
China and this country have no vendetta, but they are making things difficult for our country at every turn, and now the fate is not worthy of sympathy

As we all know, in the last century, China experienced a period of unforgettable past; due to the corruption and incompetence of the Qing government, it led to the invasion of many Western powers, forcing us to sign many treaties that humiliated our country, resulting in the loss of a large amount of materials, the loss of a large amount of territory, and the devastation of the West. Therefore, our country is well aware of the principle that backwardness will be beaten, so it began to devote itself to the development of all aspects, and after decades of rapid development, it has now become a world power, and the overall comprehensive strength is constantly improving.

China and this country have no vendetta, but they are making things difficult for our country at every turn, and now the fate is not worthy of sympathy

Since the founding of New China, although China is constantly developing its own strength, but we will never take the initiative to launch war against any country, because China has always followed the five principles of peaceful coexistence, in foreign policy is also never interfered in the internal affairs of other countries, and even in the process of development will help some small countries with backward development, just because of China's friendship, many countries are willing to take the initiative to make good friends with our country, but what people do not expect is that there is a country, China and this country have no vendetta. But it is difficult for our country everywhere, and now the end is not worthy of sympathy.

China and this country have no vendetta, but they are making things difficult for our country at every turn, and now the fate is not worthy of sympathy

This country is Poland, an important country in Europe, whether in ancient history or modern history, there is no intersection between China and Poland, and it is not even known that there is a Polish country, but Poland openly supports Japan's invasion of China, which is simply shameful. First of all, after the end of World War I, China was the victorious power, at that time we wanted to take back the Jiaodong Peninsula occupied by Germany before, but in the negotiations of the Paris Peace Conference, Japan stood up and said that it wanted to occupy the rights and interests of China's Shandong, at that time China was very opposed, but China was not strong at that time, countries were silent, no country spoke for us, but at this time Poland actually jumped out to openly support Japan's approach, so that China lost all face.

China and this country have no vendetta, but they are making things difficult for our country at every turn, and now the fate is not worthy of sympathy

In addition, after the September 18 Incident, Japan's wanton killing on Chinese territory brought great harm to our country, and many countries at that time condemned Japan's behavior, including Britain and the United States, and even Japan's allies did not speak out of support, but then Poland jumped out again, openly supported Japan's invasion of China, and also sent top code-breaking experts to help Japan's Kwantung Army. Immediately after the 77 Incident, when the world anti-fascism officially began, such acts were condemned by the whole world, but Poland still stood up and openly supported Japan.

China and this country have no vendetta, but they are making things difficult for our country at every turn, and now the fate is not worthy of sympathy

This series of shameless acts of Poland is incomprehensible, our country has never offended and let them go, so why have they repeatedly opposed us, in fact, Poland is eyeing Japan's containment of the Soviet Union, in history, Russia has occupied a lot of Polish territory, and hates Tsarist Russia very much, so Poland very much hopes that Japan will attack and contain the Soviet Union from the eastern front, so that Poland will be stable and will not be harmed, but they will base their security on supporting and hurting our country, which is simply unacceptable. However, in the end, their wishful thinking failed, after all, good has good rewards, and evil has evil rewards.

China and this country have no vendetta, but they are making things difficult for our country at every turn, and now the fate is not worthy of sympathy

After the outbreak of World War II, the Soviet Union and Germany joined forces to directly dismember Poland, Poland was soon destroyed under the attack of the German army, Poland was divided into two under the partition of the Soviet Union and Germany, such a fate is lamentable, but it is also their deserved, after that attack Poland has not developed, so far they have encountered any difficulties, no country has stepped forward to help them, including Japan, which they once supported, it can be said that no one cares about it in the world. It is precisely because their behavior in history is unforgivable, self-inflicted sins can not live this sentence to describe Poland is the best, on the contrary, China, although it has been hit hard, but we do not accept defeat, after continuous development, now have a certain status and discourse power in the international community, but also tell us a truth, only if they are strong, there will be no one to provoke.

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