
After World War II, one of Hitler's female nurses was sentenced to death, and before her execution, she made a shameless request to the judge

Since the German blitzkrieg against Poland, no one had imagined that this would be the beginning of the second world war.

After Germany's defeat in World War I, it had to bear the problem of post-war reparations, while domestic economic contradictions were sharp and national sentiments were repeatedly frustrated.

Hitler took advantage of popular hatred of the Treaty of Versailles and the sense of crisis brought about by economic hardship to turn nationalism directly into national revabrigism.

Nazism thus came to the fore, first of all pointing the contradiction to the Jews at home.

After World War II, one of Hitler's female nurses was sentenced to death, and before her execution, she made a shameless request to the judge

At that time, Hitler trumpeted the theory of national superiority, that the Germans were a great nation, and that the Jews were inferior peoples that should be abandoned, eliminated, and even exterminated.

Nazism used all kinds of methods to incite hatred of the local military and civilians against Jews, and in the beginning, Jews were only restricted from traveling and wearing Jewish symbols.

As the Nazis continued to advance on the battlefields of Europe, the Nazi Party's anti-Semitic policies became more and more extreme, and eventually evolved into a great ethnic cleansing movement.

It was only at that time, encouraged by Hitler's speech, that the German people also fell into the abyss of Nazis, and countless Nazi fanatics emerged.

The women of Germany, in particular, millions of whom were so bewildered by Hitler's preaching that they abandoned the most original elegance of women.

Putting on a Nazi uniform, he stretched out his right arm, shouted slogans, and threw the stick and whip in his hand at the innocent Jews.

After World War II, one of Hitler's female nurses was sentenced to death, and before her execution, she made a shameless request to the judge

The most well-known of these female Nazis is Irma Glazer, who is a beautiful Nazi female guard, but a poisonous female demon.

Especially for the beautiful female prisoner's heart, today Xiaobian will talk about this woman.

She didn't have any prominent family background, just was born in an ordinary city in Germany.

She had chosen a great profession — nurse, life-saving, angelic symbolism, but none of this had anything to do with her.

After World War II, one of Hitler's female nurses was sentenced to death, and before her execution, she made a shameless request to the judge

She became a Nazi fanatic at an early age, and after graduation, she did not choose to become a nurse, but became a female guard in a concentration camp.

She did the job with almost no transition period: killing, torturing, mutilating.

Just 19 years old, he had an envied medal, because his work performance was very "outstanding", and finally became the warden.

After World War II, one of Hitler's female nurses was sentenced to death, and before her execution, she made a shameless request to the judge

She can have such "achievements" thanks to her "viciousness", and she also has her own "principles" when choosing the target of torture.

That is, in the concentration camp, you can't appear prettier than yourself, followed by not being fuller than yourself, and finally pregnant women.

As for why she was pregnant, her logic was this, she was afraid that the female prisoner could give birth to a child that was more beautiful than herself, so she was right to kill her.

After World War II, one of Hitler's female nurses was sentenced to death, and before her execution, she made a shameless request to the judge

So for those women who are aging, who describe them as withered, they are not very interested, but the matter of sending them to the gas chambers is unambiguous.

Therefore, in the female prisoner, there is a saying that when you meet Glazer, the beauty has only one way to die.

This arrogance, until he was escorted to the defendant's seat at the trial, disappeared and turned into panic.

After World War II, one of Hitler's female nurses was sentenced to death, and before her execution, she made a shameless request to the judge

When she learned that she had been sentenced to death, she kept shouting that she had been wronged, and that she was just an executor of her superiors' orders.

In order to exonerate himself, he even pleaded with the judge and made a shameless request!

After World War II, one of Hitler's female nurses was sentenced to death, and before her execution, she made a shameless request to the judge

Speaking in unfamiliar English in front of a British judge, he was willing to be his maid, including the possibility to accompany him to bed.

It's just that all this has no meaning, and he was finally sentenced to death. Where the devil comes from, it has to go.

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