
2021 "Milk Tea Contempt Chain" Picture Book, the young people's milk tea consumption concept, too surprising 2021 Milk Tea Contempt Chain Illustration Milk Tea belongs to the social currency Milk Tea Contempt Chain Root

author:A new era in food and beverage

Recently with friends to eat dinner, in the dinner, friends frowned bitterly, after inquiry, friends said, "girlfriend every day to drink a cup of 30 yuan of hi tea", most of the time is he to buy, met the weekend or holiday, but also like to go to the milk tea shop to sit for an hour or two, each time to spend more than a hundred yuan.

And the friend's salary is more than five thousand yuan a month, except for the mortgage and car loan, there is very little left. Now that the money is used to drink milk tea and buy clothes, I can't save money every month and rely on flowers to get by.

2021 "Milk Tea Contempt Chain" Picture Book, the young people's milk tea consumption concept, too surprising 2021 Milk Tea Contempt Chain Illustration Milk Tea belongs to the social currency Milk Tea Contempt Chain Root

Talked to his girlfriend several times, but still the same, once saw Michelle Ice City on the street, a friend bought a cup for his girlfriend, did not expect that the girlfriend was disgusted, directly returned to him, said: "You also drink this milk tea?" ”

This sentence made the friend very sad, the two people have quarreled many times because of the milk tea thing, this time the friend asked me: "I really can't stand it, I want to break up!" Do you think it's time to break up? ”

Emotional things, outsiders are naturally inconvenient to intervene, it is not convenient to provide advice, I told my friends, in fact, drinking milk tea, there is also a chain of contempt.

2021 "Milk Tea Contempt Chain" Picture Book, the young people's milk tea consumption concept, too surprising 2021 Milk Tea Contempt Chain Illustration Milk Tea belongs to the social currency Milk Tea Contempt Chain Root

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > 2021 Milk Tea Contempt Chain Illustrated</h1>

Recently I saw a picture on the Internet, called "2021 Milk Tea Contempt Chain Atlas", in this picture, the matter of drinking milk tea is divided into four echelon levels, and each level despises each other.

2021 "Milk Tea Contempt Chain" Picture Book, the young people's milk tea consumption concept, too surprising 2021 Milk Tea Contempt Chain Illustration Milk Tea belongs to the social currency Milk Tea Contempt Chain Root

Careful netizens will find that this chain of contempt is actually distinguished according to the price of milk tea, such as the tea in the first echelon and milk tea, the average price of milk tea is about 30 yuan, just like a friend's girlfriend, people who drink 30 yuan of milk tea look down on drinking 8 yuan of Michelle Ice City.

After seeing this picture, I was surprised, and the concept of milk tea consumption of young people is really too surprising! However, if you think about it, in fact, which industry has a chain of contempt, such as people who use Huawei mobile phones look down on Xiaomi, people who use Xiaomi mobile phones naturally look down on people who use Huawei, and everyone despises each other.

2021 "Milk Tea Contempt Chain" Picture Book, the young people's milk tea consumption concept, too surprising 2021 Milk Tea Contempt Chain Illustration Milk Tea belongs to the social currency Milk Tea Contempt Chain Root

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="11" > milk tea is a social currency</h1>

For today's young people, drinking milk tea is not simply drinking this action.

On April 2, tens of thousands of people in Shenzhen lined up to buy tea, and many people may not understand why some people would queue for three or four hours to buy a cup of milk tea? These people's brains are not abnormal.

But in fact, for the people in line, I queued for three or four hours in Shenzhen, bought a cup of milk tea, the scalpers have increased the price by 800 yuan, and now this cup of milk tea is no longer ordinary milk tea, how can a cup of 10 yuan of ordinary milk tea be compared with this cup of milk tea?

Then take the opportunity to send a circle of friends, and it must be a queue scene with many people, and then sigh the number of people, sigh the hard road to purchase, and then sit and wait for everyone to like and comment.

This is the consumer psychology of today's young people, winning attention, winning the attention of others, and winning a sense of self-perceived superiority.

2021 "Milk Tea Contempt Chain" Picture Book, the young people's milk tea consumption concept, too surprising 2021 Milk Tea Contempt Chain Illustration Milk Tea belongs to the social currency Milk Tea Contempt Chain Root

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="17" > the root of the milk tea contempt chain</h1>

Although they are all milk teas, due to the different brand positioning, the prices and products sold are also different, such as the first echelon of hi tea, Nai Xue's tea main product fruit tea, fresh fruit to make milk tea, the price is higher.

Other milk tea shops such as Little Point, Michelle Ice City, etc., are more cost-effective, relying on affordable prices to attract many student parties and people with lower spending power.

One is what people think of as the high-end market, and the other is what people often call the low-end market.

2021 "Milk Tea Contempt Chain" Picture Book, the young people's milk tea consumption concept, too surprising 2021 Milk Tea Contempt Chain Illustration Milk Tea belongs to the social currency Milk Tea Contempt Chain Root

The difference between various consumer classes leads to the fact that everyone's demand for milk tea is also different, for example, like many boys, it is difficult to drink milk tea once a year, and for many young women, drinking milk tea is the same as drinking coffee, to have a tone.

The feeling of sitting in a milk tea shop for 30 yuan a cup is better than going to a shop for 8 yuan a cup, making people feel that they are more high-end and more consuming.

But behind this, in fact, the merchant has long planned, milk tea is not expensive, they like it.

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