
Fresh milk, skimmed milk, organic milk, high calcium milk, soothing milk, which milk is more worth buying · fresh milk • skim milk • organic milk • high calcium milk

author:Wonderful materia medica

"Milk + bread."

"Milk + buns."

It has almost become the standard for urban men and women, and it seems that they have not eaten breakfast without drinking a cup of milk in the morning, and the types of milk are also dazzling.

Xiao Miao vaguely remembers that the previous milk was all bagged, a bag is only 2 yuan, 3 yuan, drinking beautifully every day, but I don't know when the price of milk has risen, the packaging has been replaced, the brand has also been more, the variety is also more, what pure milk, fresh milk, organic milk, soothing milk, greasy milk, high calcium milk... Numerous.

But there are many types, but it is not easy to choose, so many types of milk, which one is suitable for us?

Then, today Xiao miao will make a summary of several common milks on the market.

Fresh milk, skimmed milk, organic milk, high calcium milk, soothing milk, which milk is more worth buying · fresh milk • skim milk • organic milk • high calcium milk

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="7" >· fresh milk</h1>

Milk has always been regarded as a nutritional product, of which the nutritional value of fresh milk is affirmed by many people, and most people think that fresh milk tastes better, so how much do you know about fresh milk?

Fresh milk is also known as low-temperature milk or pasteurized milk, which needs to be preserved in a low-temperature environment, the general shelf life is about 1 week, and room temperature milk refers to milk that can be preserved at room temperature, which can be seen in major supermarkets, not unopened but shelf life can be drunk, room temperature milk shelf life is some months, some are one year.

So, many people will ask, what is the difference between fresh milk and room temperature milk?

Ambient milk uses "UHT" instantaneous high-temperature sterilization technology and Tetra Pak packaging, the relative cost is low, although there is no need to add preservatives, the storage time is relatively long, but this sterilization technology will lead to the loss of some nutrients such as immunoglobulin, lactoferrin and other nutrients in room temperature milk, and the taste will become dull.

Fresh milk uses pasteurization, which generally has a relatively low temperature and can retain the nutrients in the milk, but the cost of fresh milk will be relatively high due to its short shelf life and strict requirements for the transportation process.

Fresh milk is considered to be the most complete and highest nutritional value of liquid food, second only to breast milk, which contains a variety of fats, sugars, proteins, amino acids, calcium, iron, phosphorus, etc., a variety of vitamins, antibodies and enzymes and other nutrients, not only easy to absorb, but also to meet the different nutritional needs of the human body.

Although the nutritional value of fresh milk is high, some people can not drink, such as people who are allergic to milk, people who are lactose intolerant, people with diarrhea, people with acne to avoid drinking milk, these people drink fresh milk is likely to be counterproductive!

Fresh milk, skimmed milk, organic milk, high calcium milk, soothing milk, which milk is more worth buying · fresh milk • skim milk • organic milk • high calcium milk

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="43" ></h1>

Skimmed milk is a kind of milk that has been very popular in recent years, some people say that skim milk can reduce the occurrence of cardiovascular disease, which is good for weight loss and the elderly, so is this really the case?

First of all, we need to know what skim milk is. Skimmed milk generally refers to milk that has lost part of its fat, and according to the content of fat, it can be divided into 1% skim milk, 0.5% skim milk, and 0.1% skim milk.

In our industrial production, the fat in the milk is generally extracted by centrifugation, and at home, the method of boiling and cooling can also be used to remove the milk skin or milk fat from the low-fat milk. Skimmed milk will have a poor taste due to the removal of fat components such as conjugate linoleic acid and omega-3 from milk, but other ingredients such as protein and vitamins will be retained.

In addition, the idea that skim milk is healthier is actually biased. First of all, even if it is full milk, ordinary people drinking will not cause any harm to the body at all, so ordinary people actually do not have to buy skim milk, after all, skim milk can not play a role in weight loss, but because of the removal of some excellent fat, and some merchants in order to make the taste better, will also add a variety of additives.

In addition, skim milk is relatively less nutritious and the price is not cheap, so in addition to some people whose body does not allow the intake of fat, there is no need to buy skim milk. For patients with cardiovascular diseases such as thrombosis and hyperlipidemia, drinking skim can reduce the intake of fat and cholesterol, and can drink skim milk.

Fresh milk, skimmed milk, organic milk, high calcium milk, soothing milk, which milk is more worth buying · fresh milk • skim milk • organic milk • high calcium milk

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="45" > organic milk</h1>

Recently, various brands have begun to focus on organic milk, they generally shout natural, no pesticides and other healthy concepts, so what does organic milk mean?

Organic milk refers to milk products produced in strict accordance with organic standards, focusing on pure nature and no pollution, requiring the prohibition of various chemical fertilizers, feed, additives and other chemical substances in the production process, and the requirements for transportation and storage are relatively high.

Many people think that the nutritional value of organic milk is higher, but in fact, it is mostly a marketing gimmick!

Comparing the nutritional composition of organic milk and ordinary milk, it can be found that the nutrients contained in the two are similar, organic milk contains protein and calcium of 6% and 14% respectively, while the content of ordinary milk protein and calcium is 5% and 13%, respectively, and the difference between the two is only 1%.

In fact, we do not use excessive pursuit of organic milk, after all, it is difficult to achieve really organic, dairy expert Wang Dingmian said, want to achieve organic must control the entire production process, cattle feed and various packaging, etc. there may be some pollution, the real organic is difficult to achieve 100%.

Fresh milk, skimmed milk, organic milk, high calcium milk, soothing milk, which milk is more worth buying · fresh milk • skim milk • organic milk • high calcium milk

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="46" >·high calcium milk</h1>

High calcium milk in the elderly group, more popular, it is a milk product with higher calcium content, generally through the artificial addition of calcium carbonate, milk calcium and other calcium components to increase calcium content in ordinary milk.

But if you want to supplement calcium with high-calcium milk, you're sorely mistaken!

The addition of calcium in high calcium milk like calcium carbonate will affect the body's calcium-phosphorus ratio, which is difficult to be absorbed by the human body, and some merchants will add some food additives to high-calcium milk in order to create a good taste and ensure the nutritional balance of milk products.

It is more suitable to supplement calcium through food supplements, and it is usually appropriate to eat more soy products, dried kelp, dried fungus and other foods. A variety of soy products containing calcium coagulants contain a lot of calcium ions, proper consumption can play a role in calcium supplementation, dried kelp, dried fungus and other bacteria and algae food content is also very high.

Soothing milk

Shuhua milk refers to the use of lactobacillase to break down most of the lactose in milk, decomposed into well-absorbed glucose or galactose, that is, low lactose milk, this processed shuhua milk for lactose intolerance, very suitable.

Shuhua milk is compared to ordinary milk, because of the addition of lactose, which has a low lactose content, which is very suitable for people such as diarrhea and bloating caused by lactase deficiency.

Comparative analysis of various milk products commonly found on the market fresh milk, skim milk, organic milk, high calcium milk, shuhua milk, etc. found that different milk products have advantages and disadvantages, for most people the nutritional value and taste of fresh milk is better, but some people who are allergic to milk are not suitable for drinking fresh milk.


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[3] What people really can't drink milk?.Fan Zhihong_Original Nutritional Information.2018-06-30

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[5] [Popular science nutrition] A picture to clarify: what should I eat to supplement calcium? .Clinical Nutrition Network.2021-07-11

[6] What is soothing milk. Department of Nutrition, Yanzhou Branch of Jiyi Hospital.2019-01-26

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