between peasants and nobles were on the verge of erupting. At first, Li Zicheng was just a bow horse who showed the imperial court, but later he owed money to others and could not afford it, and directly hacked the creditor to death. His wife committed adultery with the villagers, and when he found out, he killed her as well. So he was instantly burdened with two lives, and in order to escape the arrest of the government, he chose to join the army.

He only became emperor for one day, was he doomed to lose in destiny, or was he subjectively man-made?

Later, in the army, because of the ability to show, he was promoted to a small leader in the army. As a result, the good times were not long, because the upper part always owed the army grain, and he and his brothers in the army did not have enough to eat and still had to serve the country, and Li Zicheng wanted to become more and more angry, determined to change the corrupt situation of the Ming Dynasty, so he killed the officials above and led the troops to revolt. He was more capable of fighting, and his slogans were very loud, advocating the redistribution of fields to everyone and not allowing the people to pay taxes. Then this kind of political ideology was naturally sought after and echoed by the common people, many people volunteered to join his service, and finally his army grew stronger, with tens of thousands of people. As Li Zicheng went around in victorious battles, the common people welcomed him very much, calling him "King Li Chuang", and in those places that had not yet been calmed by Li Zicheng, the people were looking forward day and night, saying that as long as king Chuang came, we would not have to hand over grain in the future. At this time, Li Zicheng was simply a national idol.

He only became emperor for one day, was he doomed to lose in destiny, or was he subjectively man-made?

However, after Li Zicheng arrived in Beijing, he broke through the Ming Dynasty regime, and the power in his hands became greater and greater, and watching the common people treat themselves as gods, he, like many rulers, forgot his original intention of seeking the welfare of the people, and began to be complacent, spend days and nights, and enjoy comfort. One of his former fans was a general named Wu Sangui, who was fighting outside at that time and was preparing to go back to Li Zicheng, when a general under Li Zicheng coveted the beauty of Wu Sangui's wife, forcibly snatched his wife, and beat up Wu Sangui's father who tried to stop him. When Wu Sangui found out, he was furious and disappointed in Li Zicheng, only to learn that he was a faint man like the previous monarch, so he found a Qing army to unite and beat Li Zicheng out of Beijing.

He only became emperor for one day, was he doomed to lose in destiny, or was he subjectively man-made?

What makes people sigh is that the day Li Zicheng fled was exactly the day he ascended the throne, that is to say, except for the more than forty days when he spent his days in Beijing, his official time as emperor was only one day. Later, he fled all the way to Hubei, and the local villagers saw his face full of flesh, thinking that he was a bandit, so they hammered him to death with a hammer! Poor Chinese history, the only person in Chinese history who had only been emperor for one day, finally died so depressed, but he could only blame himself for violating his original intention and opposing the people.

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He only became emperor for one day, was he doomed to lose in destiny, or was he subjectively man-made?

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