
Chengdu Media Group · Tricolor Lecture Hall opened! The first issue focuses on the deep media integration in the context of the metacosm

On December 16, in the virtual studio of Red Star News of Chengdu Media Group, three heavyweights in the field of Chinese media had a remote dialogue across time and space. The speech and roundtable with the theme of "Seeing Wisdom Media - Media Deep Integration in the Context of meta-universe" officially opened the "Smart Media and Future" series of activities of Chengdu Media Group Tricolor Lecture Hall.

What is the relationship between metaverse and intellectual media? What are the possibilities for combining artificial intelligence and virtual reality technology? How can media people improve their abilities? Professor Zhao Zizhong, Dean of the New Media Research Institute of Communication University of China, Professor Zhou Yong, Executive Dean of the School of Journalism of Chinese Min University, and Professor Zhang Taofu, Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Dean of the School of Journalism of Fudan University, were invited to jointly carry out special lectures and roundtable forums to share their recent thoughts and observations on the "meta-universe" and "smart media", and discuss the future trend of deep integration of smart media and media.

Chengdu Media Group · Tricolor Lecture Hall opened! The first issue focuses on the deep media integration in the context of the metacosm

▲Three experts have a dialogue over the air

In the past two hours of live interaction, more than 56,000 people watched the forum online and participated interactively.

It is understood that in accordance with General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on media integration development, such as "mainstream media must keep up with the times, boldly use new technologies, new mechanisms and new models, accelerate the pace of integrated development, and maximize and optimize the publicity effect", Chengdu Media Group has comprehensively advanced into the main battlefield after proposing the strategic goal of building a "smart media group" for the first time in China in 2019, leading the integration and development with advanced technology, and enhancing the ability and awareness of applying emerging media technologies. Tricolor Lecture Hall is a new brand of lectures in the fields of technology, media and cultural creation of Chengdu Media Group, which is committed to linking first-class experts and scholars at home and abroad, exploring the future development trend of media integration and cultural and creative industry development with forward-looking vision and the spirit of knowledge of qualities, and creating high-quality new lectures that serve the development of the media industry.

The big coffee said:

From the "metaverse" to the technological revolution, how can the mainstream media "recover the lost ground"?

The year 2021, which is about to pass, can be described as the first year of the "meta-universe". After changing its name from Facebook to Meta, metaversity has become a hot topic of global discussion. ZuckerBerg said: "The next stage of platforms and media will make people more immersive, you will not just watch from the sidelines, but in the 'physical Internet'." This is the 'metacosm'. ”

As a well-known expert in intellectual media and media technology in China, Professor Zhao Zizhong, dean of the Institute of New Media of communication university of China, shared his thoughts on the "metacosm" at the forum. In his view, the immersive space brought by VR vision is the prototype of the metaverse, many mature sandbox game modes have a natural "metaverse" color, and the interactive expansion of immersive concerts and virtual space real estate module construction is also based on the beneficial practice of the "metacosm" ecology.

Not only is the "meta-universe" eye-catching, but in recent years, the revolution of new communication technology has profoundly changed the pattern of news dissemination. Zhang Taofu, secretary of the party committee and executive dean of the School of Journalism of Fudan University, pointed out that the technical activity of traditional media is not enough, and it is impossible to continuously exchange space and market through the iteration of technology, resulting in the overall sinking of the new media industry, the pursuit of "eyeball economy", vicious competition in traffic and other content production chaos. With the strong promotion of the central macro policy, it has fundamentally changed the barbaric expansion of Internet content based on technological superiority and re-established the Internet order.

For the mainstream media, Zhang Taofu believes that it is necessary to rely on policy dividends, establish brand and credibility, and master technical power in order to continuously break through and gain market and discourse power. "Just by doing content, you're likely to become a part-time worker for someone else, parasitic on someone else's platform, so you have to be a platform." But this platform obviously has no standard answer, and media convergence only has a reference answer. ”

When artificial intelligence enters the field of journalism, what challenges will it bring to news practitioners? Zhou Yong, executive dean of the School of Journalism at Chinese Min University, believes that the biggest challenge may be the balance between empowered new business capabilities and replaced repetitive work. In terms of new business capabilities, technologies such as data mining, data visualization, and human-computer interaction programming have reshaped the chain of news production, empowering new opportunities and possibilities for news production, and directly affecting the identity and functional changes of news practitioners.


The questionnaire refines 35 questions to gain insight into media trends

The Tricolor Lecture Hall is not only a lecture with wisdom, but also a classroom that combines openness and interactivity. Before the meeting, the organizer distributed questionnaires to hundreds of media practitioners through online and offline channels, and distilled 35 questions among the many questions collected. At the roundtable, the three deans interacted with the media practitioners of the institutional media according to the on-site answers to the high-frequency questions collected by the organizers in the early stage.

The concept of "meta-universe" is hot, is it a hype, or a new track of science and technology? Zhao Zizhong believes that the "meta-universe" is still in the stage from the concept introduction period to the technology introduction period, and the hype may lead to the premature death of the industry, but the direction of the "meta-universe" applied to the next generation of internet technology breakthroughs is worth looking forward to.

"We may as well treat it calmly, give more in-depth thinking with the development of technical conditions, let the 'meta-universe' system bring more possibilities for the development of the Internet, and bring more beneficial thinking and exploration to our science and technology, life and development." Zhao Zizhong said.

Will traditional journalist writing be replaced by AI writing? "Traditional patterned writing is already difficult to compete with artificial intelligence," Zhou Yong believes that the future needs to clarify the boundary, that is, news production should return to humanity, care for ethics, attach importance to creative creativity, let technology as the underlying structure to change the internal logic and external form of information dissemination, let ethics and speculation illuminate and reflect on the future development direction.

"Knowing what step the international and domestic intellectual media have taken and what kind of results have been achieved, this information is an important foundation for guiding our news production." Wang Zhuoran, responsible editor of the Video and Vision Center of Red Star News, said.

"The rapid development of technology has put forward higher requirements for journalists," said Wang Xueyu, a reporter at Chengdu Daily, adding that the first tricolor lecture hall opened her horizons and made her feel that on the road of journalistic practice, practitioners need to continuously improve their technology and improve the accessibility of communication.

It is reported that the chengdu media group tricolor lecture hall "smart media and the future" series of activities will continue to be carried out next year. The series of lectures will link experts and industry leaders, discuss the current development of smart media technology at home and abroad from a macro and panoramic perspective, start from specific cases, show the basic situation of successful international media group or smart media construction, and then explore the role of Emerging Media Technology of the Internet in building a smart city.

Endless Innovation:

Chengdu Media Group moves towards the deep integration of intellectual media industry

In October 2018, when presiding over the ninth collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that artificial intelligence is a strategic technology leading this round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change, and has a strong head goose effect of spillover and driving.

In 2019, Chengdu Media Group, which ranked first in the national similar newspaper group with comprehensive communication influence and ranked among the top three similar newspaper groups in the country for 8 consecutive years in terms of overall economic scale, took the lead in proposing the concept of "smart media group" at the group level, clearly taking "new smart media group" as an important part of the group's strategic goals, and pioneering the development of the national media industry.

Innovation and reform, unceasing.

At present, Chengdu Media Group is leading the in-depth integration and development of media with Internet thinking, international thinking, intercity comparative thinking and "APP, interaction, platformization and intelligence", promoting the main force to fully advance into the main battlefield and making every effort to build key new media brands. As of the end of November, the number of users of Chengdu Media Group's news and information new media has increased from 90 million at the beginning of 2019 to 270 million at present.

In the future, the Group will continue to promote the major requirements for the in-depth integration and development of media in the central government, benchmark domestic benchmark media, reconstruct the top-level design of media integration and development with Internet thinking, all-media perspective and world coordinates, lead the matrix construction with "APP, interaction, platformization and intelligence", establish an all-media communication system with content construction as the foundation, advanced technology as the support, and innovative management as the guarantee, and realize the comprehensive Internetization of the Group's media, the Internetization of all members of the collection and editing team, and the comprehensive video of the product matrix. Form an all-media communication pattern that integrates and integrates into one, and accelerate the development towards a new type of intelligent media group based on China's influence on the world. By 2025, the group's comprehensive strength and communication level will rank among the top three similar media groups in the country, forming a number of national "singles champions" with international influence, such as Red Star News and Daily Economic News.

Red Star News reporter Zhong Qianni

Intern Editor Xiang Caixia

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