
D.H.APP_Horoscope of December 18, 2021


Aries, you may feel a little lost right now. Your life has changed. While many other wonderful things are the same, you might think it's a huge hurdle to overcome. However, it really isn't, unless you choose to look at it that way. In some ways, this can improve the quality of life. It can build your spiritual higher self and good karma, and if you allow it to happen, it can turn into a good thing. Think more about the beauty in life, and you will find more beauty.


You may now be unknowingly isolating yourself. You may find that there are so many chores to do that you have completely forgotten about socializing and staying connected in a natural way. Maybe you need time alone, but you also need to be aware of what you're doing, take comfort from it, and go back to where you were. If you feel a little too comfortable in loneliness, it's time to step up. The whole world misses you.


Wisdom comes from time and experience. Some of us learn faster than others. It's not always because those who learn fast are fast learners. Sometimes that's true, but sometimes it's just because the wise among us have the experience to help them accumulate certain skills. You may find that in your world, looking at a confused person, it's easy to think they don't know anything about what they're doing. Maybe they are, but maybe it's just because of their lack of experience. Can you help with that, Gemini? If so, it could be good for both of you.


Your patience may be tested today. You may find yourself suppressing rising anxiety and creating thoughts of pain, fatigue, and worry. But there's really nothing to worry about, Cancer. The Light surrounds you, and all you have to do is absorb it and make full use of its power to know it and accept it. Patience is a skill, not a talent. While this is easy for some people, if you try to do it, you will find no reason to be anxious. When you get some peace, absolutely everything will improve.


If you're feeling a little lost or confused in a new environment, that's okay. Even strong Leo sometimes craves comfort and familiarity. First, make you feel vulnerable or need warmth and kindness. Then go find a friendly face, or someone who has a way to comfort you and start your sense of humor. You're not lost, you're not confused – you're just in the adaptation phase. Everything was fine.


Because of your kindness, there may be people in your world who underestimate you. They may think that you are an easily persuaded person, or a person who is easily persuaded to do things the way they do. But that's not you, Virgo. You are not a person who can be easily defeated. You are a smart and determined person. Yes, you are kind and compassionate, but you can be a good person and also have ambition, determination and strength. But remember, being undervalued can give you the advantage you need right now. Be kind, but show your strength when it's important.


The progress of life is not always easy to see. Sometimes, in fact, it is invisible or invisible. Maybe you've made a lot of progress lately on a project that's important to you, but you don't see any signs. That's because the progress you've made is intrinsic. You are more determined. Be more open to the rewards you will receive for your efforts. You are also more open to certain outcomes now. Libra, you can't measure these things by any one measure, but you're definitely going to feel them inwardly. Acknowledge that this is progress and rejoice in it.


Scorpio, you have high expectations of someone in your life. But are these expectations too high, or too strict, or completely unrealistic? This is something you have to think about now. You may be disappointed by what happened to this person recently. But like you, they are human beings. Your expectations of them may come from your extreme admiration for them, which is fine, but if you want to maintain a healthy relationship, you need to leave some room for mistakes.


When someone wants to do something positive for themselves by breaking a habit – like smoking – most people don't stop effortlessly and suddenly. They will have to turn their attention to healthier things to occupy their minds, or they will have to calculate the huge benefits of giving up every time they want to drag it down. You're now trying to retrain yourself in some way – maybe your goal is to be more punctual, work more consistently toward one goal, or something else beneficial. Try using the way you break a habit – Sagittarius, after all you're creating a new good habit.


The challenges you face right now — you know, Capricorns — are sure to make you feel angry, frustrated, helpless, and excited. But it can also make you feel creative, inspired, lucky and smart. If you face this challenge with the latter perspective and look for all the ways it benefits you, you will definitely see the benefits of it. Use your insight, your creativity, your ingenuity and the power of your mind to overcome what you face. Don't let it beat you. Don't let it change the tone of your day. Don't let it cause you disillusionment. You are the boss of your life!


Even people who are naturally gifted have a lot to learn. For example, a gifted musician might be able to hear a beautiful piece of music and play it. But that doesn't mean they know the notes they're playing, or that they know how to read the score — essential if they want to pursue a career in music. You have a gift that will soon have the opportunity to blossom in a wonderful opportunity. But also be willing to learn, Aquarius. Even if your talent is innate, you can't close your mind and do things in a particular way. From now on, just keep doing this until you can be independent.


You may feel the distance or indifference of someone in your life. Even if you don't know what caused the rift between you, Pisces, you should be open to learning. Now is not the time to get hurt or offended. Use your innate empathy to understand how this person feels. This may not be personal to you personally. Even if you say something misunderstood – it's not because you're doing anything wrong, but because of your opinion. Concentrate on solving problems with a sensitive friend.

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