
Men also have menopause! With these 5 manifestations, you should be arriving at menopause

Many people have a common-sense misconception that men do not have menopause.

"Male menopause" is often ignored by most people, including men themselves, because not all men with clinical male menopausal symptoms are not all, nor are they most.

According to its data, only 30% of men will have menopausal symptoms. Compared with female menopause, it shows that symptoms are messy but not typical due to individual differences.

Men also have menopause! With these 5 manifestations, you should be arriving at menopause

Because of the status of men in society and the family, they are often "tired at work and stressed", resulting in insomnia or irritability as a normal psychological situation and are ignored.

Especially due to individual differences, patients with more serious menopausal syndrome have more dangerous symptoms, and the more ignored the symptoms of these menopauses, the more they will bring heavy damage to the body and life.

Many men, as they get older, after the age of 45, if these 5 signs appear, it indicates that they are about to enter menopause, and we need to be vigilant.

Men also have menopause! With these 5 manifestations, you should be arriving at menopause

The first manifestation: lack of energy, often insomnia

With age, when men are about to enter menopause, their physical strength will decline, their energy will be insufficient, they are prone to fatigue, fatigue, insomnia, and severe sleep disorders. There are also people who will obviously feel a decrease in their ability to move and a decrease in their intelligence level.

In this case, we should maintain regular living habits and increase some outdoor activities, which has a certain help to enhance vitality.

Men also have menopause! With these 5 manifestations, you should be arriving at menopause

The second manifestation: mood changeable, love to lose temper

Many men are prone to changes in their mental state after the age of forty or fifty. Often lose your temper, become more impatient, and may suffer from depression in severe cases.

Depressed patients will lose enthusiasm for life, will give the people around them a nervous feeling, and the suspicion is also heavy.

Men also have menopause! With these 5 manifestations, you should be arriving at menopause

The third manifestation: frequent sweating, panic

In menopausal men, blood vessels begin to age, blood vessels harden, elasticity decreases, and vascular problems such as arteriosclerosis will follow. People are prone to flushing, panic, sweating and other situations.

At this time, routine tests should be done, and serum testosterone levels should also be monitored to further determine whether menopause is coming.

Men also have menopause! With these 5 manifestations, you should be arriving at menopause

Fourth manifestation: decreased sexual function

Male male hormone levels decline, prone to erectile dysfunction, decreased hardness, poor quality of sexual life.

In this case, we should not be too anxious, actively seek medical treatment, under the guidance of professional doctors, to a certain extent, can play a role in alleviating.

Men also have menopause! With these 5 manifestations, you should be arriving at menopause

The 5th manifestation: dyspepsia, bloating

Middle-aged men who have gastrointestinal and gastrointestinal dysfunction such as decreased appetite, bloating, constipation and dry mouth should be vigilant for symptoms of menopause in menopause.

As men age, the digestive tract will show a state of functional decline, the digestive tract will shrink, lose its elasticity, and then a series of gastrointestinal discomforts will occur.

We can eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, can not overeat, to quit smoking, limit alcohol to develop a regular diet structure, do not add burden to the digestive system.

Men also have menopause! With these 5 manifestations, you should be arriving at menopause

There are actually many manifestations of menopausal menopause, and many men may have the above 5 manifestations when they reach the age of forty or fifty, or even older.

The specific physical condition of each man is different, and the specific performance during menopause is different, and the severity is also different.

However, families should pay more attention to men of this age, especially from the psychological aspect, and take care of them.

Men also have menopause! With these 5 manifestations, you should be arriving at menopause

Although like women, male menopause is also a transitional stage of life, not the end of a happy life, but also the beginning of a new life, it is an important turning point in life, and like female menopause, it is also rich in meaning.

So, male friends, if that time comes, you may wish to accept this new journey happily and calmly.

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